02-16-2009, 05:51 PM
I mean, I am shocked, SHOCKED! That this topic has not been made, as it is possibly the best tearing down of a really bad game. I mean, if you're actually a fan, you'll appreciate this.

Just watch

03-01-2009, 07:29 PM
I agree with the SpoonyOne.

Suck it down fanboys.

03-29-2009, 03:42 PM
Though some of the comments are funny, and as much as I appreciate that there are some seriously tragic and hopeless fanfolks out there, Spoony started to annoy me. It is quite obvious that he is useless at the game. What was all the bitching about the junction system, and the draw system too? The chap does not have a clue what he is talking about.

03-29-2009, 03:45 PM
Who cares, it's just for entertainment. You don't HAVE to watch it.

03-29-2009, 07:02 PM
I've watched a lot more of his videos.

I admit that I quite like TEH SNARK.

03-30-2009, 12:33 AM
Who cares, it's just for entertainment. You don't HAVE to watch it.

The sort of comment that proves you are getting to the levels of idiocy that this Spoony fella demonstrates in this particular video.

03-31-2009, 08:12 PM
What idiocy, all I see is a rant, some people enjoy seeing rants and I'm one of them. And if that makes me look like an idiot in your eyes then that's too bad.

04-04-2009, 09:19 PM
Oh gosh, I'm so glad to see that Spoony has returned from hiatus to continue his FF8 reviews.

FF8 was the first playstation game I ever played, and I'm a damn-near MASTER of it. But god damn, if he doesn't hit the nail square on the head with his critiques! Funny as hell, too.

Also, to see the absolutely anal amount of attention Spoony pays to detail, just read ANY of his movie reviews... each one is about ten pages long, and he literally picks apart EVERY SINGLE LITTLE DETAIL of the film.

The Anti-Existence
04-05-2009, 06:25 AM
Noah, Spoony's real name, is a quite intelligent reviewer in, while he's trying to be funny, he's still himself. Many reviewers play a character. The Angry Video Game Nerd is a character while James Rolfe who plays him is a very calm an dnice person.

Spoony is funny because he's just a funny guy and a total geek. Of the D&D, Warhammer 40K, etc. variety. I apprecaite a person so like myself, but funny, is out there making vids for us to enjoy.

04-05-2009, 12:04 PM
FFVIII is my least favourite in the series (unless FFX-2 is counted), but it's not nearly as bad as he makes it out to be. It's fairly solid and he exaggerates the extremeity of some of the games flaws.

For example, his rant on the Gunblade was ridiculous. I've never seen that much focus on a weapon in any review.

Still, its entertaining. He is pretty funny. Hehe.

04-05-2009, 07:06 PM
I remember bashing on these reviews back when I liked VIII.

Then I grew the germ of a brain.

04-05-2009, 07:36 PM
still needs developing.

04-05-2009, 07:41 PM
Look up the meaning of the word germ and see if you don't want to change your mind and QFFT that.

04-05-2009, 07:57 PM
I am sure this has been posted before. I love these clips, I never liked VIII, so, well, its much more easier for me to laugh at it.

04-06-2009, 04:16 PM
Look up the meaning of the word germ and see if you don't want to change your mind and QFFT that.

I was agreeing.

jewess crabcake
04-06-2009, 05:42 PM
I've been here since 2006, and this video cycles back up about once a year. The first time I watched it I found it funny, the second time it was tame and borderline annoying, but now it just seems pretentious. Perhaps my sense of humor has morphed since then, but it stopped being funny.

The Anti-Existence
04-08-2009, 08:39 AM
I've watched it dozens of times since 2007 and still find it very amusing. Especially the part with TEH DEVIL.

I mean that was pure gold.

04-08-2009, 07:09 PM
That's my favourite part too.


04-08-2009, 07:47 PM
His complaints about the draw system are the biggest flaw; he clearly does not understand that 100 scans is a total waste of time, nor that junctioning to his magic stat will really speed up drawing magic.

Other than that, this is pretty funny.

04-08-2009, 07:51 PM
He probably does, actually. Just used it for greater comedic effect, I guess.

04-08-2009, 10:34 PM
His complaints about the draw system are the biggest flaw; he clearly does not understand that 100 scans is a total waste of time, nor that junctioning to his magic stat will really speed up drawing magic.

