04-05-2009, 10:05 PM
By Michiru Oshima. Anyone got it or know where to find it?

04-07-2009, 04:46 PM
It seems there won't be any release for this Anime's Soundtrack.

I've already made the request here and no answers -_- :
Thread 64214

04-10-2009, 10:11 PM

04-17-2009, 09:32 AM
I only just spotted this: On Michiru Oshima's official website, she has made a diary entry where she talks about recording Xam'd in Paris. She says the soundtrack will be released eventually. (Or at least that's what Google Translate says she said!)

If anybody has better Japanese than I do...:


So maybe we won't have long to wait!

04-18-2009, 08:47 PM
Okay thanks for the information Danny.

04-19-2009, 07:54 AM
I only just spotted this: On Michiru Oshima's official website, she has made a diary entry where she talks about recording Xam'd in Paris. She says the soundtrack will be released eventually. (Or at least that's what Google Translate says she said!)

If anybody has better Japanese than I do...:


So maybe we won't have long to wait!

Thanks. Anything to keep hope alive for such great music.

Now if only there was anything on a Darker than Black OST 2 or Macross Frontier OST 3. So many Kanno tracks cruely abandoned, left to scrounge for scraps to get by in the cold, dank underbelly of japanese tv reruns and youtube.

But that's neither here nor there. :p

04-20-2009, 12:19 AM
I can't believe there isn't a third soundtrack for Frontier. The first two sold RIDICULOUSLY well and there's certainly enough unreleased music to justify an album... Perhaps one is in the pipeline...

05-01-2009, 11:09 AM
Do you know when the game of the anime's adaptation will be released ?
Maybe it will contain the same musics as the anime ... maybe

06-14-2009, 07:52 PM
You certainly know it but the soundtrack will be released the 22nd of July ;) :

06-15-2009, 05:46 PM
Thanks for the info!
Best score of 2008.

07-22-2009, 05:29 AM
Today the soundtrack has been released. Does anyone got a link?

07-22-2009, 06:10 PM
Anyone =) ? I know it will be a hard task to find this soudtrack the day of its release but if someone has a link, please share it, even if it's on japanese servers.

07-22-2009, 10:00 PM
I really want this particular soundtrack, and since tomorrow I'll be leaving on vacation for a week, having this soundtrack today would be a fantastic treat for my mp3. If anyone has it, please upload it.

07-23-2009, 09:55 PM
Okay, who here has this soundtrack? I demand answers people!

07-26-2009, 05:27 AM

Any torrent <.<???

07-27-2009, 04:09 AM
I am waiting for this ost too。

07-27-2009, 08:36 PM
Any news would be appreciated =)

07-28-2009, 11:33 AM

07-31-2009, 04:05 AM
Any legit torrents of the OST at least? Anything?

Seriously, at this rate, I'm just going to purchase the CD myself.

08-01-2009, 12:18 AM
Not a bad idea... With Oshima, nobody really needs to try before you buy. Just buy. ;)

08-04-2009, 08:31 PM
Here we go:

Xam'd OST [Disc 1] (
Xam'd OST [Disc 2] (

Just uploaded, let me know if everything downloads/extracts the way it's supposed to. Enjoy!

08-04-2009, 09:50 PM
Here we go:

Xam'd OST [Disc 1] (
Xam'd OST [Disc 2] (

Just uploaded, let me know if everything downloads/extracts the way it's supposed to. Enjoy!

OH GOD, fucking finally. Thank you so much. <3

08-04-2009, 11:46 PM
so, any hope for some track names?^^;

08-05-2009, 03:29 AM
Just uploaded, let me know if everything downloads/extracts the way it's supposed to. Enjoy!
Thanks for sharing, zentulip. The anime sucked balls, but the music was pretty good.

so, any hope for some track names?^^;

08-05-2009, 03:41 AM

Never give up! Never surrender!

