07-10-2002, 01:24 AM
Well, it seems that every FF fan I talk to has a favourite it Lighting, Fire, Ice, or Water, or Other (Holy, Wind, Earth, etc...the unimportant ones :p)

For me, my favourite has always been Lightning...Cloud casting a Bolt-3 spell just kicks :)

What about you?

Evad D'Aragon
07-10-2002, 01:31 AM
Well, it's either Light, Lightning or Wind for me....

fascist socialist
07-10-2002, 01:32 AM
I'm a fan of all of them... but I like Shadow the best.. nothing beats a Shadow-type monster, and their spells ;0

07-10-2002, 01:54 AM
I like fire; like burning things *Nods*

Psuedes Psyche
07-10-2002, 02:15 AM
Fire, shadow, ice.

07-10-2002, 02:19 AM
Lightning, for a couple of reasons:

-Chrono Trigger was the first RPG I ever played, and when I saw Lightning 2 I thought it looked so cool. In CT, characters have elemental alignments (Chrono can only cast lightning spells, Lucca can only cast fire, etc) so I figured if I were a CT character I'd be lightning. (Despite my being Lucca's clone.)

-I love computers. Machines tend to be weak against lightning. Say I were a boss in an FF game. I could build a giant robot and operate it from the inside. (must stop reading Evangelion manga...) Every time it gets hit by lightning, I'd transfer some of my HP to it, because I'd be hit by the spell too and, having a strength in lightning, I'd be healed by it. You thought Sephiroth was tough? I'd be unstoppable. :D

It suddenly occurs to me how pathetic it is that I have thought all of this out. :eye: To think, I could spend my time trying to find solutions to the world's problems or something...

07-10-2002, 02:57 AM
My fav element is Dark :P

I choose this because there are so many cool techniques/magic with Dark Elements

For Example:some of Magus magic from CT, Demi from FFVIII ( from a GF ), etc

and my secondary reason....dark/black/shadow is my fav color ^_^

07-10-2002, 08:27 AM
Shadow probaly, the monsters are more powerfull but the spells still lack some true darkness feeling ;_;
Besides shadow, probaly Lighting or so or maybe Wind since that isnt so common in the world of magic.

07-10-2002, 11:44 AM
FIRE FIRE FIRE!! Nothing like letting out the pyromaniac for a little vicarious romp through Final Fantasy land by setting a few things ablaze with Fire spells. And then leaving the smoldering remains in wake of my maniacal cackling. Muah-haahaahaa!!

FIRAGA/Fire3! Yes! Woohoo!!


Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-10-2002, 07:36 PM
NOTHING CAN BEAT FIRE (unless your water, but please don't go to far)

As you can tell, quite the pyromaniac myself, I fire breathe, Spin Fire staffs and set fire to whatever I can.

Bahamut ZERO
07-10-2002, 08:31 PM
Does non-elemental count as "other?"

Just kidding. Favourite element would be lightening. Throw out a storm, strike down knights with lightening so they fry within their armour, that sort of thing. Makes a cool sizzling noise most of the time aswell.

07-10-2002, 09:45 PM
i'd have to go with ice i've always thought most the ice ones were cool and lightning but i dunno not to mention i also like the water ones :p

Alice Wonderbra
07-11-2002, 08:56 PM
My favorite element is the fifth: Leeloo Minai Lekatariba Laminatchai Ekbat D Sebat. U know, Leeloo? :D

I guess other than the "Supreme Being" I would hafta go w/ fire. It is light, it's warm, it can cook, it can b a weapon, etc. I love fire. Water is definately a close second...or third...whatever. ~^_^~

Now, gaming wise, i would have to go w/ ice...I dunno y exactly, but i like it.

Neo Xzhan
07-12-2002, 01:39 AM
I voted other cuz I represent darkness. That's just what I am.

07-12-2002, 02:02 AM
my anger/hatred burns like a raging fire and I've been known to be a pyro by some people I like fire(I've felt a flame before and didn't like it either) so well my element is fire all the way*sees buildings on fire, smoking craters, planes burning and falling out of the sky* see it all has to do with fire

07-12-2002, 04:15 PM
My element... hmm...