Other than that, this is pretty funny.

Someone on my plain of thinking, thank you.

04-09-2009, 05:05 PM
He probably does, actually. Just used it for greater comedic effect, I guess.

pretty much.

jewess crabcake
04-09-2009, 05:10 PM
He probably does, actually. Just used it for greater comedic effect, I guess.

That's not really funny, it's just boring really, and anyone who's played the game was like "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!". Even if you never played the game I don't think listening to him whine whilst boring himself and you is a good comedic strategy. Just sayin'.

04-09-2009, 06:12 PM
I had the "you're doing it wrong" attitude when I first watched it. That was because I was interested in defending the game at the time.

Some of his other reviews aren't that involved, drawn out, or dramatic. His vlog reviews are usually very succinct and to the point.

The point I was making was that he does it for comedic effect and if you don't find it funny, then you don't find it funny. I was just stating his likely intent.

04-09-2009, 06:21 PM
I can safely say I've played through the entirety of this game solely for the Draw and Junction systems. It was one of the most enjoyable FF's I've played, in my opinion... but I don't I'll want to play it ever, ever again.

(Side note: I had no idea of the dynamic leveling/difficulty stuff and finished it with everyone on Level 100)

04-09-2009, 06:50 PM
The bottom line is the despite the chaps efforts, he fails both to be knowledgable and to be funny. Had he known what EXACTLY he was talking about, he might have a leg to stand on in the humour department.

04-09-2009, 07:56 PM
I laughed out loud when he commented on "chicken-wuss" although that could very well be funny entirely because of the usage of that phrase. What a delightfully horrible mistranslation.

04-09-2009, 08:14 PM
Anyone seen part 9 or 10 yet?

04-28-2009, 08:23 PM
I had to laugh at the recent review set in winhill

You cant walk anywhere in this town without running into ... giant caterpillars!!!


His missile base points were good. His comments on the options " Just press anything" and " Bang on it hard"

Its a good laugh.

04-29-2009, 12:07 AM
That was a terrible video.
That guy is an idiot. He's just playing through the game and criticising ever aspect, with no basis for his criticisms other then the fact that he doesn't like them. It's no more credible a source then some fanboy spunking his pants over every aspect.

Think about it, if you change the negative adjectives for positive ones, then its a fanboy review. "This draw system... is great", "I was expecting a genie, but I got the fucking devil... That's awesome!" etc...

I get that he's trying to be amusing, but he's not, he's just annoying, and arrogant.

And I hate this whole thing about Squall being "Emo". Emo is such a buzz word at the moment that it gets thrown around a lot, without much thought.
-The emo scene came around a few years ago. FFVIII was released in 1999, at least 5 years before the emo scene started.
-Emo is just goth for pussies. Emos are people who like the idea of being depressed, broody and withdrawn, but are just posing. They want to be labelled. Squall genuinely had these characteristics. It was how his character was designed by SE. They weren't trying to label him as anything.

t0m s3rvo
07-08-2009, 06:41 PM
His complaints about the draw system are the biggest flaw; he clearly does not understand that 100 scans is a total waste of time, nor that junctioning to his magic stat will really speed up drawing magic.

Other than that, this is pretty funny.

I think his whole complaints thing about the draw system was the fact that it was inherently flawed. It's a useless system.

t0m s3rvo
07-08-2009, 06:43 PM
The bottom line is the despite the chaps efforts, he fails both to be knowledgable and to be funny. Had he known what EXACTLY he was talking about, he might have a leg to stand on in the humour department.

Just goes to show that you have no sense of humor.

07-08-2009, 10:16 PM
Just goes to show that you have no sen(interrupted by loud fart)

Just goes to show that you're too flatulent to take seriously.

07-23-2009, 03:23 AM
His criticisms are unfounded and not even funny. I legitimately enjoyed FFVIII a lot. It's my favorite FF, but if other people don't like it, I'm not going to fight with them over it. This guy is just a jackass. I know a LOT of people who think gunblades are an awesome idea. I mean damn, he bitched about Squall and Seifer's opening fight. Yeah they were "just training" but they also HATED each other, so naturally they are going to be out to actually hurt each other. Clearly he didn't pay attention to a damn thing in the entire game, because nothing he said gave me the impression he had any clue. FFVIII is by no means a perfect game, I'm not saying that at all, it has its flaws as much as any other game but this guy did NOT get a single one of them right. If you actually know how to use the Junction system you don't mind random fights too much because you can kill everything with ease. And as far as bitching about random encounters? First off, they're in EVERY RPG. Second, FFVIII actually had an ability called Encounter None, that PREVENTED random battles, so that's not even a justifiable complaint.

