03-26-2009, 01:07 PM
I'm looking for some good ambient music, so I'm wondering what you guys recommend. Some of the songs in the Metroid games (specifically the Prime series) and R-Type games (Delta, Final, and Tactics) are right along the lines of what I'm interested in because of their serious tone and slow tempo.

I don't mind what genre the game is from, so feel free to mention any game you can think of. :)

03-26-2009, 11:37 PM
I think the "Abandoner" and "No Reality" soundtracks might be worth a spin.

You could also try the Parasite Eve 2 soundtrack, the Phantasy Star Online soundtracks, and the Baroque soundtrack.

03-27-2009, 05:22 AM
Ambient music? Well there's Silent Hill and Resident Evil for starters, if you're interested in creepy ambiance music, although the first SH is the only one that has a bunch of in-game ambiance tracks, the others are mostly non-game tracks and music played during cutscenes and such.
Also try the soundtrack of Dead Space, the main theme is scary.

The Super Metroid OST is also a good option, but some of the tracks are incomplete (like the music played in the reddish area of Brinstar) and I read other tracks end up abruptly.

03-28-2009, 03:57 AM
Doom 64. Xenogears might have a few tracks too.

03-28-2009, 09:08 PM
Fallout 1 and 2 are my recommendation to you. Dark Ambient at it's best.

03-28-2009, 10:34 PM
I'd suggest taking the Manhunt soundtrack for a listen or at best a gamerip which would contain all those extra ambient tracks not featured on an official soundtrack.

04-06-2009, 08:20 PM
How about Mass Effect? the ost is on youtube if you want to check it out. I thought about this one when I read ambient --

04-10-2009, 08:46 AM
Thanks for all the recommendations. Some of the soundtracks have a really distinct style that I enjoy very much (like kt2's music in Abandoner and No Reality) while others are quite haunting and evil-sounding (Silent Hill, Fallout, Manhunt, etc.). I'd like to add a few titles to this topic for those who are interested in ambient/moody/evil/weird music. Check out:

American McGee's Alice
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD version)
Fatal Frame
Haunting Ground
Parasite Eve

04-12-2009, 07:16 AM
The Guild Wars: Factions soundtrack is amazingly ambient 95% of the time. I love it.

04-12-2009, 06:26 PM
I wouldn't expect less from Jeremy Soule.

04-13-2009, 09:14 PM
fatal frame 1 2 and 3.
you want creepy/scary/heartattacking ambiance? thats the only answers.

04-16-2009, 06:04 PM
Best creepy-ambient soundtrack out there, in my opinion, is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadows of Chernobyl. Close your eyes while listening to that, and you're in a totally different place.

04-17-2009, 01:13 AM
For ambient, off the top of my head, some good ones would be: Resident Evil 2, Parasite Eve, Final Fantasy VII and VIII have a few ambient tracks, Max PAyne has a few, Condemned, Silent Hill, Manhunt is all ambient. Pretty much anything stealth or horror related might apply.

04-19-2009, 01:04 AM
Perfect Dark, Perfect Dark, and... Perfect Dark :P Plus whatever everyone else has said.

Oh, and Goldeneye 007 as well.

05-12-2009, 12:09 PM
I'm mostly on ambience of horror. but...

I would recommed:

Eternal darkness sanitys requiem
Ecco songs of time
Phantasy star online (the part 1 of each level)
American mcgees alice
Resident evil soundtracks....