01-31-2009, 11:51 PM
Don't worry I didn't buy it, I only rented it. I knew before I played it that it would just be a cheap, tacky, half assed attempt at a game that had no effort put into it because, let's face it, how can a game that merges superheroes and mortal Kombat fighters not sell? Despite that I decided to give it a go, after all I love the Mortal Kombat movie in a, this is so bad it's freaking awesome, kind of way, and the games on the most part are great fun. So I get the game and first I play a round against my brother, the first thing I notice is the awful graphics, I know graphics aren't everything but I thought I was playing on a PS3 not a Nes. The second thing, is well, the gameplay, the characters seem very robotic, moves don't flow very well unless of course you're a sad person who can be bothered to spend a year and a half studying 'kombos' just to get a basic idea of moves a single character to perform. This leads to frustration, not a good thing developers! There is so much wrong with this game, the cheesy dialogue, the graphics, the story, the complicated 'kombos', the lack of characters (I want Jonny Cage!) oh and the brutalities and fatalities, whoch are special moves at the end of matches that every character can perform, except you have to use complicated button combinations that you are never told in the game. That's right you have to guess how to do them. It's still kinda fun but i'm only playing for trophies right now.

02-01-2009, 12:02 AM
I thought fatalities always involved complicated button complications that are never told in the game?

Didn't they take out the Joker's fatality?

02-01-2009, 12:03 AM
no, the joker still has fatalities.

02-01-2009, 12:05 AM
Specifically I meant the one where he shoots using a gun with a bang! flag and then pulls out a real one.

That one still there?

02-01-2009, 12:11 AM
I haven't used the jokers fatalities yet, I've only done about four or five overall.

02-01-2009, 12:12 AM
I heard talk of that one getting the axe. Not that it makes or breaks the game or anything. Just found it clever.

02-01-2009, 12:15 AM
I'll let you know once I've used both the jokers fatalities ;)