07-06-2002, 09:20 PM
I've heard that you can download anime movies off the internet. o_O Are there websites for this or do you need a napster type of program? (And if you do need a program, can I use it despite my firewall?) Is it legal/ethical? (The people I heard about it from acted like it was like mp3s or roms; some legal issues but not really wrong). Are most of these animes in English (or at least have English subtitles)?

I'm reading the Evangelion graphic novels. Some questions:

-How many books have been published so far? I bought the first six.
-How many episodes of the anime are there? (If it's possible/legal for me to download the anime, that is.)
-Where exactly in Japan do people speak with Italian-American accents? :rolleyes: (I don't know how he speaks in the anime but in the manga Toji Suzuhara could pass himself off as a member of my family. :uh?: )

07-06-2002, 09:29 PM
As for the downloading Anime epsiodes off the internet...yes, you certainly can.


Like you said, this is a program similar to Napster, but with more media options, like documents, games, videos, and pictures. There's plenty good things about kazaa, but be warned, don't do too many things while runing it. It shouldn't affect your firewall any, depending on which one you have. It is legal, as far as I'm noted. It's a good program, I guarentee. But if you don't use it often, you're better off uninstalling it.

Hope that helped ya Fuji-chan....as for the Neo Genesis question, sorry, I dun know about Evangelion :(

Edit: Oofy, I forgots. It's really 50/50. Half of the animes are subbed and half are dubbed.

07-06-2002, 09:44 PM
ok, cool, thanks. :) Now I just have to get my computer hooked up. (the piece of crap my parents call their "computer" has no soundcard.)

07-06-2002, 10:33 PM
In Japan there are currently 7 volumes of the manga. Only one per year, sad, huh? So if you�re truly interested in the story you have to get the anime... Otherwise it is torture.

Where do you live? About everywhere you can buy the anime legally... Or shouldn�t I have said this? ;)

07-06-2002, 10:58 PM
as far as the manga goes, yes, only 7, but personally, i really dont like the manga. they actually did the anime first and then the manga (usually the other way around). they change the story and its just not as good as the anime IMHO.

as far as downloading anime, if its licensed to be, or has been released in the US, then yes it is illegal. actually for all technical purposes its also illegal to download unlicensed anime, but from an ethical standpoint, downloading fansubs of unlicensed anime doesnt really hurt the industry since youre getting something that you absolutely cannot get in the US. most fansub groups/distributors nowadays will cease production of any anime once its become licensed, because thats when it hurts the industry. anime is a PRIVALEGE, not a RIGHT. so buy evangelion. dont download it.

and there are 26 episodes (8 DVDs) of the TV series, and 2 movies (Death & Rebirth, and End of Evangelion. both of which will be released soon. were supposed to come out about a year ago).

07-06-2002, 11:23 PM
Search for any anime episodes you want at http://www.aesearch.cjb.net/

Evad D'Aragon
07-07-2002, 05:12 PM
Yeah, the anime seems better IMO as well....

But, damn , is the anime on DVD expensive or what ? I've seen priced at 250$ CAN plus taxes for 8 DVDs...okay, so you've got them in Japanese, English, French AND Spanish, but still....:(

If you have the cash, however, it's STILL worth it, believe me...Evangelion's a very good anime.

07-07-2002, 06:25 PM
What I ended up doing is downloading Kazaa, hoping to get some evangelion episodes and use floppy disks to transfer them from my parents' computer to my computer.

I'm downloading the first two episodes now. It says there's about six hours left before the download finishes (and it's already been a while) and if I understand it correctly it's downloading it from three different locations. o_O

I hope I didn't screw anything up. o.o;;;

07-07-2002, 07:37 PM
umm.. well, i hope you plan on using around 1000 floppy disks for a few episodes.

07-07-2002, 08:30 PM
Floppy discs? Amazing. Good luck.

About the manga:
Of course, mecha action just looks better when you can see the movement. IMHO, mangas lack something here.
Then of course... the anime was there before the manga, so the anime is thr REAL story and the manga is just an interpretation. And the slow release is another negative aspect.

Sounds expensive, yep. Hm, I don�t really remember, but I think the price of the whole series on DVD over here was 250 DM... 125 �... and don�t ask me what that is in Canadian dollars... O.o

07-07-2002, 09:35 PM
This is insane. It was downloading for 6 hours and all of a sudden the connection died. >_<

Yeah, I have a huge supply of blank disks. But now apparently I'm just going to have to wait until I get internet access on that computer, because this one doesn't seem to be able to handle it.