But I'm just repeating myself. So yeah, unfounded and not funny. Sorry.
(Side note: Squall is not emo, emos crave attention where Squall tried to get AWAY from attention. He wasn't whiny, he was annoyed. Big difference. But again, you have to actually pay attention to the game to see that. Though I CAN still see why some people would be annoyed by him, I was not, because I felt it was used very well towards character development. FFVIII has the best character development in the series, due in part to the fact that you always see what's running through Squall's [and sometimes other characters'] heads.)

07-23-2009, 01:23 PM
Fanboy alert

07-23-2009, 03:12 PM
VIII is one of the better FF games. People found Squall more appealing than Cloud simply because Cloud was the same. Boring. As where Squall had some major developments to his character.

Also, Prak. Are a majority of your 10000 posts around two words long?

07-23-2009, 03:36 PM
Try reading them to find out.

Reading my posts may also have certain side effects, most notably the infusion of wisdom and common sense.

07-23-2009, 03:38 PM
And an overwhelming sense of self importance. ;)

07-23-2009, 03:40 PM
Only the acknowledgment thereof when it already existed in the first place. In most cases, this is not a factor.

07-23-2009, 04:47 PM
Have a beer, sit down, relax.

07-23-2009, 06:19 PM
Why did this thread get revived?

jewess crabcake
07-23-2009, 06:25 PM
Cause every year some new person finds the video and makes a new thread, or some noob revives an exsting one.

07-24-2009, 01:24 AM
Fanboy alert
Actually Prak, my post wasn't fanboyish at all. It wasn't "OMG BEST FF EVER" I merely stated it was my favorite, and even that it has it's flaws. Did you even read it? It doesn't seem like you did. The whole point of my post was not that FFVIII is the best, or that anyone else should think it is, merely that his review attacked FFVIII for flaws it didn't have, instead of pointing out its real mistakes (such as getting too easy once you master the Junction system, the fact it's likely you will never ever cast the best magic due to needing it to Junction, and that Squall might annoy some people just to name a couple). If you couldn't see that, you clearly aren't nearly as wise and don't have as much common sense as you seem to think. Especially since I back up my points with facts and reasoning. But you probably don't understand that, either. I never stated FF as the best game or a perfect one or anything, merely that I personally like it best. Enjoying a game doesn't make me a fanboy, nor does defending it from unjust criticisms. Your comment was as unfounded as Spooney's criticisms of FFVIII.

07-24-2009, 08:01 AM
I'm sorry how is a criticism of the draw system unfounded? You can get like thousands of hp in a few hrs. Drawing in general is boring and stupid and there are thousands of better ways to use magic. PROOF? THE REST OF THE FINAL FANTASIES.

And Spoony's gunblade rant was supposed to be funny. I remember when I first played i didn't think much of it. Until I realized it had a trigger. Congratulations, you know people who loved the gunblade. They are all dumb. Lemme grab my Bowsword and we can have a fucking ball.

I'm sure prak can defend himself but

Side note: Squall is not emo, emos crave attention where Squall tried to get AWAY from attention. He wasn't whiny, he was annoyed. Big difference.

That wasn't fanboyish at the least. Let's pick apart the definition of emo to find random bullshit to whine about.

The botton line was, Squall is an incredibly unlikeable main hero that no one could empathize with. He was antisocial and didn't respond to normal things like "Hey Squall, how was your day." He was just unfriendly, annoyed at the most minor things and made the atmosphere of the game for a good damn bit, incredibly depressing and aggravating. I like to play games where the main character interacts with people. Not ignore them and stare at the ground the whole game cuz he likes alone time.

On topic sorta, I thought some of Spoony's stuff was stupid but Zell walking into the train and going AMAZING A TRAIN! COOL was fucking retarded and Spoony making fun of that was funny as hell. Also the majority of his comments were very funny.