I have been known to be a little fire bug... so.. yea.. fire is one..
I've also been known to be a little fish when it comes to swimming.. so water's another...
I'm a gemini.. and it says that Geminis element is air.. so that's one..

So yea.. Fire, Water, and Air/Wind. Those are my elements.
:eek: I thought i was only s'posed to have one.. turns out i've got three. :eye:

*ahem* Well.. I'm gonna get going now... so.. er.. bye.. :uh?:

07-12-2002, 05:00 PM
I've liked Fire ever since I heard Millenia (Grandia II) say "Burn baby burn!" XD That was funny.

Then again, I've always liked Fire. ^_^ How can you not love burning stuff? :B

07-12-2002, 05:44 PM
I think mines always been fire. I'll use fire attacks before I will most anything else in a FF game. Well, that is unless of course they were to absorb fire. It's a simple attack, and ususally does a fair amount of damage.

If I'm picking one of the "unimportant" ones, I'd go with Shadow.

07-13-2002, 11:05 AM
I likes lightning. It looks kewl.

Cetra Angel
07-15-2002, 06:46 PM
I think I'd be Holy element, because I always do what I think is right. If I wasn't Holy then I'd be Water, dunno why... maybe because I like blue?

Corran Horn
07-15-2002, 09:49 PM
I like water, ice, and lightning as my elements.

07-16-2002, 04:11 AM
black darkness, heh

Setsuna Yuna
07-22-2002, 08:59 AM
I would love to choose Holy/Light/Pearl; it sounds so interesting. But I really can't compare to the pureness of light, so I choose Wind elemental. Not because I like Aero or anything, it's mostly on how it makes me feel. Like when I see leaves and flower petals being floating in the wind, it's really pretty and calming. And when the wind blows softly on a warm day; it's nice and refreshing. I love wind. :)

My second choice would have been Fire, because it represents burning passion and love. ;)

07-23-2002, 04:44 PM

err....meep...FIRE KICKZ @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-23-2002, 07:21 PM
i said "other", dunno why though? I like most of the elemesnt, so yeah, but it doesn't matter.. to me all that much..

07-26-2002, 10:32 PM
I chose Ice because I like it when it's cold and I like the winter time. And also I think it's kool freezing stuff >=)

My second choice would have been Light Elements like cure and stuffs like that. I dunno why but I like it ^_^


07-29-2002, 03:06 PM
I love Ice. Its always been my fav. Fire is pretty good too.

07-29-2002, 05:54 PM
water....don't ask me why. Just something about it.........

07-29-2002, 11:17 PM
*thinks*....*stamps foot*...why is it everyone is making me think today??? :p

I voted Ice cause I'm an ice queen :p...but I also like the Summon/GF/Aeon or whatever you wanna call it Shiva...cause she cool ^_^ (no pun intended)

08-06-2002, 02:50 AM
Wind. Sylph is a spirit of the wind, afterall. :cool:

08-06-2002, 03:59 AM
I like 'me all, but I can't decide between Lightning, Ice, and Fire.

Fallen Angel
08-06-2002, 09:37 AM
I like Holy, believe it or not..

I love how there are always those funny white balls that attack them.....

So funny......

(ff9 didn't have white balls, so it sux, j/k)

the one
08-06-2002, 10:21 AM
my element is geek bashing hahahah!!!!

Corran Horn
08-22-2002, 04:04 PM
Water, Holy, and Lightning for me.

08-26-2002, 02:09 PM
Wind... I dont know why... I guess its cause of Chrono Cross and their damn elements... Glenn is the best!

God of HellFIRE
08-26-2002, 06:58 PM
My element??
FIRE OF COURSE!! I think no one doubted what I'd say... :p

08-28-2002, 03:26 AM
I'm going fire. It's been quite useful in the FF games to me, both against undead enemies and lots of "Cold" type enemies and also just in general.

08-28-2002, 05:33 PM
Hmm, my element? Holy of course. Purifying, yet deadly against almost everything, no matter what their element, but especially powerful against undead. Plus, as the White Mage is my favourite Job class, it's also the only offensive spell in stock.

