07-11-2002, 07:37 PM
I don't know about you, but i prefer Seifer greatly...I really wish you could play the game with this character...
Everything about him is just better than squall, heh

07-11-2002, 08:46 PM
Well, be opinion as it may, of course. Hmm...

I havn't anything against Seifer, but I can't say there's anything I like about him either. So it's not that i like him or hate him. So, I'd have to go fro Squall. Because he's better. I relate to him in the way of a lone wolf the same way he does. Also, he takes great leadership when needed be, even though he may not be prepeared or whatnot.

Yep, Squall..

07-12-2002, 12:01 AM
my view: Squall

SPOILERS (not major, but still)

Squall isnt a tragic character...his flaws are resolved come the end of the game. his flaw being his inability to communicate with others, lone wolf nature etc etc.

Seifer's flaws, however, are not resolved. his arrogance leads him to believe he's the best, and that he's Edea's Knight. it could be argued Seifer is the tragic hero...he had the potential to take Squalls place, but his arrogance and unstable temper was his downfall.

thats my opinion anyway...Squall as hero suits the narrative more than Seifer as hero

07-12-2002, 12:40 AM
I agree with most of what you said about Seifer, but I have one disagreement. Seifer's situation is resolved. In the ending, you can see him laughing and having a good time with Fujin and Raijin. It's obvious that he's given up the whole "sorceress knight" thing and is moving on.

07-12-2002, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Agent0042
I agree with most of what you said about Seifer, but I have one disagreement. Seifer's situation is resolved. In the ending, you can see him laughing and having a good time with Fujin and Raijin. It's obvious that he's given up the whole "sorceress knight" thing and is moving on.

yeah, i see your point...but he missed his potential...if he hadnt been arrogant and tempremental (sp) he could have easily taken Squall's place...Seifer is equally as skilled, IMO, but due to his over reaching...eventually failed.

but, yes, to an extent, he does redeem himself because he goes back to his two friends.

Black Mage
07-12-2002, 07:44 PM
I prefer Squall, he got the girl, all the mates, changed his ways, found out about his mum and dad, got to see his sister again, plus Squall is better skilled with a gunblade, plus i like lone wolf characters!

07-13-2002, 08:34 PM
If he hadn't have been arrogant? that isn't possible, you see part of the character seifer is his arrogance...its eveyr part of his personality and war aspects that make him an excellent character for the take away his arrogance, you ruin the character

07-14-2002, 05:25 AM
Seifer is better than Squall. He looks kewler and is stronger too, jest more arrogant.

07-14-2002, 05:37 AM
He looks kewler and is stronger too, jest more arrogant.
If that's true, then how come most of the time in the game, Squall delivers Seifer a total ass-whipping when he fights him?

(Oh, and I tried the link in your signature for the Japense name thing, but it didn't work. I just get an error message. Could you fix that? I'd like to try it.)

07-14-2002, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Chronos
If he hadn't have been arrogant? that isn't possible, you see part of the character seifer is his arrogance...its eveyr part of his personality and war aspects that make him an excellent character for the take away his arrogance, you ruin the character

this is what ive been saying: the flaw in his character is his arrogance...which is why he cant better Squall. he thinks he can do so much, but fails...thats why his character is flawed.

07-27-2002, 11:32 AM
I liked Squall in the fact that he reminds me more of a hero while Seifer has that whole bad villian part down (not that that's bad or anything, I like it :D)

of course... that was the part Seifer was to be so... eh... I make no sense.

ahem ahem, well, I'll just end with a I think Squall was a bit better ^_^

07-27-2002, 05:57 PM
I'm going to have to go with Squall, just because I relate to him more. Squall and Seifer both seem to have very similar emotions, but they react to them in opposite ways. Squall keeps everything inside, acts like he doesn't care about anything ("whatever"), basically withdrawals and lets himself be the only person affected by his anger.

Seifer, on the other hand, lashes out. He knows he's almost completely lost his chance of becoming a SeeD, so he completely rebels and goes to join forces with SeeD's enemy. Correct me if I'm thinking of another FF character but I'm pretty sure Seifer says at one point "I've always gotta be doing something big!" Well, even if he didn't say that it sums him up perfectly. Even after Adel is defeated, he continues to fight Squall and the others because he has to keep fighting, even if he no longer has a cause to fight for.

Their differences are probably why they hated each other so much. Squall probably thought Seifer should be more like him, and Seifer was probably annoyed that, no matter how hard he tried to pick a fight, Squall would just brush him off. So that's probably why, even as children, they were always rivals.

07-31-2002, 01:24 PM
erm....Squall's to quiet....and Seifer on the other hand is the exact oposite.....if I could play as Seifer for the main character that would be great ^_^ but think as Squall in Seifer's place.....just wouldn't go ^_^:uh?:

Skye Vrbas
07-31-2002, 05:08 PM
in battle , his blade , he's just great
he's quit but that's what makes him cool .

08-01-2002, 06:34 PM
I liked Squall more. He was cool, strong......I just wasn't a very big Seifer fan.

08-01-2002, 07:33 PM
I totally agree with what Fujin said, except that Squall doesn't really relate to me. XD

Seifer may act tough, but I beat he's really a weak wimp. =P

And the good guys always win, ne? ^-^

08-01-2002, 08:51 PM
Well, I happen to admire both but I really must say something.

Squall He only watches out for himself and he's a real thinker. But his social skills are poor and he often doesn't care about anybody who needs him.

Seifer He's a real charmer plus he has ambition. But he's awfully stubborn and isn't willing to help those who need help.

So my opinion? I can't decide.

08-02-2002, 02:02 PM
I think Seifer would win as even though sometimes in the battles he had with Squall he wasn't ~that~ strong but he actually does seem to be. That whole bad boy image and his good looks just justify for me. No more said :p

08-26-2002, 07:28 PM
Well, Seifer is cool. But Squall is better. He could totally kick seifer's butt! Seifer is retarded.

God of HellFIRE
08-26-2002, 07:38 PM
Well I like both but I like Seifer best!
He has more style and he's cooler...