I think it's funny that people comment that he doesn't know what he is doing. Do you honestly think that FF8 was such a complicated game that Spoony did not understand that 100 Scans was useless or how to Junction magic? Do you think that you...YOU are so intelligent that you have managed to master a complex junctioning system while this reviewer failed at that? Naw son, I don't think so. Try again later though, when you got over the fact that this game blew.

07-24-2009, 01:26 PM
DC, I don't need to defend myself against an obvious fanboy - especially one in denial about his fanboyishness - when you've already done the same schtick I'd be going into.

I still almost composed a long post anyway though...

07-24-2009, 01:56 PM
I think you're SUPPOSED to hate Squall. That was the idea. Duh.

Some video games, the main character was not made to be liked. I could name another game where the main hero is far more emo and miserable and a jerk kinda than Squall.

07-24-2009, 11:43 PM
And yet, Squall's character has had one of the best developments in a while (back then) and I still consider it one of the best I've seen in the series. Sure Tidus was was pretty much like a kid in the beginning, but his character development was good as well considering what he has gone through.

07-25-2009, 03:00 AM
Ok, so basically you're saying that the fact that you didn't enjoy the game and I did makes me a fanboy? Just because you and spoony don't like the gunblade doesn't make everyone who does like it is dumb. No, it's not practical: Neither are Summons, Magic, and airships.

The draw system wasn't perfect, no, but it was different, and not nearly as bad as he made it out to be.

As far as Squall goes, I already stated that I could see why other people wouldn't like him. It just didn't bother me.

If spoony DOES know what he's doing, his review doesn't give that impression.

The whole point of my first post wasn't even how great FFVIII is, as you seem to think. I even said I understand why other people wouldn't like it. The point WAS that although the game has it's fair share of flaws, he missed them all in favor of picking apart things that WEREN'T wrong with the game.

Just because you think the game "blew" doesn't mean anyone who disagrees with you is a fanboy. Not everyone likes the same games. I respect the fact that you didn't like it. I don't care. I bet there are some games you like that I think suck. Would I call you a fanboy for liking them? No, because we obviously have different taste in games. Bottom line: I respect your opinions - now stop being ignorant and respect mine.

07-25-2009, 07:43 AM
First of all, I didn't mind that you enjoyed the game (good for you). I know many people who did. However, I came on you hard because you defended the few elements of the game which broke the game. One of which, as you mentioned, was the overpowered Draw System. I feel that FF8, characters aside, had a flawed gameplay that was riddled with a boring battle system and in a game where random encounters are so frequent, it ruined the game for me.

I liked Spoony's review because it brought to light many of the elements which I disliked about the game. Such as the draw system. Such as the Junctioning system. Such as the somewhat forced storytelling for the first half as well as the countless tutorials. Such as the awkward, jarring and once again forced, conversations throughout the game coupled with the lack of interaction between the characters. A lot of things (not all) he said made sense and I found them funny.

No shit, 100 scans is useless. No shit, it's not a big deal that the gunblade (i still think it's retarded) is not that big a deal. No shit, it doesn't matter there are giant caterpillars in the town. They were all in the review for teh lolz. If you didn't find the, "Why can't I walk anywhere in this town without running into damn giant caterpillars" funny, must really be hellbent on defending this game. Jus relax.

Now that that's done, I'm gonna come down hard on some of your crap. Sorry.

The draw system wasn't perfect, no, but it was different, and not nearly as bad as he made it out to be.

The fact he actually drew 100 Scans and posted it the whole time was pretty funny. Obviously exaggerated, he showed that drawing was boring and lame. He's right. Don't try to deny it, you'll be lying to yourself if you say drawing is fun.

And no it isn't as bad as he made it out to be. It's worse than he made it out to be. Not only is drawing 100 of anything time consuming, and boring, it also made your characters super powerful off the get go. In ANY game, shit like that is unbalanced and devoid of any challenge. You mentioned this, but you seem to overlook it when talking about the Draw system. I feel they are linked.

Furthermore, this makes me the most angry. Why do people assume just because it's fantasy, ridiculous things that don't make sense are okay? -Fantasy is the use of magic and supernatural elements in the plot line. Therefore, sir, magic and summons make perfect sense while gunblades don't.