1. 太陽の祖母 Grandmother of the Sun
2. Two. 群青に進む船 Ultramarine blue boat to go
3. Three. 胎動の扉が開く Kick the door open
4. Four. 童心~戯れ~ Kid - lark --
5. Five. 童心~好奇心~ Innocence ~ curiosity ~
6. Six. 車窓 黒く光る海 Sea gleaming black train window
7. 7. それぞれの企み Each企MI
8. 8. 堕夢人のテーマ~現に一添えの想い~ The theme of thousands of people with a fact堕夢~ ~
9. Nine. 衝突 積年の想い Longstanding ambition collide
10. Ten. 礼拝~再誕の儀~ Birthday prayer ceremony to re -
11. 11. ヒトガタ~人類への復讐~ ~ ~ HITOGATA revenge for mankind
12. 12. 立ち続け 上を見よ Look up on the continued
13. 13. 忘れえぬ優しさ ENU forget kindness
14. 14. 帰還 朝陽 Chaoyang feedback
15. Fifteen. 望郷 Homesick
16. 16. 終わらない哀しみ哀SHIMI finish
17. 17. ハル 私の大切な人 A special place in my Hull
18. 18. 共犯 逃げられぬ場所 Location accomplice fled unstoppable
19. 19. 南大陸自由圏 Free zone south of the continent
20. 20. 水の中を揺らす風 Stir the water in the wind
21. 21. 眠れない子供たち The children can not sleep
22. 22. 鍛錬 Training
23. 23. 噛み合わぬ心 Heart噛MI合WANU
24. 24. 悪意のひとつもない戦い Not fight one evil
25. 25. 夕陽に濃くおちる影 Darker shadow to fall sunset
26. 26. ぬくもりと旅する二人 They travel and warmth
27. 27. ナキアミ 届かない気持ち I received NAKIAMI
28. 28. 深く眠る緑心石 Sleep deep green stone heart
29. 29. 咲く乱 暴力 Violent turbulence bloom
30. 30. 戦禍~魂の回収~ Ravages of war to recover the soul ~
31. 31. 散りゆく御霊 Spirit gradually surface flash
32. 32. 回想 気持ちは一緒 I will reminisce with
33. 33. 華 カキスキススカッキ KAKISUKISUSUKAKKI China
34. 34. 親子のかくれんぼ Hide and seek in the family
35. 35. 前へ ゆっくりと一歩ずつ Slowly and step by step to the front
36. 36. 君子の金言~敵について~ Kimiko's dictum about the enemy ~ ~
37. 37. アマウの原~悲しみのない世界~ Hara AMAU world without sorrow ~ ~
38. 38. 決意 裸足デ行ク Line network barefoot de determination
39. 39. 想いは走る Feelings are running
40. 40. 堕夢人のテーマ~言葉なく泣くだけの二人~ The theme of the only two people堕夢to cry without words --
41. 41. 金剛塔 第十七禁漁区 The no-fishing area 70 Tower Kongo
42. 42. 実験 Experimental
43. 43. 世界が作った醜い子 Made the world ugly child
44. 44. 誕生 ヒルケン皇帝 Birth of Emperor Ken Hill
45. 45. 敗戦国のヒューマニズム Humanism of the defeated nation
46. 46. 闇に咲く 日輪の羽 Winged sun disk in bloom in the darkness
47. 47. 極東自治区~ASP部隊~ ~ ~ ASP Forces Far East region
48. 48. 揺れる心 Trembling heart
49. 49. どうしても聞こえなくなってゆく声 Inaudible voice is absolutely necessary
50. 50. ヒルコ~はぐれた子供達~ Children being separated HIRUKO ~ ~
51. 51. ずっと 秘めていた言葉 The long term potential
52. 52. 大巡礼~咲いて散る魂~ Great Pilgrimage to soul to fall in bloom
53. 53. 愛 私を殺しに来い I love to kill me
54. 54. 亡き魂の邂逅邂逅dead soul
55. 55. ナキアミ 夜はまた来る The night comes NAKIAMI
56. 56. 名を与えし者 堕夢人 Given the name of the person who堕夢
57. 57. そして旅はつづく And the journey continued
58. 58. あなたは今 私の中に入っています You are now inside me
59. 59. 堕夢人のテーマ~届かない手紙~ Subjects who received a letter堕夢~ ~
60. 60. 再会 微笑むあなた You smiled again

1 - 30 is Disc 1, 31 - 60 is Disc 2.

