02-06-2009, 07:38 PM
I am not requesting music but actually requesting sound effects. I was asking if anyone knows any good sites or if anyone has any files of sound effects taken from the Gundam or Macross anime's or even the Super Robot Taisen/Super Robot Wars games or even the OVA!

It is I am needing them for an animation project that I am undertakng and the more the merrier.

So any of the SRW, Gundam or Macross sound effects would be good.

Thanks for the help

03-19-2009, 03:01 PM
Sorry I am having to bump this thread.

Well I was asking for any sound effects that are taken from Super Robot Wars Alpha 3 or from Super Robot Wars Z. Also if anyone has any sound effects before Turn A Gundam when they used classic sound effects and if anyone has rips of sound effects taken from Seed/Seed Destiny and Gundam 00.

Also if anyone has Macross related sound effects especially with Macross Frontier. So if anyone can help that would be great.

06-10-2009, 05:23 PM
did you ever find those sound effects? I'd like to get a copy if you did! Or do you perhaps have any other video game sfx? Im looking for especialy 2d fighter types, or mecha. :)