Let me tell you why I have problems with it (the gunblade) and why I think people who like it are dumb:

The main reason why? It's a copout. Practicality aside, they made the gunblade just to put a gun and a sword together because they thought it would be cool. They didn't try to innovate the sword or the gun individually but instead tried combining two foreign species. They didn't think, putting two things that don't really go together in any form or method might actually NOT work out in application. They said. HEY. Gun. Sword. Gunsword. I'm sure people will LOVE this idea. Although I personally don't think it's cool and I think the concept of a long ranged weapon and a close combat weapon cannot be combined to retain the coolness of either a pure badass sword or a pure badass gun, Square was right. Shallow people with ridiculous opinions will eat up any shit they dish out. Hence why the gunblade is making an incredible return in the new FF. Again, this little bit bout your lovely weapon is I suppose my opinion where I am trying to make you see it through my eyes. Take it or...take it is what I'm trying to make you realize. I felt as thought I needed to justify why I said it was dumb. And why I felt that any supporter of the gunblade is a fanboy. I hope you see it from my pov.

Finally, I posted to attack your criticism of Spoony's review as well as the invalid points about the draw system, the gunblade and magic comparison (although a minor issue), and the fact that you missed the comic element of his review. If you didn't think it was funny, then you were looking at it through the wrong lens.

07-25-2009, 02:45 PM
So I'm a fanboy because I liked the gunblade as well? Nigga plz!

07-25-2009, 05:27 PM
Lol yeah, that's what I would feel according to my long and winded ass post. Spoony rollin for 15 minutes on the gunblade was targetted to one primary audience.

07-25-2009, 07:12 PM
I'm still lolling over the fanboy talking about how someone else's opinion is invalid and then whining about people attacking his own afterwards.

07-25-2009, 11:15 PM
Furthermore, this makes me the most angry. Why do people assume just because it's fantasy, ridiculous things that don't make sense are okay? -Fantasy is the use of magic and supernatural elements in the plot line. Therefore, sir, magic and summons make perfect sense while gunblades don't.

Well, basically fantasy is NOT about the use of magic or any supernatural elements.

As the word itself says, it's fantasy!
It can be anything you can think of.
So there are no things in fantasy that make no sense. ;)

I liked the game, well i like RPGs in general.
But the drawing system was really some pain in the ass, yep^^
Played it to 100%, unfortunately my disc got screwed up...

And for Prak and BerserkerGattsu:
Let it be, guys, it's a matter of taste.

07-26-2009, 12:16 AM
The fact he actually drew 100 Scans and posted it the whole time was pretty funny. Obviously exaggerated, he showed that drawing was boring and lame. He's right. Don't try to deny it, you'll be lying to yourself if you say drawing is fun.

And no it isn't as bad as he made it out to be. It's worse than he made it out to be. Not only is drawing 100 of anything time consuming, and boring,

It takes exponentially less time to draw magic when you actually bother to boost your magic stat, which is really easy to do. His demonstration of how long it takes to draw 100 scans with people who have nothing junctioned to their magic stats does not reflect the nature of drawing magic when you know what the hell you're doing. Furthermore, he complains about this time he wastes as though he HAS to do it, implying that he doesn't realize that scan is totally worthless, whether or not that's actually the case. As a result, this part of his argument falls apart.

it also made your characters super powerful off the get go. In ANY game, shit like that is unbalanced and devoid of any challenge. You mentioned this, but you seem to overlook it when talking about the Draw system. I feel they are linked.

This is, of course, a far, far more legitimate complaint about the draw system, and while I enjoyed beating the living shit out of enemies way too easily, I won't defend the draw system for that characteristic.

Furthermore, this makes me the most angry. Why do people assume just because it's fantasy, ridiculous things that don't make sense are okay? -Fantasy is the use of magic and supernatural elements in the plot line. Therefore, sir, magic and summons make perfect sense while gunblades don't.

Gunblades are horrendously impractical, and I think Spoony's lampooning of them IS pretty funny. No argument here.

Finally, I posted to attack your criticism of Spoony's review as well as the invalid points about the draw system, the gunblade and magic comparison (although a minor issue), and the fact that you missed the comic element of his review. If you didn't think it was funny, then you were looking at it through the wrong lens.

