03-03-2009, 12:17 AM
Which do you perfer, the trophies on the PS3 or achievements on the 360?

Im going with trophies cause im addicted to collecting as many as I can.

03-03-2009, 12:42 AM
tbh, not a lot of people here have both systems. It's hard to say what anyone would rather have. I have a PS3, but know nothing about Microsoft's achievement system. As far as I'm aware of they're both the same, except for the name.

Just sayin'. :/

03-03-2009, 12:46 AM
Yes, are they not the same thing? I'm pretty sure they are.

All this is going to turn into is "PS3 copied the 360".

03-03-2009, 12:47 AM
If it does, no worries ;)

03-03-2009, 12:51 AM
We should talk about cupcakes. srsly, who doesn't like cupcakes?

Back on topic, doesn't Microsoft also have rewards for some achivements?

03-03-2009, 02:07 AM
They have points or something. I saw in gamestation a while ago that you could buy "Xbox Points" or something. Like wii points or whatever. I don't really care. I like my PS3 trophy system and free online access.

03-03-2009, 02:09 AM
I like the free online gaming too for ps3, i don't really pay any attention to the trophies or the achievements on 360.

I'm just gonna say ps3 though, free online play ftw.

03-03-2009, 02:31 AM
i don't really pay any attention to the trophies or the achievements on 360.

I'm just gonna say ps3 though, free online play ftw.

03-03-2009, 02:42 AM
I like PS3's gamer level feature better than the 360 gamer score. Feels a lot more informative.

03-03-2009, 09:47 AM
we have the undisputable winner:

03-03-2009, 10:04 AM
Not sure why people can't just believe you.

I mean, okay, I take pictures of Hylian Loaches in fish tanks with my name plastered across the bottom *whistles innocently*

03-03-2009, 04:38 PM
we have the undisputable winner:

You can view other people's trophies on PSN, last I checked.

03-03-2009, 10:03 PM
Because they're virtually the same, neither one can be better...unless you feel a personal attachment to the names of either one.

03-03-2009, 11:01 PM
I guess I'm going to be biased because I own a PS3 but I prefer Trophies because they level you up (like Final Fantasy... huh huh?!! No? okay) Some achievments are just pointless because some can be worth as little as 5 gamerscore while all bronze trophies give the same percentage to your level. Plus we get the platinum when we get all the other trophies. Yeah, I'm biased lol.

03-04-2009, 02:11 AM
I wouldn't call that bias. I'd call it a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why you prefer Trophies. And it's pretty much the same reason as I do.

I don't like when I have nearly 50% on Mirror's Edge and they release a patch and then I have 37%. That's just cruel.

03-04-2009, 02:39 AM
You can view other people's trophies on PSN, last I checked.

sure you can, but it doesnt have an awesome picture like this one to promote them.

03-04-2009, 03:22 AM
Both seem to be a plea from the makers for you to spend more time playing their games.

Bravo to marketing.

03-04-2009, 05:32 AM
I personally prefer the achievement system. I own both systems but I think the 360 set up is cleaner. I find it easier to just click on someones gamer card and seeing what games they have and what exact achievements are there. Besides that point, another reason the 360 gets the nod for me is a lot of times, ps3 games do not even launch with trophies. Gamers have to wait for an update.

Also free online gaming is cool and all, but the experience isn't as good as 360 gaming. Honestly, $50 isn't a lot for a whole year IMHO. I'm not sure of everyones financial status but it doesn't bother me.

03-04-2009, 07:45 AM
iceberg, how's the loading time when viewing other player's achievements? When ever I compare other player's trophies with mine I feel the PS3 could be a bit faster.

03-04-2009, 08:15 PM
PS3 trophies do take a fair while to load someone elses but I've only ever compared once before so I dunno whether that was my connection being gay.

03-04-2009, 10:31 PM
No it's a long loading time every time you want to compare trophies. As for the Xbox live is better than the Playstation network thing. How exactly is Xbox live better? I've heard this argument countless times yet I've never heard a good reason that wasn't lies. It's exaclty the same, you play online. Except ones free the other isn't.

Flux, I know what you mean with the add-on trophies. I had 100% on prince of persia when I rented it but now i'm on 87% with little chance of getting back to 100%

03-04-2009, 11:53 PM
360 fans tend to go on about how it offers more then PSN like movies or w/e, I never really cared, I use PSN to play online and download demos and that's all it's really needed for.

03-05-2009, 12:05 AM
AllSeeingEye feels so alone right now.

My bro-in-law is hardcore into collecting trophies. He has the 360 but seems to be obsessed with collecting them on the PS3 on my system at the moment... Not sure why.

03-05-2009, 12:20 AM
Why is All Seeing Eye feeling alone?

03-05-2009, 12:25 AM
AllSeeingEye still does not have a current gen gaming system.... i have fun ribbing him/her about it for some reason.

03-05-2009, 12:26 AM
I've only got a Wii. I don't feel lonely. I have those PS3 games to keep me company.

They're like a promise ring~