07-11-2002, 07:38 PM
What is your favourite final fantasy weapon ever created?
I really like the gun blade, heh

07-22-2002, 01:47 AM
That's kinda hard for me to pick just one weapon.

But my first favorite is Cloud's final sword, The Ultima Weapon. Me second fav would have to be Sephiroth's sword, the Masamune.

08-06-2002, 07:45 PM
The masumane every time, hell it would kill nearly everything from any ff game. And the Zidanes double edged staff thingies cause they look so cool:cool:

Neo Xzhan
08-06-2002, 10:56 PM
Sephiroth's Masamune all the way. It is his personal weapon and it is really good looking.

08-07-2002, 12:11 AM
You know, of course, that due to physics and such the Masamune would be almost impossible to wield. And where would he sheathe it? Not only would a sheathe that big become really cumbersome, but have you ever considered what would happen if he drew it? His arms would have to be longer than the sword. Furthermore, a sword that long would require an incredible strength to use, since the length of the blade would weigh down at the end. (Not that Seph isn't strong enough, just sayin' ;) ) This would make it extremely hard to use. In other words, the masamune is an awful design. There are reasons why you see things like short swords and staves in history: They're good ideas for weapons. You don't see many historical examples of the Masamune because... why again?

Eh, oh well. I'd say, generically enough, any staff. They're just that fun.

08-07-2002, 01:10 AM
Does anyone know how the gunblade works?:o

08-07-2002, 02:12 AM
Quina's forks!! Nothing like saving the world with a drawerful of silverware! Woohoo!

Just kidding. :D

Cloud's Buster Sword always looks pretty darn menacing. :eye: I see it and I think, "How can he not break his back lifting that?" I have a real fondness for swords and daggers, though. Zidane's Ultima Weapon is pretty sharp. No pun intended.

Fallen Angel
08-07-2002, 09:11 AM

According to one of my friends, he says that there is a barrel underneath the blade.....

therfore, if timed right, the bullet should come out when the balde strikes.....

That seems reasonable right?

And to answer the question, i like the Gunbalde, its so cool, and hard to understand... at first anways..

08-07-2002, 09:40 PM
The Atma Weapon of FFXI. That sucker killed Kefka in one bite.

08-08-2002, 05:58 AM
GRRRR, how dare you Sylph! I'm reading through this thread getting all happy about being original and then the last post has the thing I'm going to pick!!!! I you haven't figured it out yet, I like the Atma weapon the most, I just think its hilarious that the little sprite's sword is about three times as big as he is :P

Geez, you try and be original and someone allways steals your thunder! jk

08-08-2002, 07:20 AM
Uhmmm....I think Lulu's dolls were the most creative and funny weapons ever!!!! Heeheehee...*wishes he had an Onion Knight doll*

08-08-2002, 05:50 PM
Hehe, I agree. Lulu's little dolls were so...amusing. But I really liked Rinoa's Blaster Edge and the Masamune.

08-09-2002, 05:40 PM
The Buster Sword and Gun Blade totally rocked. Ultimate weapon and Lionheart were pretty sweet too.

08-10-2002, 12:24 AM
the dolls are cool, masamune is long and very powerful, the buster just big, along with the ultima. i really dont have a fav...yes i do...the forks are the most fav are the rackets. master of the obvious should realize this universe they are in cloud can pull himself and tifa up with one arm. people can jump twenty feet up from a stand still. tekno lockheart(besides having a stupid name) is a moron.

08-10-2002, 05:17 AM
The fire staff that Yuna uses in X is pretty cool. I just like the affect of the flames hovering around it's head. Plus, I gotta be kind of original.

Corran Horn
08-22-2002, 03:39 PM
I liked the Gun Blades followed by Cloud's Buster Sword and his final weapon. The Atima weapon from VI was also cool. When on high levels it was huge and powerful.

Cetra Angel
08-23-2002, 12:19 PM
Cid592, don't dis teckno lockheart! I've you've nothing nice to say then don't say anything!!! :notgood:

Back on subject....

Lulu's dolls were hella cool, especially the Moomba doll! (Mau!)

But my fave weapon is Strange Vision. Its just soooooo cool with the star and moon on the ends and all!:D

Zidane's theif swords were pretty nifty too