03-04-2009, 08:37 AM
So, I was talking to Mark and Jeff about this tonight. How do you guys game? Don't worry, I'll be much more specific:

Do you houndishly stick with one game at a time until you finish it? Or do you float around, starting one, playing for a while, starting another, either to abandon the first or come back to it later?

I'm sure there's plenty of joys in floating about without a strict need or drive to finish things, but I personally tend to stick to one until I've completely sucked the marrow from it.

I usually play one console and one handheld game at a time, and I try to do everything in them. The need to do that has diminished as I've gotten older, it's not at OCD levels anymore by a longshot. Still, I usually try to do everything if it's reasonable.

Example of an unreasonable series when it comes to side quests, imo: Final Fantasy
Example of a reasonable series when it comes to side quests, imo: Legend of Zelda

Okay, yeah this was originally only going to be about stick-to-it-tiveness, but now it's about sidequests/achievements/trophies and OCD, too. I'll explain why I chose those examples, if this thread actually gets responses/someone asks.

Have at it.

03-04-2009, 08:59 AM
Yeah, like I told Mike, it's hard for me to stick with one game until the end. However I do have a select few I was able to finish without it being off and on like Portal and LittleBigPlanet. But at the moment it's taking me forever to finish Bioshock, Silent Hill Homecoming and Mirrors Edge to name a few. I can't just stick to one game anymore like I used to as a kid.

impudent urinal
03-04-2009, 09:52 AM
I personally tend to stick to one until I've completely sucked the marrow from it.

03-04-2009, 05:31 PM
I normally stick with one per console, but I do tend to change consoles a lot. And sometimes I just get bored and give up on a game.

03-04-2009, 07:02 PM
Generally only play one game at a time, but rarely go from start to finish. In fact, I rarely finish games. I don't know what causes me to lose interest either, because when I stop, its not because of difficulty or the game got boring. Its just random.

It's an annoying habit when you want to play an old game again (particularly [j]rpgs), but you've already played through the first half 50 times and don't have the patience to run through it again. But you can't start at your last save because you feel like you're missing a lot/don't know what the hell you're supposed to be doing.

jewess crabcake
03-04-2009, 07:10 PM
I play one game at a time, get to a hard part, play another game that I either recently acquired or left because I got to a difficult part. For instance last time I played DMC3 I finished it because Rogue Galaxy was kicking my ass.

03-04-2009, 07:28 PM
Since I tend to play RPGs above all other genres, it's sort of hard to stick to one until I complete it, since many of them can be 70, 80, 90, 100+ hours long, just for the main quests. Unless the game is very easy (which is not necessarily a good thing) I'll usually get sufficiently fed up to at least switch to another game once or twice.

03-04-2009, 10:36 PM
Um, I used to float around playing different games all the time, now with Trophies I tend to play maybe one or two games at a time to get as many trophies as possible. However that is not strict, (usually only online games count with this) if a game is truly awesome, I will play it lots no matter what rewards I get for my efforts e.g/ COD4 and Killzone 2 (Flux, you'll change your mind if you play it again ;)

Solefolia: lol that's happened to me with some FF games.

03-04-2009, 11:49 PM
I usually play the games I like the most at the moment (like now I play LBP and Resistance 2) while occasionally bringing out an old gem to have fun with.

like I played TR1 a week ago ^.^

I don't finish games alot but it depends on whether the game's good enough to keep me hooked until I finish.

03-05-2009, 12:10 AM
I play one game at a time, get to a hard part, play another game that I either recently acquired or left because I got to a difficult part. For instance last time I played Call of Duty 4 I finished it because Elder Scrolls Oblivion was kicking my ass.

03-05-2009, 12:57 AM
(Flux, you'll change your mind if you play it again ;)

I did play it again. And i came to the conclusion that's it's shit. I might part exchange it when i get Resident Evil 5. It's utter crap. Smallest selection of weapons ever. Bad controls that are so heavy I feel like I've been hit with a taubon gas grenade all the time. Shitty muting feature. Boring game modes. The maps are either all very similar, or I just played the same few over and over. They are all dark, drab and depressing to play through. I'm sure it can't be me all the time, but I see way too much lag. And the whole levelling up/clan stuff is a load of nonsense. Did you ever find out what that purple thing is for?

At best the single player redeems it a little. But i think I've spent around 2 hours all together on the game. And I do not like it. By the way, how have you reached over 1000 kills already? I don't even think I have 100 yet. Maybe I'll enjoy it more playing with friends. Message me next time you're on it and I might play.