It doesn't look like Kazaa even has much for evangelion. I found "episodes 1 and 2 dubbed" and "episodes 3 and 4 dubbed" and that was it. Oh yeah, and I found a bunch of music videos. What's that about?

Hey, I was thinking about the story and I came up with a theory. (Keep in mind I've only read the six graphic novels available in the US. I'm a newbie compared to those of you who have seen the anime. Of course, you know how the story ends, so you can probably confirm or disprove my theory.)

possible spoiler...









This is probably going to sound really stupid if I'm wrong and like I'm stating the obvious if I'm right, but are the Eva pilots the children of Gendo Ikari? Think about it-

-Shinji... well, duh. No big secret about who his father is.
-Rei practically worships Ikari, who acts like she's his daughter.
-All that's known about Asuka's father is that he is a scientist in Japan.
-I don't know enough about Toji to come up with any evidence that Ikari is or isn't his father.

Evad D'Aragon
07-07-2002, 11:59 PM
My, you like to speculate a LOT , huh ?

If you want the answer THAT badly...then watch the anime , duh ! lol

07-08-2002, 12:43 AM
*************EVA SPOILERS****************

They never really say for sure in anime about Asuka's or Toji's fathers, but i highly highly doubt that its Gendo. I won't get into Rei because thats major spoilage territory.

************END SPOILERS*****************

and I really doubt youre gonna really find much eva on kazaa. Kazaa isnt REALLY that great for anime. and im not gonna provide other ways because its against the rules of FFS to promote any kind of online piracy.

07-08-2002, 01:00 AM
*********Eva spoiler********

Asuka's father can't be Gendo. Why? Because she's German. She's only one quarter Japanese.

Rei is a clone of Yui, better known as Shinji's mom. She does not have any Gendo blood in her. She's all Yui.

Touji can't be related to Gendou either. His parents died when he was young. Also if his father were Gendou, that would make him and Shinji brothers, or rather, twins separated at birth.-_- I think they made it obvious that Shinji was an only child. Furthermore, look at Touji's last name. Does it say Ikari? No.

Shinji's the only person related to Gendo by blood, and ironically the person who hates Gendo the most.

********end spoiler*********

And yeah, Kazaa's not the best source for anime.

07-08-2002, 05:04 AM
Are those fansubs good? Because you know, you could also find subbed episodes.

07-08-2002, 04:35 PM
I'm usually so good about not reading spoilers. >_< RAGE. Ok, Rei being a clone of Yui is really, really weird. I wonder why Ikari doesn't get weirded out by the fact that he works with a teenage clone of his dead wife? (And what would you be in relation to your clone's son? Is Rei Shinji's aunt or sister or what?)

Well, this probably explains why Rei doesn't have any problem piloting Shinji's EVA, right?

And I guess it's just as well that Shinji and Asuka aren't related. Would have been funny to see their reactions if they were, though. :D ("We're siblings? But... but we kissed!" o.o;;; )

[EDIT: Like the quote in my sig? :) But should I have kept the nu?]

07-09-2002, 12:48 PM
Oh yeah, just for the record, it's illeagal to download anime that's already licened. (eg, Evangelion the series, Escaflowne). But it's not like anyone will find out =P

It's ok to download the stuff that didn't get licened yet, like .hack//sign, et cetra. Heh.

I've completed the Evangelion series but it doesn't make sense >_<; *dim*. Hehe.

07-09-2002, 04:41 PM
Ok, I found something confusing...

In the back of the sixth book, there's info on the background of Evangelion. It's fascinating, because they go into the real stuff that inspired events in the story, like what the Dead Sea Scrolls really are and stuff like that. But this is what I don't get: Under the entry for "Spear of Longinus," it explains that the Second Impact was the result of stabbing Adam with the spear. But the fifth book ends with Rei using the spear to stab Adam. :uh?: Anyone want to explain?

07-09-2002, 08:29 PM
I don't think Rei was stabbing Adam. She was trying to get the lance out of Adam, to use it during combat. That's what happens in the anime, anyways. There was an angel with a really strong shield, and the only way to kill it was to use the lance of longinus. That's why Rei went to get the lance.

07-09-2002, 08:54 PM
Oh, ok. It's kind of hard to tell in the manga. The picture is of Rei's EVA holding the lance, which is in Adam. She could be either pushing it into him or pulling it out. There's also a scene where Ikari talks about it. I don't remember what he says but I don't think it was very clear, something like "Rei is using the spear" or something. And I thought there was a scene earlier where the spear is on a ship, but it may have been after Rei pulled it out or it could have been some sort of flashback to when they used the lance on Adam or something.