I have yet to see someone defend "chicken-wuss" as a legitimate insult. A lot of the things he makes fun of are legitimately pretty stupid.

07-26-2009, 04:08 AM
I liked the gunblade because it was something new that dealt with swords. All the other swords in the game were just different by looks instead of function so I thought it was an interesting idea. Will it work in real life? Probably not because depending on the force of the vibration, the blade just might shatter.

07-26-2009, 04:10 AM
There are/were actual gunblades, but it is honestly irrelevent to the topic at hand.

I could probably dig it up for you IDX, if you REALLY wanted me to.

07-26-2009, 05:01 AM
Did they actually work? Fuck, now I'm interested. PM it to me plzz

07-26-2009, 05:42 AM
Dude, bayonets? It's basically the same thing.

07-26-2009, 05:44 AM
Pistol swords. Pinfire.

07-26-2009, 07:24 AM
hahaha from that wiki page:

"Pistol swords were not widely used and became uncommon relatively quickly, due to their expense and because instead of getting two weapons in one, one got a heavy pistol and a heavy, off-balance sword, as shown by the poor performance of the Elgin pistol."

07-26-2009, 07:30 AM
I would imagine that's because in real life, when you shoot someone, they don't keep standing and attack you.

07-26-2009, 12:26 PM
And for Prak and BerserkerGattsu:
Let it be, guys, it's a matter of taste.
That was pretty much the point of my last post. But I guess Prak couldn't figure that out. I was never trying to persuade anyone that FFVIII should be anyone's favorite game, or that it's perfect, or the best game ever. Hell, it's not even MY favorite game, and by no means perfect.

I never defended the overpowered aspect of the draw/junction system. Spoony made it seem pointless, not overpowered. But the truth is it IS overpowered - and how can something that's overpowered be pointless, I ask you? They kind of contradict each other. That's like saying an anti-air weapon that destroys enemy jets too easily is pointless. This, to me, makes it CLEAR he didn't know what he was talking about. And as previously stated by FF1WithAllThieves, a well-junctioned Magic stat reduces the time for drawing magic incredibly. But yes, I'm not arguing against the fact that the Junction system can be abused to overpower your characters, or that drawing, even if it DOESN'T take that long, is boring. I was the one who made the overpowered point in the first place, and I agree it IS a problem with the game, though admittedly it was quite fun for a while tearing through normal enemies as if they weren't even there.

Oh, and I have some respect for everyone who posted here except for Prak, as he's the only one who hasn't offered anything legitimate to the conversation, or made any good points at all. All he did was come in here calling me a fanboy while showing he's nothing more than a reverse-fanboy (That is to say, he's exactly the same as a fanboy but instead of liking the game he hates it.) Sad for him, but oh well.

(For the record, Prak, no whining happened. Not one of my posts had anything that would have sounded whiny in it. Someone disagreeing with your opinion on a game does NOT make them a fanboy or whiny, despite what you in your lacking intelligence may believe.)

So yes, I have respect for everyone's opinion here except Prak's, and in the end it all just comes down exactly that: opinion. But I'm done trying to explain myself. Some of you get it, some of you never will.

07-26-2009, 05:23 PM
hahaha from that wiki page:

"Pistol swords were not widely used and became uncommon relatively quickly, due to their expense and because instead of getting two weapons in one, one got a heavy pistol and a heavy, off-balance sword, as shown by the poor performance of the Elgin pistol."
A revision is in order!
*Fetches tools*

07-27-2009, 05:21 PM
Oh, and I have some respect for everyone who posted here except for Prak, as he's the only one who hasn't offered anything legitimate to the conversation, or made any good points at all. All he did was come in here calling me a fanboy while showing he's nothing more than a reverse-fanboy (That is to say, he's exactly the same as a fanboy but instead of liking the game he hates it.) Sad for him, but oh well.

(For the record, Prak, no whining happened. Not one of my posts had anything that would have sounded whiny in it. Someone disagreeing with your opinion on a game does NOT make them a fanboy or whiny, despite what you in your lacking intelligence may believe.)

So yes, I have respect for everyone's opinion here except Prak's, and in the end it all just comes down exactly that: opinion. But I'm done trying to explain myself. Some of you get it, some of you never will.

Lolling @ this.

