02-11-2009, 05:13 AM
I know the game comes out this Thursday and I can't freaking wait to play it, but just judging from the gameplay videos I've seen the music just sounds extremely beautiful. So if someone could find the time to rip the game's music I would greatly appreciate it. Peace.

02-13-2009, 10:19 PM
I second this request !!

02-14-2009, 06:59 PM
3rd !!

In fact I was just going to request this myself, but decided to look first to see if someone else had.

Just beat it a few mins ago, and the music is outstanding !!!!!!

02-15-2009, 05:17 AM
Oh I definitely agree with you! My roomies and I played it straight through last night...and the music was just beautiful!

02-15-2009, 07:46 AM
I'd also love a Flower OS. I actually just e-mailed That Game Company to see if they'll ever release one. Keep your fingers crossed, ya?

03-01-2009, 07:34 AM
The composer, Vincent Diamante, is an old friend of mine. The soundtrack is dynamically generated as you play, so don't expect a true rip any time soon. I asked him, and he said an OST is planned for release via PSN. He and Sony are back and forth about how they want the album to sound. He's looking for a pleasant, ambient feel, reminiscent of the game (chill-out music), while Sony wants a more traditional album, with tracks around 4 minutes. Just asked for an update, and Sony basically put their foot down. He believes it's been mastered and waiting for marketing, etc. and a release schedule.

As I understand it, it will have a modest price tag attached, and in this instance, please buy a copy and support the composer. He gets no royalties from sales of the game, but he will from sales of the OST.

03-01-2009, 07:44 AM
The composer, Vincent Diamante, is an old friend of mine. The soundtrack is dynamically generated as you play, so don't expect a true rip any time soon. I asked him, and he said an OST is planned for release via PSN. He and Sony are back and forth about how they want the album to sound. He's looking for a pleasant, ambient feel, reminiscent of the game (chill-out music), while Sony wants a more traditional album, with tracks around 4 minutes. Just asked for an update, and Sony basically put their foot down. He believes it's been mastered and waiting for marketing, etc. and a release schedule.

As I understand it, it will have a modest price tag attached, and in this instance, please buy a copy and support the composer. He gets no royalties from sales of the game, but he will from sales of the OST.

That's funny. I just got an e-mail back from That Game Company saying just about the same thing; that both Flow and Flower soundtracks are in the works.

And I understand completely about buying OS'. I know a violinist who regularly plays in scores for films, so I normally buy the soundtrack but never really open them. I've got an mp3 player, but my CD drive is far from adequate for ripping music (I always get popping noises throughout the tracks), so I download the high quality ones here.

And if you've got a chance, tell Diamante that he's got some mad composing skillz and that he's got a ton of people wanting to hear more. ;)

03-02-2009, 04:44 PM
That's fine for me. The music is absolutely beautiful and I don't mind selling out the money to enjoy the music and the composer's contributions to the game. But I appreciate you keeping us up to date on everything :)

03-23-2009, 11:55 PM
No music Game Rip Download??? :(

03-24-2009, 12:23 AM
No music Game Rip Download??? :(

The music is dynamically generated on the fly during gameplay. It's not possible to rip in the traditional sense.

03-24-2009, 12:24 AM
I remember hearing his score for the game "Cloud" and was immediately blown away. It was a such a beautiful and relaxing score. I instantly fell in love with it. This was several years ago. Then Flower comes out on the PSN. I heard the music and thought, "This sounds exactly like Cloud, I love it." I thought it was the same composer but it wasn't until today when I read an article on CNN about it that I knew for sure. Now it all makes sense. =)

03-26-2009, 09:58 PM
I remember hearing his score for the game "Cloud" and was immediately blown away. It was a such a beautiful and relaxing score. I instantly fell in love with it. This was several years ago. Then Flower comes out on the PSN. I heard the music and thought, "This sounds exactly like Cloud, I love it." I thought it was the same composer but it wasn't until today when I read an article on CNN about it that I knew for sure. Now it all makes sense. =)

Yeah, the music for Cloud is really beautifull too, i want this now!! :b

03-28-2009, 11:14 AM
I love these indie games !

very refreshing,nowadays !

04-18-2009, 06:24 AM
i want this too, i love flower, it's soothing and fun!!!;)

04-18-2009, 01:28 PM
unless someone's able to grab ALL of the tracks that are included in the game, like from the files included in the game, we're not gonna have any luck.
if you watched the "making of" of the game, you'd see it's all dinamically generated. besides, the game when it was launched had problems in the last level, sound skipping and it was only fixed when the game was patched.
every track is playing at the same time, they just up or down the volume of each track.

04-19-2009, 07:24 AM
unless someone's able to grab ALL of the tracks that are included in the game, like from the files included in the game, we're not gonna have any luck.
if you watched the "making of" of the game, you'd see it's all dinamically generated. besides, the game when it was launched had problems in the last level, sound skipping and it was only fixed when the game was patched.
every track is playing at the same time, they just up or down the volume of each track.

eddy93 was kind enough to grace us with the flOw soundtrack:

Thread 64381

Maybe it wouldn't be too hard to get the Flower music as well?

04-19-2009, 09:06 AM
but you have to be moving around to get it to change, and u very well can't move around and rip at the same time, better hope an official OST will end up on PSN, but if you google "Flower" people have videos on Youtube of the game and the music, that's the best i can do folks

04-19-2009, 09:08 AM
or i can put it on a DVD, and put it in my comp and extract the songs , i'll try that

04-19-2009, 04:34 PM
or i can put it on a DVD, and put it in my comp and extract the songs , i'll try that

You know how to extract the PSN games from the PS3? Please, do share this knowledge. It'll help tons of people to get soundtracks off download games, which has been a problem in the past.

04-20-2009, 02:04 AM
well, i said i can try it but i'm not guaranteeing anything well what i'm gonna do is put a DVD in the DVD recorder then record ALL the music, or try to, then thorow the DVD in my comp, and find all the songs, then extract the songs and link the songs!!! I'm going to try it right now!!!

04-20-2009, 06:41 AM
well, i said i can try it but i'm not guaranteeing anything well what i'm gonna do is put a DVD in the DVD recorder then record ALL the music, or try to, then thorow the DVD in my comp, and find all the songs, then extract the songs and link the songs!!! I'm going to try it right now!!!

Oh! Gotcha. I thought you were originally saying that you knew how to go around the PS3 system files on the hard drive, which I don't think too many people have been able to do yet, let alone find a game and be able to rip the soundtrack off of it in an audio form. But a DVD recorder should work. And even if the sounds of the wind get in there, wouldn't that make it even better? Ah... I can just hear it now...

06-26-2009, 10:18 AM
Some news ?

06-29-2009, 10:09 AM
No, I've been really busy i just got Tomodachi Collection for ds

08-25-2009, 06:24 PM
This is a bad news... :(

11-21-2009, 03:41 AM
No updates?

11-21-2009, 07:55 AM
Alright... Who's ready to hear something slightly annoying? I work at a GameStop, and for TWO MONTHS, we've had a single track from the Flower Album on our PS3 demo unit. Just one. It had album art and everything. Even listed Diamante as the Artist and all that other official album stuff. But I haven't seen so much as a speck of info of this on the Internet! I can only hope that they're still planning to release it...

12-07-2009, 09:52 PM
Game rip available here: Thread 72233