08-05-2009, 05:13 AM
Here we go:

Xam'd OST [Disc 1] (
Xam'd OST [Disc 2] (

Just uploaded, let me know if everything downloads/extracts the way it's supposed to. Enjoy!


Thank you. I love u dude.

08-05-2009, 07:20 AM
Thank you zentulip from like 20+ people xD

08-05-2009, 10:04 AM
Yh thanks a lot!

btw are there 30 tracks or 60 tracks on the whole ost?

Im missing one track, where in ep 14 akiyuki tranforms into the xamd. Or ist it on the ost and I just miss it?

08-05-2009, 01:37 PM
Yh thanks a lot!

btw are there 30 tracks or 60 tracks on the whole ost?

Im missing one track, where in ep 14 akiyuki tranforms into the xamd. Or ist it on the ost and I just miss it?

There are 2 cds, each with 30 tracks.

08-05-2009, 02:54 PM
I'll go as far to say that this is superior to her Fullmetal Alchemist work. There is just more emotion and personality going on here than in her FMA work. The tracks are just beautiful.

As for the show itself what I've seen is ultimately disappointing but I'll give BONES credit for trying something new and experimental, much like how Eureka Seven and Wolf's Rain were quite experimental series when they were released. Xam'd uses an entirely different distribution method, the Playstation Network, and I'll give BONES props for giving that a shot, as well as using a pair of English-language OP themes by the Boom Boom Satellites (too bad neither of their songs show up here, even in TV-size format).

08-05-2009, 03:15 PM
My bad, I thought all was extracted at once but i had to do it twice, it worked now thanks a lot!

08-06-2009, 02:13 AM
Man, I have been looking for the soundtrack for months. Took me ages to just find out it was released on July the 22nd, and even since then I've been looking everywhere on the internet. I was literally just about to give up hope when I stumbled across this topic on google and found this sweet site. Thanks man, you rule. I'll be sticking around the site too, if theres stuff like this to be had!

08-06-2009, 04:18 PM
I'll go as far to say that this is superior to her Fullmetal Alchemist work. There is just more emotion and personality going on here than in her FMA work. The tracks are just beautiful.

As for the show itself what I've seen is ultimately disappointing but I'll give BONES credit for trying something new and experimental, much like how Eureka Seven and Wolf's Rain were quite experimental series when they were released. Xam'd uses an entirely different distribution method, the Playstation Network, and I'll give BONES props for giving that a shot, as well as using a pair of English-language OP themes by the Boom Boom Satellites (too bad neither of their songs show up here, even in TV-size format).

Lol sony asked bones to do it , for their PSN and gave free hand in creativity, animestudios or gamcompanies dont try creative stuff just like that.
Sony do that alot, with teamcio, Demonsouls and even in anime department now, so props to sony.

08-07-2009, 03:42 AM
THANK YOU! My ears will reach heaven tonight.

08-08-2009, 03:33 AM
It's a fantastic soundtrack, borderline perfect. It's so moving and bursting with life. It manages to be both epic and subtle, joyful and sad. It's an 11/10. A masterpiece.

Since I hadn't seen a proper translation yet, I translated the tracklist for you. I don't guarantee that everything is correct, but I hope there are no major mistakes. Some parts were a bit ambiguous. I also did the occasional minor change so that the title sounded better. Enjoy~

