01-27-2009, 01:50 AM
I don't have a next gen system yet. I was thinking about buying the PS2 version. I was really disappointed because i had viewed the gameplay trailer that came out around June of last year so that is what I expected on the PS2. What i got seemed like crap to me. It was too kiddie in my mind, too simple. Then i went to YouTube...and the true world of my dreams was there.

I've watched a lot of footage from all 4 systems and here is what i've figured out.

PS2: this version of Sonic Unleashed is what i like to call Sonic Unleashed for Kids. It's like a starter kit for a 10 yr old who just started playing Sonic games. The levels are simple, and in my opinion slow. I never got the feeling of speed from this game. The day stages are beautiful but there seems to be a bit of a focus on taking different direction in one stage, or seeing the sights, which does make for a bit of exploration. I've actually played a few levels on the PS2 and noticed there weren't many enemies. The stages seem to be nothing more then a straight forward platformer with each stage seeming to be a bit disjointed. As if they just put the stage together without any fluid movement from one area to the next. The Sonic Blast move is wasted on the fact that there are very few enemies and it doesn't last long. You have to press the button to activate it again. The night stages seemed boring and focused more on getting from point A to point B than any fighting. And worst all, Sonic is too vocal. All of the "yahoos", "raaaahhs" and other noises detract form the game instead of adding to it.

These games finally fulfill what Sonic fans were bitching about for years: Speed. The day stages are fast, fluid and fun. If you're not used to playing a truly fast game then be prepared for some bumps cause this game is at mach two during the day stages. Now one thing i must say is that the game kind of runs on a rail. There is very little difference in taking a different path other then a reduction or increase in speed. There are a lot more enemies in the game so the Sonic Blast comes in handy and is fun because all you have to do is press and hold down the button and Sonic keeps blasting as long as he has ring energy. Now i did notice some difference in each systems. PS3 seems to be more aggressive. There were more robots per stage, and more of a sense of feeling aggressive as if you had a mission to fulfill right now. The Wii and 360 focus more on just having fun at break-neck speeds, smashing through enemies park areas and buildings without pause. The night stages are much more interesting, while still a bit bland there is more combat so it is much more interesting. Overall i'd say that your best bet is to by the next gen version of the game.

Hiroshi Mishima
01-28-2009, 03:41 PM
I'll tell you what I think. The PS2 version is great, it's fun, and it doesn't make me want to kill someone.

Blimey, I did go off on a rant, didn't I? Feel free to ignore this, it's mostly me blowing off steam at the gaming industry and what I percieve as a problem today.
Especially in regards to the controls of the Wii version. Nintendo's console is very interesting and it does feel innovative. However, there are some things that just don't need the motion sensitive controls.

You're going on and on and on about "speed" and "difficulty" and all that crap I couldn't care less about. Yes, Sonic goes fast. Yes, Sonic on the Genesis went fairly fast. But you know what? It was only a FRACTION of how fast he ended up going in the so-called "good" Sonic games like Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush. I couldn't stand those games because he went so fast that if you blinked you died. I'm 27, I've been gaming since I was 4, and I am SO sick and tired of hearing people bitch, whine, and complain that various games are "too easy", "not fast enough" or "don't support multiplayer" and so on.

If you wanna blow way more money than anyone should have to on a game, or if graphics are all that really matter, then by all means go buy the "next generation" versions of the game. But for someone like me, who actually has to make ends meet, and doesn't have the time to perfectly master and memorize every last, gods-damned inch of a level, versions like the PS2 one are more than just fine.

I feel this way about a LOT of "next gen" games. Many of them would have worked fine on the PS2, just as a fair number of PS2 games would have been fine on the PS1, and so forth back down the line.

I'm sorry if what I'm saying offends you, but I'm speaking the truth. Most games aren't worth the money we pay for them. Designers today are getting lazier and relying on cheap tactics such as "inflated difficulty", "cookie-cutter levels" and "supply your own content."

Also, I apologize that this became sort of rant on games in general. It's just that it's a very touchy subject for me, and I seriously feel that this generation's children are ruining games for the older generation that experienced what games used to be, or actually liked games that weren't over within hours of playing them.

In short... I got the PS2 version, have played the Wii version, and I just feel so damn glad I made the right choice. But yeah.. sorry for ranting, it's just a touchy subject these last few years.

01-28-2009, 11:34 PM
I'll tell you what I think. The PS2 version is great, it's fun, and it doesn't make me want to kill someone.

Blimey, I did go off on a rant, didn't I? Feel free to ignore this, it's mostly me blowing off steam at the gaming industry and what I percieve as a problem today.
Especially in regards to the controls of the Wii version. Nintendo's console is very interesting and it does feel innovative. However, there are some things that just don't need the motion sensitive controls.

You're going on and on and on about "speed" and "difficulty" and all that crap I couldn't care less about. Yes, Sonic goes fast. Yes, Sonic on the Genesis went fairly fast. But you know what? It was only a FRACTION of how fast he ended up going in the so-called "good" Sonic games like Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush. I couldn't stand those games because he went so fast that if you blinked you died. I'm 27, I've been gaming since I was 4, and I am SO sick and tired of hearing people bitch, whine, and complain that various games are "too easy", "not fast enough" or "don't support multiplayer" and so on.

