02-02-2009, 01:43 AM
Since I had some free time this weekend, I fulfilled a request for this soundtrack. I figured more people who were interested might see it on this board, however, so I'm posting it here as well.


1 Roller Coaster Tycoon Theme
2-12 Merry Go Round (1-11)

13 Summer Style
14 Gentle Style
15 Water Style
16 Ragtime Style
17 Techno Style
18 Wild West Style
19 Rock Style
20 Fantasy Style
21 Horror Style

22 Rock Style 2
23 Snow Style
24 Toyland Style
25 Roman Fanfare Style
26 Oriental Style
27 Martian Style
28 Jungle Drums Style
29 Ice Style
30 Jurassic Style
31 Egyptian Style
32 Medieval Style
33 Urban Style
34 Space Style

35 Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 Theme
36 Rock Style 3
37 Candy Style
38 Organ Style
39 Mechanical Style
40 Pirate Style
41 Modern Style

42 Dodgem Beat Style (Bumper Cars)
43 Circus Soundscape

Now let me make mention of a couple of things. First, it's encoded at 128kbps. Before anyone asks for a higher quality version of it, let me explain that 160 and 190 kbps, at least on my speakers, just made the background noise more pronounced, especially for (what I assume to be) the live recordings used for the Merry Go Round tracks. The 128kbps didn't seem to have a negative effect on the tracks at all, so just go with it.

Second, the looping thing. Basically, the way I did this was to take each .dat file from the disc and run it through Audacity. I made some very minor edits, usually to make sure the tracks looped naturally, though most of them really only needed a copy and paste. There are 13 tracks that do not loop. None of the Merry Go Round tracks loop because, in the game, they seem to just play at random going from track to track, so there wasn't much need to loop them. The Circus Soundscape track also does not loop since it is just a single performance of the show. The other one that doesn't loop is "Organ Style" because the song on its own is roughly 5 minutes and had a very definite ending, so it didn't feel necessary to loop it. All of the others loop and sound pretty good.

I think that's everything. If Megaupload ever takes it down, pm me and I'll repost it, though I noticed that they usually don't take things down unless the file name filter picks up a word or phrase that gets flagged. This should stay active for quite a while.


EDIT: For whatever reason, Merry Go Round 4 seems to have a problem halfway through. None of the others have this issue. I'll see what I can do to correct it.

EDIT 2: If Merry Go Round 4 is still giving anyone a problem, here's a different version of it: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4W9BI03J

02-02-2009, 06:55 AM
Many many many thanks!
I ADORE these games but never found out how to extract the music.

02-02-2009, 11:32 AM
Thank you very much....
I liked the game, I love the music

Caper the Fox
02-02-2009, 01:54 PM
Thanks I even have the first game of it but its been so long since i played it when i use to have Windows XP

Looking forward to listen =D

02-03-2009, 11:38 PM
Thanks a ton ! :) which game do the special ride tracks belong to?

02-04-2009, 12:49 AM
Thanks a ton ! :) which game do the special ride tracks belong to?

You're welcome! The Bumper Cars are in all of the games (in the original, before the area BGM was introduced in the expansions, the Bumper Cars and the Merry Go Round were the only rides that had music). The Circus Soundscape is from RCT2. Enjoy!

09-30-2009, 10:03 PM
nice 1

10-02-2009, 11:42 AM
Thank you!!!

10-02-2009, 03:29 PM
Wow ... this thread came back out of nowhere. I'm glad everyone who is discovering it for the first time is enjoying the music! I'm also glad my links still work!