07-09-2002, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Rikku-chan
It's ok to download the stuff that didn't get licened yet, like .hack//sign, et cetra. Heh.

actually hack has been licensed for about a month now. by Bandai.

Evad D'Aragon
07-10-2002, 01:29 AM
I've heard of it...Is it any good ? What kind of story is it ? I'd like to know, because I might get interested into it...That is, when I'll have recieved and watched my Record of Lodoss War : Chronicles of the Heroic Knight DVD box set lol

07-10-2002, 03:11 AM
BASICALLY .hack//SIGN (or just 'hack') is set in the not-too-distant future, and it pretty much all takes place inside an MMORPG (massively-multiplayer online role-playing game. like EverQuest, FF11, etc). It's about a guy who for some reason "can't" logoff the game, and is in essence trapped in this online world. So its kindof a fantasy setting with heavy sci-fi influences. ive only seen the first 3 eps, but of what ive seen its quite good. Bandai is also releasing a game based on it (actually many people see the anime as just one big commercial for the game). The game isnt going to be the MMORPG thats depicted in the anime (as many thought) but actually an offline game that takes place in an online world. should be pretty cool.

07-10-2002, 03:57 AM

I finally get my computer set up with an internet connection, and every site I find that has evangelion episodes either results in a 404 error or has the episodes dubbed in a language I don't speak.

*throws a temper tantrum.*

07-10-2002, 09:52 AM
you could always buy evangelion and support the anime industry.

anime is a privalege, not a right.

07-10-2002, 10:32 AM
Originally posted by Fujin

I finally get my computer set up with an internet connection, and every site I find that has evangelion episodes either results in a 404 error or has the episodes dubbed in a language I don't speak.

*throws a temper tantrum.*

Don'thca hate that? I sure do. I find a great site that sounds god-like, and I get a 404 page. The inhumanity of it all. -.-;

07-10-2002, 01:00 PM
That happened to my countless times, you have to accept this. It is part of internet-anime-hunting. If you cannot stand the disappointment and threaten to go insane, do what Atom just said: Save your money and spend it on a tape or DVD as everybody else does. And be thankful there is a legal way for you to get your favourite anime! Other people are still waiting for theirs to be released, and will probably get a crappy release. *points at herself*

Silly question, with et cetera you mean et cetera as in "and so on", not the manga Et Cetera, right?

07-10-2002, 02:39 PM
Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't be trying to do this the illegal way. But crap, $100 Canadian is way more than $100 US, right? I wonder how much it costs to rent?

07-10-2002, 05:03 PM
yes Misao. i mean Et Cetera as in 'and so on'

and Fujin, yes itd cost alot less to rent them. unless you have a friend who has em and will lend em to you (like ive been doing to various people for like 5 months. my Eva DVD set has exchanged hands with many many various people)

Evad D'Aragon
07-10-2002, 05:41 PM
Actually, 100 CAN is A LOT LESS than 100 $ US :p 100 US is about 140-145 CAN ... One canadian dollar is worth about 66 cents US ( more or less that, I'm not really into following that anyway, but that's a good estimate ) . So, if I say 250 CAN for the EVA box set, then in the US it should be around 165 US , assuming of course they are at the same price...So, if in the US it's priced at 200 US and in Canada at 250 CAN , that means it's cheaper here in Canada...But I'd go for the same price , since Canada and US usually sell anime at the same price.

@Atom :

Hum, the ANIME sounds good, but I'm skeptical about the game. Anime-licensed game usually aren't very good, and the same goes for movies or anime based on games...What platform would it be released for anyway ?

07-10-2002, 06:32 PM
Well, I asked my mom if I could go over to the local blockbuster and rent the Evangelion DVD. I explained to her all about how I read the manga, tried to download the anime, that it was hard to do because it was like downloading mp3s, and that I wanted to rent the DVD and watch it on my PS2. My mom told me I could, and then said "I wonder what I just agreed to do?" :uh?: So I had to repeat what I said, stopping occasionally to explain things like "DVD," "PS2," "anime," "manga," "mp3," and basically every other word that I had used. :rolleyes: But I think I'll be allowed to rent it.