Xam'd: Lost Memories - Original Soundtrack
Tracklist by Valle

CD 1
01. Grandmother of the Sun ( Sannova ) / 太陽の祖母 (サンノオバ)
02. The Ultramarine Blue Ship Advances / 群青に進む船
03. The Door to the Quickening is Opened / 胎動の扉が開く
04. Innocence ~ Playful ~ / 童心~戯れ~
05. Innocence ~ Curiosity ~ / 童心~好奇心~
06. Car Window - The Sea's Blackened Glow / 車窓 黒く光る海
07. Each One's Intrigue / それぞれの企み
08. Theme of the Man from the Fallen Dream ( Xam'd ) ~ Thoughts of the Present Gather into One ~ / 堕夢人(ザムド)のテーマ~現に一添えの想い~
09. Collision - Longstanding Feelings / 衝突 積年の想い
10. Worship ~ Resurrection Ceremony ~ / 礼拝~再誕の儀~
11. Humanoids ( Hitogata ) ~ Mankind's Revenge ~ / ヒトガタ~人類への復讐~
12. Still Standing - Looking Above / 立ち続け 上を見よ
13. A Kindness I Can't Forget / 忘れえぬ優しさ
14. Returning to Our Birthplace - Morning Sunlight / 帰還 朝陽
15. Nostalgia / 望郷
16. Endless Sorrow / 終わらない哀しみ
17. Haru - The Person Dear to Me / ハル 私の大切な人
18. Complicity - Inescapable Place / 共犯 逃げられぬ場所
19. Southern Continent Free Zone / 南大陸自由圏
20. Wind Stirring the Water / 水の中を揺らす風
21. Children Not Sleeping / 眠れない子供たち
22. Training / 鍛錬
23. Hearts that Don't Match / 噛み合わぬ心
24. Fighting One Who's Not Evil / 悪意のひとつもない戦い
25. Darker Shadows Fall at Sunset / 夕陽に濃くおちる影
26. The Warmth When We Travel Together / ぬくもりと旅する二人
27. Nakiami - Unreachable Feelings / ナキアミ 届かない気持ち
28. The Green Stone Heart's Deep Sleep / 深く眠る緑心石
29. Blooming Rebellion - Violence / 咲く乱 暴力
30. Ravages of War ~ The Soul Collection ~ / 戦禍~魂の回収~

CD 2

31. The Parting of a Scattered Spirit / 散りゆく御霊
32. Reminiscence - That Same Feeling / 回想 気持ちは一緒
33. Flowers - Kaki Suki Susu Kakki / 華 カキスキススカッキ
34. Family Playing Hide and Seek / 親子のかくれんぼ
35. Move Forth - Slowly, Step by Step / 前へ ゆっくりと一歩ずつ
36. Wise Man's Saying ~ About the Enemy ~ / 君子の金言~敵について~
37. Amau Plateau ~ A World Without Sadness ~ / アマウの原~悲しみのない世界~
38. Determination - Proceeding Barefooted / 決意 裸足デ行ク
39. Running Feelings / 想いは走る
40. Theme of the Man from the Fallen Dream ( Xam'd ) ~ Only the Two of Us, We Cry Without Words ~ / 堕夢人(ザムド)のテーマ~言葉なく泣くだけの二人~
41. Diamond Tower - 17th Restricted Area / 金剛塔 第十七禁漁区
42. Experiment / 実験
43. The Ugly Child Whom the World Created / 世界が作った醜い子
44. Birth - Hiruken Emperor / 誕生 ヒルケン皇帝
45. Defeated Country's Humanism / 敗戦国のヒューマニズム
46. Blooming in the Darkness - The Sun's Feathers / 闇に咲く 日輪の羽
47. Far East Autonomy ~ ASP Units ~ - 極東自治区~ASP部隊~
48. Wavering Heart / 揺れる心
49. A Voice That Can't Be Heard By Any Means / どうしても聞こえなくなってゆく声
50. Hiruko ~ The Children who got Separated ~ / ヒルコ~はぐれた子供達~
51. The Words I Hid For a Long Time / ずっと 秘めていた言葉
52. Great Pilgrimage ~ Souls in Bloom Fall ~ / 大巡礼~咲いて散る魂~
53. Love - Come and Kill Me / 愛 私を殺しに来い
54. A Departed Soul's Chance Meeting / 亡き魂の邂逅
55. Nakiami - Night Comes Again / ナキアミ 夜はまた来る
56. I Give you my Name - The Man from the Fallen Dream / 名を与えし者 堕夢人
57. And the Journey Continues / そして旅はつづく
58. You are Now Inside of Me / あなたは今 私の中に入っています
59. Theme of the Man from the Fallen Dream (Xam'd) ~ Undelivered Letter ~ / 堕夢人(ザムド)のテーマ~届かない手紙~
60. Reunion - You Smiled / 再会 微笑むあなた

08-11-2009, 10:12 AM
Eh, i wouldn't go with those translations at all. They are obvious just done with something like google translator.

08-11-2009, 06:16 PM
Eh, i wouldn't go with those translations at all. They are obvious just done with something like google translator.

They're a lot more natural than the previous translation, that's for sure.