As for the topic;

I start and stop way too many games. I'll name the ones I've done it with just this year so far; Fallout 3, Dead Space, Prince Of Persia, Assassin's Creed and Lord Of The Rings:Conquest.

I think it's because I'm too tired when i get in from work that all i really feel like doing is playing Call Of Duty. Fallout 3 requires way too much time and I have enough stuff going on in my own life without taking over a virtual one. Too much effort, despite it being a great game (as much as I played was anyway. I'm sure if the Christmas holidays had lasted a month instead of two weeks I'd have finished it).

Something I hate about myself is my horrible habit of not finishing games I'm enjoying because I am too lazy to. Or I buy another and end up doing the same with that. Which means I'm wasting both my time and money. And then I'll leave a game with the intention of coming back to it, but hardly ever do. And if i do, then I usually start again from scratch for no real reason, other than me not fully remembering what was going on. I put 80 hours into Final Fantasy XII when i first got it. I spent around 4 weeks playing it because I was off work with a fractured arm. When i went back to work I didn't play it anymore. When i finally started to, I deleted 80 hours of gaming. 80 hours of my life down the drain all because i was no longer familiar with what was happening in the story.

Other small things include sitting with my feet up, for around 30 seconds and then I have to either stand up or sit up straight. I can't seem to just relax when I'm playing. I let my feelings for games I love cloud my judgment of others (The Killzone 2 rants I've been on recently are a prime example I'm sure. I just don't think the game can be as shit as I'm portraying it to be). Saving way too often or too little. Buying games I used to love but sold, and then never playing them. I got Starwing for the SNES recently and have not touched it. I can't stand losing at football games and always feel angry if i do. Which I resent about myself It's a game so I shouldn't care If I lose.. Though i don't lose that much anyway. That sounds very arrogant but I am great at football games. I don't know anyone better than me at Pro Evo.

My worst of those though is definitely the starting but not finishing games. I can't stand that I do it. But something always seems to stop me.

Deciple X2
03-18-2009, 05:12 AM
I dunno, it depends on what I'm playing. I'm more of a multiplayer game guy, so I try to do it all the first time. I find I don't have the time to enjoy every nook and cranny of a game, unless of course that game is zelda.....

03-30-2009, 04:39 AM
I have this habit of jumping from one game to another no matter the console or how old it is, like when I use to play the first Doom right after playing Doom 3, didn't really cared for the abysmal differences between both. I rarely give up on any game, unless it is a racing game or something like that or if it gets too frustrating... Rule of Rose.

03-30-2009, 04:44 AM

matt damon
03-30-2009, 04:46 AM
hell yeah! shit, that game got hard and frustrating. i got stuck on the mermaid boss. but still, awesome game is awesome, RIGHT NEG >:O

03-30-2009, 04:49 AM
no comment.

03-30-2009, 06:46 AM
The mermaid boss wasn't that though, but right when those pig-headed kids raped Jennifer's ass for about 6 times in a row I just couldn't stand it anymore and quit. Good story, great music, but unbearable gameplay.

03-30-2009, 08:27 AM
if you dont like it, wanna give it to me?
i love that game.

03-30-2009, 09:13 AM
Rob and Catty agree on something.

DOES NOT COMPUTE. BRAIN SHUTTING DOWN.. . .. . .... . ......................

03-30-2009, 09:32 AM
I actually don't have the time for games too much these days.

But when I did, it was one at a time, pouring all my effort into it until I crushed it-- at least until WoW came along and stole my life. WoW ended my gaming career by not allowing me to play another game, when I finally broke free, I has just stopped playing games.

I still have the desire to replay SoM and CT though. Nothing like old school RPGs.

03-30-2009, 03:13 PM
I meant to say poor Jennifer's ass.

03-30-2009, 03:34 PM
Neg you prat I missed you by 102 minutes yesterday. :mad:

03-30-2009, 06:16 PM

We need to make a PSN schedule thread.

03-30-2009, 08:33 PM
I always stick to one game and finish it all the way(even if I'm stuck to a hard part).

Then WoW came and I got addicted to that, but then I had to cancel it... and I got so outdated because I haven't got a new gen console yet... and now school has taken my life away from videogames.


03-30-2009, 08:36 PM
You'd have tons of time to game if you were just taking HS classes and not college ones at the same time.

I'm not saying you should stop doing that. It's good to have goals and aspirations.

03-31-2009, 01:47 AM
I havn't been play games as much as I used too.
I have too much other stuff going on.
I've been playing games with alot more indepth stories.
If I start playing somthing I'll usually play for hours.
Those times are intmermitten though.