Another thing to add to my "list of things to pay my parents back for when I actually get off my lazy ass and get a job." So far, they claim I owe them an arm, a leg, and my firstborn child. (But that they'd like a refund on the child in case it grows up to cost as much as I do. :uh?: )

07-10-2002, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by Fujin
Oh, ok. It's kind of hard to tell in the manga. The picture is of Rei's EVA holding the lance, which is in Adam. She could be either pushing it into him or pulling it out. There's also a scene where Ikari talks about it. I don't remember what he says but I don't think it was very clear, something like "Rei is using the spear" or something. And I thought there was a scene earlier where the spear is on a ship, but it may have been after Rei pulled it out or it could have been some sort of flashback to when they used the lance on Adam or something.

Adam... Heh heh.

***SPOILER!!!*** Please don't read this if you want to save the story....

That's not Adam... It's the second Angel and mother of all humanity aka the lilum, Lillith. Adam was destroyed and turned into a embryo form a day before second impact. During that same day Gendo Ikari left the Katsuragi expedition with the embryo. Heh heh heh heh....

07-10-2002, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by Atom

actually hack has been licensed for about a month now. by Bandai.

Really? How cool! The series are coming out on DVD now, right? *nags like a little child* xD

07-11-2002, 12:08 AM
I dont know. See, Bandai is making the game AND the anime (and Bandai Entertainment [their US division] licensed it for american release). So basically hack is completely Bandai's baby. So because of that, I think the game should be quite good. And I don't know about the platform. Probably PS2.

Don't expect the DVDs anytime soon. It usually takes a long time after the licensing for the DVDs/VHS to be released over here.

07-23-2002, 10:57 AM
and I really doubt youre gonna really find much eva on kazaa. Kazaa isnt REALLY that great for anime. and im not gonna provide other ways because its against the rules of FFS to promote any kind of online piracy.

Well it just depends what series you're looking for. It has ENDLESS amount of DB/DBZ/DBGT, has nearly the whole series and movie of Yu Yu Hakusho...I've never tried Evangelion because I heard it sucks...the only epsiode I've seen (which I don't even know if it counts as an episode) was the hentai special...after I saw that, I could never look at any Evangelion character the same way again....o.O;; O.o;;

07-23-2002, 09:29 PM
Well it just depends what series you're looking for. It has ENDLESS amount of DB/DBZ/DBGT, has nearly the whole series and movie of Yu Yu Hakusho...I've never tried Evangelion because I heard it sucks...the only epsiode I've seen (which I don't even know if it counts as an episode) was the hentai special...after I saw that, I could never look at any Evangelion character the same way again....o.O;; O.o;;

Dude, that's silly. Eva's great. If you think DB and Yu Yu Hakusho are good, you'll love Eva. Trust me on that. It most definetely doesn't suck more than DB. XD The story gets pretty depressing near the end, but it's still one of my favs. People who says it sucks are spoiled by the newer animes.O_0 The art and animation in anime weren't always as good as they are today.

07-23-2002, 10:27 PM
You can get all the eva eps on kazaa, but buy it. Not only because its a great anime and your hurting people who worked very hard to make it, but also because the stuff youll get on kazaa is shat quality...be nice to your eyes...dont steal anime.

But atom, about the eva movies. Wasnt it; death, rebirth, and the last two episodes of eva were called "the end of evangelion"? Its been a while...

07-24-2002, 02:50 AM
end of eva is pretty much a retelling of eps 25 & 26 of the series. told from a different perspective. gives the story a much more "complete" ending, if you can even call it that. its still pretty messed up.

and koenema, the 'hentai' version of Eva was done by some 3rd party animation group. Gainax had absolutely nothing to do with it.

07-25-2002, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by Atom
and koenema, the 'hentai' version of Eva was done by some 3rd party animation group. Gainax had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Thank god to that...I didn't think the creators could be like that, but hey, it's Japan afterall....Japan is the source where hentai was born...o.O;; So um...yeah...

*Wonders now if that Tenchi hentai vid was done by the creators or some spin-off company*....

10-06-2002, 12:38 AM
Bought the box set, just got it in the mail yesterday. I'm up to episode 11 but probably won't get another chance to watch more of it for a couple of weeks because I'm really busy with college. But it's a great show so far. :)

In what episode is it revealed that Rei is a clone?

10-08-2002, 07:19 PM
� Toji's from YOUR family?!?! kewl! ^_^ (j/k)

I'm not sure where in japen they speak like thta, maybe osaka?
(AAA!! I know nothing about japan! Ask Nozomi)

10-10-2002, 01:51 AM
Actually, you're right, he's Osakan. I just thought it was weird how in the manga his lines are translated to give him a "Godfather" accent.