08-29-2002, 11:09 AM
My vote's going towards Ice. I just think it's perdie? *shrugs* I also love wind and fire though...I can't make up my mind? I think it'd be lotsa fun to be able to control wind ^_^ I uh...don't think I could trust myself if I could control fire :uh?:

09-07-2002, 11:23 PM
Mine would have to be Shadow/Darkness.

09-11-2002, 01:59 PM
I would be Ice. I like cold,Ice and all that stuff.....

11-01-2002, 09:12 AM
I voted fire as it's reasonably powerful and it suits my hair colour (I'm a red head BTW-Heh, GO me!!) ^_^

Neo Xzhan
11-01-2002, 10:56 PM
I remember voting other. I am darkness. Not of being evil, I am a loner I lock up everything inside and I hardly ever talk about my feelings.

11-02-2002, 08:23 PM
I've always been fond of the Ice element. It's just so cool. Shiva is also my favorite summon~^^;

11-06-2002, 10:36 PM

definetly, I would have to say it is what fit's my personality (though playing with fire is fun i still like water Swimming water baloons N'yuk N'yuk) even in my horoscope my element is water check yours....Mybe I'll post who is what here soon

The Wandering Knight
11-08-2002, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
Favourite element would be lightening. Throw out a storm, strike down knights with lightening so they fry within their armour, that sort of thing. Makes a cool sizzling noise most of the time aswell.
hey man that HURTS:uh?: :p

By the favorite element is darkness..I just like this element because it represents my personality for being quiet and secretive(as they say:lol)...(and since my nicknames in other sites are a_wandeirng_dark_knight:p)...
Oh and oh yeah Fire ROCKS...:D
And by the way, I'm writing a story right now and the hero represents both darkness and fire:D that's me:p

11-14-2002, 06:37 PM
Water is my element, probably because I love being around water, it makes me feel safe and loved...

11-21-2002, 12:49 AM
If born.. between

march 22 april 20 is a aries- FIRE
april 21 21 of may is a taurus- Earth
22 may 21 june ia a gemini- air(
me)june 22 - 21 july is a cancer- water
july 23- 23 august is a leo- fire
august 24- 22 september is a virgo-earth
23 sptember- 23 ocober is a libra- air
24 october- 22 november is a scorpio- water
23 november- 21 becember is a sagittarius- fire
22 december -january 20 is a capricorn-earth
21 january -18 of febuary is a uaquarius-wind
19 febuary- march 20 is a pisces -water

thats it -Sorry Fires and darkness poeple if I riuned all your fun

11-21-2002, 01:01 AM
Hmm, that makes my element water. I guess that makes sense in that my favorite character (from any FF game) is Yuffie. Her element is also water and she has the same sign as me.

11-22-2002, 04:17 PM
I have to go with lightining. Cuase it is just cool.....

11-22-2002, 07:37 PM
Yeah, lightning really is somthing

11-24-2002, 07:31 PM
Lightning because i think it is the most useful spell (Machines, Water enemies) plus i love the way the attack looks (Chrono Trigger, FFV)

Mr. Saturn
11-25-2002, 11:24 PM
If I had to pick an element, I'd choose Fire, Shadow, or Fire-Shadow.
I'd prefer just having my own weird powers to being united with
an element, though. The reason? Every element has its weakness.

11-30-2002, 07:13 PM
I will have to pick fire,

11-30-2002, 11:53 PM
mine is fire because ifrit is one of my fav summons or aeons and it looks so kool

03-12-2004, 02:25 PM
i duno i but other cus i really like earth but then again ifrit is 1 of my fav summon an fire is cool ive always like fire so earth or fire!

03-12-2004, 09:38 PM
Mine is the sacred element of light

The truthful will stand in the gaze of death and escape unharmed.
The faithful will walk through streams of fire and emerge unscathed.

anyone know where those 2 sayings are from?

03-12-2004, 09:42 PM

03-12-2004, 11:13 PM
Lightning and Fire are equal favourites.

Landlord of Sector 7
03-12-2004, 11:22 PM
I would like for my element to be Water cause it is my favorite but I am the wind master so I guess my element is actally wind (That is, if LightningMage knows what he's doing!:D j/k)