If you wanna blow way more money than anyone should have to on a game, or if graphics are all that really matter, then by all means go buy the "next generation" versions of the game. But for someone like me, who actually has to make ends meet, and doesn't have the time to perfectly master and memorize every last, gods-damned inch of a level, versions like the PS2 one are more than just fine.

I feel this way about a LOT of "next gen" games. Many of them would have worked fine on the PS2, just as a fair number of PS2 games would have been fine on the PS1, and so forth back down the line.

I'm sorry if what I'm saying offends you, but I'm speaking the truth. Most games aren't worth the money we pay for them. Designers today are getting lazier and relying on cheap tactics such as "inflated difficulty", "cookie-cutter levels" and "supply your own content."

Also, I apologize that this became sort of rant on games in general. It's just that it's a very touchy subject for me, and I seriously feel that this generation's children are ruining games for the older generation that experienced what games used to be, or actually liked games that weren't over within hours of playing them.

In short... I got the PS2 version, have played the Wii version, and I just feel so damn glad I made the right choice. But yeah.. sorry for ranting, it's just a touchy subject these last few years.

I read your rant and with alot of it I couldn't agree more. I'm a big Sonic fan, and i got tired of ppl whining and bitching about the speed as well. I did want to see more speed but i had enough common sense to know that moving Sonic over to a 3-D environment would require him to do more then just run from point A to point B. I think Sonic Team did the best with what it had.

I think what has crippled the new Sonic games is not a lack of speed, but the fact that the dedicated fanbase is so stubborn about what they want they can't see reality. They act as if they are the only people who play the Sonic series. They seem to forget that Sonic Team and Sega must constantly approach new gamers and get their attention. The next generation is already here and they want graphics and cool innovations. They've already grown out of side-scrolling, hop and bop. Sega must constantly approach and lure in new gamers because as the players of video games grow up and have families they have less time to play video games. But their kids don't have that problem. So Sega must find a way to keep the real kids entertained and buying their product.

Now i've played Sonic Advance 3 and the Sonic Rush series. I COULD NOT STAND SONIC ADVANCE 3!!! I have never ever put down a Sonic title before save for Sonic 3-D blast and I was mortified at Sonic Advance 3. It seemed like every time i got a good head of steam while running i'd hit a enemy or run off a ledge and have some block float down and kill me. That is how i died in most of the stages. The partner system was fucking useless because you couldn't switch partners in-stage which is what was really need. And the hubs. Don't get me started on the stupidity of the hubs they used, AND those damn Chao you had to find just to unlock the special stage. I made it to the fourth stage before i just couldn't take it anymore and sent the game back to Gamestop.

Now I loved the Sonic Rush series. It brought back the good old days of Sonic. I loved the stages, ripping and running through them or i could explore them if i wanted to. I used the Sonic Blast a lot and i just loved using it to plow through robots and any other obstacle. I thought Blaze was cool but i felt she needed more innovation. She comes across kinda like Shadow The Hedgehog, kinda cool but utterly useless character with no personality. I've gotten tired of these "anti-hero" types or the "angst/guilt-ridden" stereotypes in video games. Mainly because i also read comics and the anti-hero/angst/guilt-ridden types should have died out with Guy Gardner.

Now about the Wii. I have to admit i still have my reservations about the system. What turned me off immediately was the switch to a wireless hand motion device. I seen this crap before. It was called the Power Glove, and it was only a slightly more useless and wasteful piece of garbage then the Virtual Boy. I actually still have the Power Glove my parents bought for me and my brothers when we were kids. My Dad keeps it in his office to remind him to never, ever waste money like that again, and it serves as a reminder to me of this same thing as well.

Now i've pretty much decide d that if i get a Wii i have to buy a true hand held controller. I have a slight bit of carpal tunnel and i am in no mood to aggravate it any further, or accidentally throw it and take out my TV. We shall see how the Sonic series turns out. I've seen the previews of Sonic and the Black Knight and I like what i see so far. I think Sonic Team needs to keep innovating as best they can with Sonic.

01-29-2009, 02:01 AM
None of them. And Sonic should have been turned into roadkill after it became apparent the franchise had turned into a huge bag of ridiculous shit.

(After Chaos, by the way.)

01-29-2009, 03:56 AM
None of them.

Sonic Spinball is love~

Hiroshi Mishima
02-01-2009, 01:56 AM
I'll be surprising to most people and say I actually found the Power Glove and the Virtual Boy to be enjoyable. Neither were quite where they belonged. The Power Glove was ahead of its time, and the Virtual Boy was unfinished and rushed by Nintendo tyring to cover their tracks after delaying the N64.

But beyond that, I definitely understand what you're saying. I personally found that Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were quite enjoyable because it did change the format a bit. I just wish they could decide on a format that worked. The "Hedgehog Engine" is interesting, provided they made a few slight changes, I wouldn't mind playing it again in a new game.

02-15-2009, 07:29 PM
i got the 360 version during xmas for �20. its decent but the wrehog and rpg elements of talking people is so unwated. if you can get passed those parts. the sonic levels and dr eggman battles are simply next gen amazing.