03-02-2009, 08:57 AM
Thats about 4 or 5 requests right there LOL

I am sure I am posting our of order in some fashion but some of the links are broken and I can not find much using search... like a kitten trying to find tis way out of a paper sack..even more so if you do not categorize and link properly(IE in the download link section list posts by game/title then toss all releavent links/posts within it in a highly streamlined and organized fashion)..

Anyway I am primarily looking for any and all music derived from Lunar 1 or 2 I'll take anything from the spin offs or failed sequels as well if thats all that can be found. I thought I had a near complete lunar OST in my archive..I am wrong... I was checking ti when I picked up a copy of Luanr Sega CD(the good version not the lulzy remake,do like the remakes music but the gameplay is horrible...).

Again I apologize if I am posting out of order...
I am broken after all :P

04-15-2009, 10:40 AM
It can all be found but alot of searching will be needed...try these as good starts & right on about the lousy Silver Star remake....

Thread 64830

04-16-2009, 04:30 AM
It can all be found but alot of searching will be needed...try these as good starts & right on about the lousy Silver Star remake....

Thread 64830

Ya The PSX versions were to bland and simplified like most modern games are now ><
Hell even Lunar was ahead of tis time battle filed wise and is better designed than even FF12 >>

04-16-2009, 11:05 PM
N/p, the job SPACEWORLDER did with the Eternal Blue original soundtrack is all great work, even upped the quality as good as possible...heres the link...

Thread 64830

Couldnt agree with your opinions on the lousy PSX remakes more, its really sad to those ppl who base the Lunar series off the PSX remakes & DS versions as it doesnt even come close to the Sega CD experience in anyway....

If u find anymore Lunar Soundtracks in your searching post them here if u dont mind...

04-16-2009, 11:34 PM
N/p, the job spaceworlder did with the Eternal Blue original soundtrack is all great work, even upped the quality as good as possible...heres the link...

Thread 64830

Couldnt agree with your opinions on the lousy psx remakes more, its really sad to those ppl who base the Lunar series off the PSX remakes & DS versions as it doesnt even come close to the Sega CD experience in anyway....

If u find anymore Lunar Soundtracks in your searching post them here...

I found Lunar 1 and 2 CDs in flac off the torrents I have not checked them yet probably normal US stuff. I can post them on my site when I have the time or are torrent allowed here?

I can admit the remakes have a more polished story but everything else was gutted for it and that was part the trend that made JRPGs go down the tubes...not to mention bad dubbing/localizations and crappy story/characters.

I did enjoy Grandia have grandia 2 PS2 not got into it but it looked solid enough, DQ8 kinda disappointed me, FFX and FF12 disappointments, FF8 was lsd laced, I managed to get shadow hearts 1-3 PS2 but not had the heart to try them after I tried the Wild Arms remake that utterly disappointed me.
I wonder how bad manga carta is.... I have Xeno saga 1-2 but its more cut screen than game.

It seems most RPGs are either very limited(mostly US) or MMO like in balances dragging the game down(mostly JP) and FPSs are rushed and under my 2 fav gerens shot all to hell...

I miss fun RPGs like FF4,FF6 ,Lunar even Vay and the more quirky SNES/Genisis/Sega CD RPGs... *sigh* mabye I am just old and less OCD and more grumpy.... LOL

04-19-2009, 08:01 AM
Yea Im hoping for a release similar to SpaceWorlders only with the original Lunar Silver Star Music upped in quality & looped like he did the Eternal Blue one...& I agree with the story feeling gutted & the whole more is not necessarily better & if it aint broke dont fix it toward the Silver Star Story Complete remake...I really tried to get into Vay ( got the rom a few months back ) & just couldnt for w/e reason....I only played maybe 20 mins or so & just couldnt get thru it lol. I am really starting to like Tales Of Vesperia for xbox360 tho...I had low hopes for it & it was an xmas present from my g/f & its been collecting dust since then but 3 hours into it now & its taking me by suprise....Sega Saturn had some decent rpgs btw....Shining the Holy Ark being one, Shining Wisdom wasnt to bad either, cant recall names on the others but there were a few good ones....

04-19-2009, 09:37 AM
Yea Im hoping for a release similar to SpaceWorlders only with the original Lunar Silver Star Music upped in quality & looped like he did the Eternal Blue one...& I agree with the story feeling gutted & the whole more is not necessarily better & if it aint broke dont fix it toward the Silver Star Story Complete remake...I really tried to get into Vay ( got the rom a few months back ) & just couldnt for w/e reason....I only played maybe 20 mins or so & just couldnt get thru it lol. I am really starting to like Tales Of Vesperia for xbox360 tho...I had low hopes for it & it was an xmas present from my g/f & its been collecting dust since then but 3 hours into it now & its taking me by suprise....Sega Saturn had some decent rpgs btw....Shining the Holy Ark being one, Shining Wisdom wasnt to bad either, cant recall names on the others but there were a few good ones....

Not had a chance to paly those games...the only Saturn RPG I had was Albert oddesy whitch is a neat lil RPG a B class kinda quriky but solid enough, and I managed to pick it up again since I lost all my systems and games a few years back..

Vay is a odd B class knock off RPG it takes from DQ and Paladin's Quest and other titles but its kinda basic.

I think it was a couple steps below Lufia which was on the higher end of B class RPGs.

I saw your reply in the email notification sleep postings are we?

I hate it when I do it LOL

Lunar was great the only thing the remakes did was add some story elements and refine/simplify others mostly destroying the battle field and watering down weapons and spells...don't even mention the GBA game to me....god...... it was a nightmare.

Game arts went down hill qaulity wise I think grandia 2 was their last solid title...I could be wrong tho..

I have tales of destiny PSX around here somewhere... I have a back log of PSX RPGs I need to do something with.... trying to gather some Code breaker codes to make FF12 bearable...

01-22-2010, 01:37 PM
I would have to agree with most of the opinions here about lunar: the silver star for the sega cd.It was and still is the top selling games for that platform,I couldnt wait to get it for my saturn but alas no NA edition.As for saturn rpgs Shining force games Panzer Dragoon,Gradia,and one of my favorite Strat Rpgs of all time Dragon force I heard it was rereleased on the virtual console put not sure. I will never acknowledge the existence of the GB port one of the worst games in existence.Hopefully Harmony of the silver star will get us back on track.Ive played the demo and the visuals are great. The voice work is okay i just wish the could have got the original NA cast to do it.The new luna singing voice is almost identical the new song is not bad either the only complaint i have so far is Quarks voice.What I hope will happen is with enough sales they'll redo eternal blue and finally do a Lunar 3.Tales of vesperia is good for all the fence sitters and the voice of the new alex is yuri from the tales game and he does a good alex Ive already pre-ordered my limited edition cant go wrong for 39.99 for the extra stuff, the bromide cards the OST and case. I just finished the psx version recently it was so great to step back in time to play such an awesome game. Lunar is one of my favorite games of all time with a tie with FF VII and LOZ: Ocarina of time Well friends it looks like the year of the rpg is here the most anticipated games this year have all rpg elements to them with the exception of Halo Reach and im not sure it dosent have any.We got Mass effect 2 FF XIII,XIV,alpha protocol,Dragon age expansions,Bioshock 2 Star wars old republic,star trek online,Ragnarok for the ds and lets definitely not forget Lunar: Harmony of the Silver Star .GTG its getting real late or early for some of us later.

04-08-2011, 09:47 PM
Hello everyone, I must mention Cosmic Fantasy 2 that was brought to the English market by Working Designs. Awesome RPG with a great story check it out if you get a chance.