03-25-2009, 01:18 PM
With this post I wanna introduce to you one of the best polish film music composer Michał Lorenc. Maybe he's not as skilled (nor as popular) as Kilar or Kaczmarek (Lorenc never attended to any music school), but his music has something what I would call soul. He often uses saxophone and lot of his scores has very jazzy feeling. But not the one I wanna share with you;). And since I'm not good when it comes to talk 'bout music, so let the music talk by itself...


... and here's the link to this score. It's from the movie Bandyta (aka Brute).


Music is performed by Sinfonia Varsovia. Very touching, full of Eastern Europe colour (inspired by folk etc.) although maybe a bit monothematic, but after all beautiful thing. Definitely different than standard Hollywood score, so if U wanna listen to something a bit unordinary, than check this out.

Track listing (with lousy translation:))

1. Mro iło
2. Taniec Eleny / Elenas Dance
3. Bruce i Elena / Bruce and Elena
4. Pogoń / Chase
5. Temat Eleny / Elena's Theme
6. G�ry / Mountains
7. Kradzież Pistoletu / Stealing the Gun
8. Prezent Brute'a / Brute's Gift
9. Sen Eleny / Elenas Dream
10. Porwanie Iorgu / Kidnapping of Iorgu
11. Moscu i Tatuaż / Moscu and Tatoo
12. G�ry w Słońcu / Mountains in the Sun
13. Pogoń, lekarstwa, karabiny / Chase, drugs, machineguns
14. Requiem Bałkańskie / Balkan Requiem
15. Deszcz / Rain
16. Temat Eleny na skrzypce / Elena's Theme Violin
17. Ulice Londynu / Streets of London
18. Targ / Marketplace
19. Elegia na śmierć szpitala / Elegy to death of the Hospital
20. Oczekiwanie / Expectation
21. W tunelu Eleny / In Elenas Tunnel
22. Powr�t / Return
23. Taniec Eleny. Wariant II / Elenas Dance. Version II
24. Mro iło. Wariant II (3:12) / Mro iło. Version II

Whole album is in mp3, 320 kbps. Though only 10 downloads, I have no premium account on RS:(.

And yes, if U'll be intrested in more music by Lorenc, than just ask:).

03-23-2010, 07:21 PM
Link is kaput>_< ;)

btw Sinfonia Varsovia = Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra? Or Filharmonia Narodowa? I'm a bit lost...

03-23-2010, 09:29 PM
Please re-up

03-23-2010, 11:15 PM
Been some time since original upload heh. New link below, should work.


Sinfonia Varsovia = Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra? Or Filharmonia Narodowa?

As for my knowledge those are completely different orchestras, although all from Warsaw. But I might be wrong (to lazy to check, do it yourself;)).

03-24-2010, 08:43 AM
One of few reasons to be proud of in my country:)

03-24-2010, 09:49 AM
Thank You so much For this Excellent Sharing Herbaciak….Lorenc’s Style of Composing Reminds me somehow of Joe Hisaishi’s Style in music Composition…All Can I say is “This is a Real Masterpiece”…..10/10…Very Soulful Dramatized Scores…Track#10 is one of the Best ….I Certainly will Add his Name to my Favorite List of Composers of the New Age Music….Any other Works For Lorenc would be very Appreciated if you have them Already…

03-24-2010, 10:59 AM
I don't wanna star new thread, so I will post some of his scores here, let's make it a little Lorenc thread.

For now, Exit in Red and Symmetry. Exit in Red is my favourite work of him. Jazzy, romantic, sad... well, hear for yourself. But be warned, if U are allergic to saxophone don't even try it. As for Symmetry, this is his darkest score, almost depressing, but it's interesting music (with really good theme).

mp3s 320 kbps


mp3s 224kbps


So enjoy!

One of few reasons to be proud of in my country

So true...

03-24-2010, 11:41 AM
Here's Brute in FLAC:


03-24-2010, 08:35 PM
Here's Brute in FLAC

Thanks a lot, tom_1984!:)

btw I have his "Far From The Window" (Daleko od Okna) score. Similar style to Brute and also made by Sinfonia Varsovia. I'll upload it at the weekend, if somebody is interested.

btw2 I checked and found out it is different and much younger orchestra. It was founded in 1984, while Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra is more than 100yo. But still great listen:)

03-25-2010, 09:14 PM
Another Wonderful Work “Exit in Red”…I am so Glad that I had the Chance to Download and Listen to it….Generally,I Feel that Lorenc’s Style is more in New Age and Classic than Jazz. ,As I noticed that most of the Tracks are, this Variety makes the Composer so Unique …”Exit” Album is More Jazzy than the Other Two…This Album is Simply Alluring…The “Symmetry” has kind of Dark Gloomy Feelings…But Still Good Work...
oh, Saxophone is one of most Beautiful and Amazing Instrument in the Universe…Anyone who is Real Music Lover and Respect True Music should at least love a Piece that Played with it…. Thank You so much For those Sharings Herbaciak…
Yes, Szczepan…Any Performing Works For Sinfonia Varsovia Would be Nice Uploading…Thank You…

03-27-2010, 05:30 PM
Far from the Window

http://uploadmirrors.com/download/01GG7CRH/Micha__ Lorenc - Daleko od okna.part1.rar

http://uploadmirrors.com/download/DGWP1MTV/Micha__ Lorenc - Daleko od okna.part2.rar

The only problem with this score, is that it's main theme melody is overused too much... Anyway, it's still nice. Enjoy:)

03-28-2010, 07:03 PM
Many Thanks To You Szczepan For this Beautiful Upload.....Much Appreciated Listening to This Wonderful Composer...

03-28-2010, 10:15 PM
Glad You liked it Sonataaa :)

04-23-2012, 05:58 PM
Can you re-upload Bandyta soundtrack once again? I would be grateful.

09-15-2012, 09:20 PM
Could anyone reupload this one please?!

09-16-2012, 03:04 PM


10-09-2014, 04:32 PM
The MediaFire link still works, thanks for this great soundtrack Herbaciak.