How I've missed the obsessive hatred of delusional, hypocritical fuckwits. And here's a news flash for you, amigo. I don't have an opinion on the matter. I have facts.

It is a fact that I dislike the game. It is a fact that I dislike it based on provable flaws in its design. It is a fact that you threw out the word "opinion," thus obliterating your own arguments in a puff of nonsensical equivalency. Lastly, it is a fact that I don't even care about the game enough to discuss it. I simply saw you say something retarded and called you on it.

07-28-2009, 03:24 AM
Found a loop hole I see lol

09-20-2009, 02:04 AM

I can honestly say, FFVIII is my favorite Final Fantasy, I can say I enjoyed the drawing system(besides the fact I have 4k HPs at level 9 >.<) The Gunblade, however impractical, I thought was a excellent idea.

On the topic of Spoony's reviews, I love them, because I've played the game and he makes good points in a funny-as-hell way.

And as for Prak..well beside the point you seem like a dick, I have to ask: Why are you calling people out on a forum about a game you don't even care about? What is the point of it?

"I would take raging PMS as a better excuse than nothing!"
-Spoony on Ultimecia's plan for Time "K"ompression.

09-21-2009, 01:36 PM
Cry me a river, twatwaffle.

09-21-2009, 10:51 PM
FFVlll for life!
I actually don't have any problems with the game except the draw system AT THE BEGINNING ONLY!
Other than that, it was fun, which matters the most.

09-22-2009, 02:33 AM
And as for Prak..well beside the point you seem like a dick, I have to ask: Why are you calling people out on a forum about a game you don't even care about? What is the point of it?
He does that to everyone. As to why? Who knows. Maybe he's bored. But in the end, are you going to care about someone over the internet who you will never see to actually bother getting mad at?

09-23-2009, 02:31 AM
He does that to everyone. As to why? Who knows. Maybe he's bored. But in the end, are you going to care about someone over the internet who you will never see to actually bother getting mad at?

No, merely trying to understand. Then again, a friend of mine made a excellent point:

"The internet is for pointless complaining."

Understanding has come.

10-09-2009, 06:32 AM
(I don't have intentions of reviving this)

I saw this review a few weeks ago, most likely a month. And what I have to say is this:

The game: In my opinion the gameplay was the best thing I saw in a Main FF, Junctioning Magic to stats > Leveling Up....

Story/Characters, One of the worse FF, the story doesn't make sense at all, Squall personallity changes radically from CD to CD, the guy is another person in every CD, the other characters I didn't found them that appealing, saving Irvine and Laguna & company. The save the world quest doesn't make sense. And the romantic part of the game doesn't buy me. FFIV has a good solid base of romantic material in comparison to this.

About spoony's review: The guy exagerates many things and make them funny, that's all, I found it as a good video to say why FFVIII concept/storyline/characters suck.

About the other people opinions: Everyone makes a good point (junctioning system overpowered, character development, etc...) The junctioning system it is overpowered indeed, but it's the only FF that use that kind of system so they've don't give it much room to keep on doing it more balanced. The character development is the part that I don't agree, I understand why you say this (squall from being a student to a mercenary then leader then world's savior) but let us be reasonable, this character was the most appropiate to be all that?, the guy doesn't give a damn about anything, he's just good at fighting, that's all, and there's no basis to his romance with rinoa, he suddenly is in love in CD3, he doesn't give a damn about the girl until suddenly on CD3.
Well that's just my opinion...

jewess crabcake
10-09-2009, 08:09 PM
Really? Squall seemed pretty drab in every CD.

Darth Revan
10-10-2009, 03:59 AM
IIRC, Square was targeting a female audience with FFVIII, due to the supposedly 'heavy romantic' undertones.

I admit, I did enjoy FFVIII more than FFVII... however, FFVIII is no where near my favorite FF Game. Spoony has his own opinion about the game as everyone else does.

I'm reminded of a quote I heard once...

"An opinion is like an asshole, everyone has one."

Nuff said.

10-13-2009, 05:57 PM
My asshole is better than your asshole though.

Darth Revan
10-14-2009, 02:51 AM
Good for you.

t0m s3rvo
08-12-2010, 10:57 AM
Pistol swords. Pinfire.

..Wow. That looks..quite awesome, if impractical.