01-31-2009, 06:32 PM
I've been searching for these soundtracks for some time now, and I would be most pleased if anyone could help me out.


Mech Platoon


Star Wars

Section Z

Might & Magic: Book One "Secrets of The Inner Sanctum"


Tachyon: The Fringe

Empire Earth I

The Temple of Elemental Evil


Sudden Strike II

Thanks in advance.

MT Silver
02-01-2009, 12:54 AM
I second the request for Tachyon: The Fringe. That game's music was awesome :)

02-04-2009, 12:18 AM
I find it hard to believe that no one has them.
Afterall, there has been more requests for these and it would sure make those people happy (if they're still around) if someone could upload them.

It can't be THAT much of a burden to an experienced ripper now can it?

MT Silver
02-04-2009, 11:53 AM
I know Temple of Elemental Evil exists somewhere. I downloaded it a long time ago, near the release. Sadly, no longer have it.

02-10-2009, 01:16 AM

Red Arremer
02-10-2009, 01:56 AM
If they're so common like you act, rip them yourself?

I would've MAYBE ripped Pharaoh and Empire Earth, as I possess the games myself *pats cases* but considering how dickheaded you act in this thread, I don't think I feel like doing so.

It's more of an outrage that you're outraged by noone doing that. Or perhaps someone IS doing that (like Sherlock, mayhaps), and so you know: ripping does take a while and not just a few minutes.
But eh, Sherlock is pretty pissed now because of the OP's assery.

02-10-2009, 04:17 AM
If they're so common like you act, rip them yourself?

I would've MAYBE ripped Pharaoh and Empire Earth, as I possess the games myself *pats cases* but considering how dickheaded you act in this thread, I don't think I feel like doing so.

It's more of an outrage that you're outraged by noone doing that. Or perhaps someone IS doing that (like Sherlock, mayhaps), and so you know: ripping does take a while and not just a few minutes.
But eh, Sherlock is pretty pissed now because of the OP's assery.

Is this forum your life or something? If I remember correctly it was you who "delivered justice" in one of my threads long ago. What a coincidence you turned up again. Who the fuck are you really, a shit whose life's meaning is to become an internet celebrity and have as many posts on a worthless forum as possible. "Sherlock is pretty pissed now...", like I would care. Just a name passing by to me. And during the waiting i've been able to rip a couple myself, and I bet the rest of them should work out fine to.

So get your weeaboo fag ass back to watching anime.

Red Arremer
02-10-2009, 04:42 AM
No it isn't.

But, unlike you, I'm a contributor to this forum, ripped several things and posted them here.

And, unlike you, I'm not bitching about something I get for FREE. It is the rippers' time and effort which is getting you your downloads.

If you have ripped, why don't you share your rips, then? I'm sure those people you mentioned and MT Silver would be happy.

But all you do is this:


I just looked what threads I "delivered justice" to... Oh my. I remember you worm now. Hi Deknoy. Long time no see. How's it hanging? Still the worthless shit you've always been succeeding in nothing because of what a dick of a person you are and demanding favors like they would be a given? Still being confused and having no answers because of they way you ask?

If you look into the other request thread I posted in (that Custom Robo one), you see: If someone asks properly with normal manners, I'm more than willing to fulfill their wishes if I have the time for it.

By the way, I don't fucking care about Japan or Anime, so calling me a Weeaboo is similar to calling me a Christian. But you're spot on with the fag. <3

02-10-2009, 04:48 AM
By the way, I don't fucking care about Japan or Anime, so calling me a Weeaboo is similar to calling me a Christian. But you're spot on with the fag. <3

So that's what weeaboo stands for?

Also, Skunk lets just end this walk on the park at that.
Lets not feed the ducks anymore, let us go home...

Red Arremer
02-10-2009, 04:53 AM
Weeaboos are people who're Anime nerds, who try to learn Japanese and insist on people spelling Japanese stuff right and disliking dubs and shit like that. I think. I dunno. I'm not like that at all, since I don't give a shit about Japan unless they make a good game.

And yea, let's go home. I need a nap.

02-10-2009, 05:00 AM
Is this forum your life or something?
Who the fuck are you really, a shit whose life's meaning is to become an internet celebrity
I'm sure every person who may have considered going out of their way to rip music JUST FOR YOU really feels like doing it after reading that.

a worthless forum
If it's so worthless, then why are you here, BEGGING for our help?
If it's so worthless, then leave.

"Sherlock is pretty pissed now...", like I would care.
You ought to, he was someone who had the potential to rip some of the music you wanted.
Besides that, this little argument should be an example to you of what happens when someone who is requesting help is a total dick. Try and learn from it, please.

Just a name passing by to me.
Which is why you remembered some old confrontation with him from before, right?

So get your weeaboo fag ass back to watching anime.

Red Arremer
02-10-2009, 05:11 AM

omfg. <3


02-10-2009, 03:42 PM
It is the rippers' time and effort which is getting you your downloads.


If you have ripped, why don't you share your rips, then? I'm sure those people you mentioned and MT Silver would be happy.

Maybe I will.



02-10-2009, 03:46 PM

Duck is the common name for a number of species in the Anatidae family of birds. The ducks are divided between several subfamilies listed in full in the Anatidae article; they do not represent a monophyletic group but a form taxon, being the Anatidae not considered swans and geese. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water.

Ducks are sometimes confused with several types of unrelated water birds with similar forms, such as loons or divers, grebes, gallinules, and coots.

02-10-2009, 03:50 PM
Which is why you remembered some old confrontation with him from before, right?

It is easy keeping track on 30 posts.

02-10-2009, 03:55 PM
omfg. <3


02-11-2009, 05:28 AM
Wow, someone needs to seriously lock this thread, hehe. Flamewars R Us!

Lord Brimstone
02-13-2009, 07:33 AM
/cooks some bacon and eggs over the roaring flamewar

Oh! I didn't see you guys there. How are you doing these days Sherlock? also, how do you guys want your eggs?

02-13-2009, 11:11 AM
I'll have my egg well done, pleeease <3

Red Arremer
02-13-2009, 02:00 PM
Oh! I didn't see you guys there. How are you doing these days Sherlock? also, how do you guys want your eggs?

Hi Brimmy. I'm fine, thanks. Eggs and bacon, huh? Sounds great, I haven't head breakfast yet. I'll take it scrambled and nicely roasted, please.

Lord Brimstone
02-14-2009, 11:17 AM
No problem. two orders of bacon and eggs coming right up.