03-01-2009, 02:21 PM
today my ps3 crapped out on me like everytime i start it it freezes at the xmb menu and i am really trying to solve this problem without having to send it back to sony... can anyone help me. i have a 60 gig.

03-01-2009, 07:16 PM
You can try unplugging it and letting it cool off for a while followed by removing then putting back in the HDD. Plug it back in and try starting it again.

If that doesn't work...

Call Sony. 1-800-345-SONY (7669)

03-01-2009, 07:28 PM
well since this is a help thread.

I'm about to throw my PS3 out of the window because it refuses to connect to PSN (though over the past two days I did manage to get in before it crapped out on me) even though when I check I am connected to the internet, my mate said he's also had this problem is there an actual problem with PSN or what?

I have tried taking out the cable to my modem and putting it back in, connection tests, restarting the PS3, screaming at the PS3. None of these made much of a difference.

And to top it off my Killzone 2 demo finally downloads but refuses to install, so fuckballs.

03-02-2009, 05:09 AM
Your Killzone 2 Demo is probably corrupt because of the on and off.

and also, are you connected wireless or wired?

03-02-2009, 08:09 AM
well since this is a help thread.

I'm about to throw my PS3 out of the window because it refuses to connect to PSN (though over the past two days I did manage to get in before it crapped out on me) even though when I check I am connected to the internet, my mate said he's also had this problem is there an actual problem with PSN or what?

I have tried taking out the cable to my modem and putting it back in, connection tests, restarting the PS3, screaming at the PS3. None of these made much of a difference.

And to top it off my Killzone 2 demo finally downloads but refuses to install, so fuckballs.

I can't begin to tell you how awesome Killzone 2 is. When you get your online going and if you're able to pick up a copy of KZ2, you need to join me. But don't take my word for it, let's have the third reich tell you. :)



03-02-2009, 01:18 PM
I got it from GAME this morning. The single player seems pretty damn good, though I only played an hour of it. It looks fantastic and the sound is done with great effect.

The multi-player is a little disappointing. Maybe it's because the controls are so clunky (Having to press R3 to accurately aim is frustrating). I have just come off it a few minutes ago, and the last few games I played were severely hindered by people lagging. It was really hard to tell who is saying what, because the mics were all distorted. And the amount of time I had a clear shot on any enemy and then all of a sudden he'd be around the corner or flashing up all over the place was ridiculous. I'm sure it wasn't me because I could move around fine. Maybe that was just a dodgy server. And before anyone says "why did you not just back out and go to another game", if you do that you lose the kills and points you earned. (I was in a game and got a 5 kill streak and then killed about 4 more before leaving due to horrible amounts of lag, only to find out the game had not recorded those kills.)

The games seem very short too. The Team Deathmatch equivalent, Body Count, games I played seemed to be over before I had really got stuck into them. Leaving me pissed off while I waited for another game, the annoying loading times and people who seemed reluctant to simply press X to ready up.

Having said all that, I can see my weekend being taken up by the game. I think once I get used to the controls and stop comparing it to Call Of Duty, I will start to enjoy it a lot more. It does have the potential to be all I'm going to play until Resi 5 comes out.

I think this is either the second or third Killzone 2 thread I've seen today. I posted in one earlier about how it was pissing me off, but I had a feeling i would get into it soon. And to be quite honest, I don't like it. The controls and too heavy. I had to change them to COD controls just to avoid losing all patience. Whoever decided that you needed to press R3 to aim is an idiot.

The online is laggy and too uncontrolled. You run around looking for enemies(which is pointless at the moment, because nobody knows the maps enough, which means they all follow each other and it just ends up in a bullet filled orgy in a doorway)until you find some, and just as you're about to kill them, someone else comes up and steals the kill.

The levelling up system seems to have been rushed. It's not very coherent and i can't even tell who has the highest rank out of all my mates who are playing it. There seems to be a lack of variety with the guns. So far i have used the original rifle you're given and nothing else.

Then there is the ridiculous way you have to mute people. I'm sick of hearing distortion and nonsense down the mic. And I would mute the players who are doing it, but it takes so damn long to and you can't even tell which player is doing it because there are so many mics. I'm trying to talk during a game and all i hear is crackling and the occasional "bullshit man!".

But, I did enjoy the single player. The game looks and sounds fantastic. But my patience is already wearing thin with the online. I just spent 3 hours playing World At War, and at no point did I find myself not having fun. Which is not the case for Killzone 2.

I just thought I would bump this to add another issue about the game. I have several friends who bought it, and yet you can't have parties. You can join people, assuming the game is not full and that you're the equivalent rank. Which is unlikely. But I think it's stupid that you can't just start a party and go into a game.

Maybe I'm just being cynical, but what do others think of the game? Am I just being impatient? And am i picking on small things?

Edit* Jesus Christ, this game just gets worse. The servers are down. What utter bullshit.

As for your Killzone 2 demo, isn't there a chance it's not working because the game is out now? I'm sure the same thing happend to a mate of mine with the Conquest demo.

And while we are talking about problems with the PS3, sometimes I press the PS button to go onto the message screen, and when i'm done i press it again to leave. The icons go, but i'm left with a black tint and I can't doanything else. Which means I have to turn it off and on again.

Oh, and MarvinStraight, I will go back on Killzone 2 at some point. I know my above posts show that i'm not impressed with it. But, it could be that i was resenting it for taking me away from COD5. My brother will get it soon, and you and Chris(harkus) both have it. So i do have reasons to play it again. Anyway, my point is that we should make a FFShrine clan for on it. I was top of the rankings board within my friends for a while. But then i stopped playing it and Mr FPS (Harkus) went flying passed me.

03-02-2009, 05:05 PM
Your Killzone 2 Demo is probably corrupt because of the on and off.

and also, are you connected wireless or wired?

Wireless, which probably explains alot.

Also I did not know demos did not work if you tried to install them after the game has come out, those cheeky bastards!

03-02-2009, 05:07 PM
What really? I didn't know that? Wow!

03-02-2009, 05:28 PM
The most annoying thing is that the demo took forever to to download!

03-02-2009, 05:41 PM
Haha, wire your PS3, man!
Big difference in my opinion.

03-02-2009, 07:40 PM
Yeah. I had an Ethernet cable running to my PS3 until my PC started working again. Now that's feeding my PC. And my connection is not as good on wireless. If you have an Ethernet cable at hand, wire it up.

03-03-2009, 01:19 PM
well right now i am in korea and it's bein a pain to call sony usa about my problem..