Winged Emerald Lion
07-06-2002, 08:44 AM
I'm an aspiring RK fan with an extremely small collection. Anyone have any comments on the series?

I love it! I bought the first tape and I think its an exceptionally well made show. Awsome characters, awsome time setting(Fuedal Japan, Meiji Era), and above all: kick ass storyline.

Anyone have any comments?

07-06-2002, 04:31 PM
i kinda liked the series up to the part where this whole Shishio thing goes.. from that point, i think the story becomes a bit.. irrelevant, and deviates a lot.
but overall, it's probably one of the best tv series i've ever seen

07-06-2002, 04:49 PM
I really liked the OVAs (many of you know I like serious anime) but the series is not really up to par since they twisted it into a stupid slapstick comedy.

07-06-2002, 04:53 PM
I was schoked to hear what they did to my beloved RK-story after the Kyoto Saga... in the anime. How could they leave out Enishi and his excellent revenge? How could they leave out the most interesting... the gloomiest, saddest, most terrible, yet most amazing part of the series? (The manga series)
And giving Enishi a short appearance in a awful OVA did not help, did it?

My opinion: Rurouni Kenshin is an awesome manga. The anime has a rather decreasing quality. Buy the manga, and adore it.

*looks at the calendar*
Ten more days until I get volume 23 and volume 24. :)

07-06-2002, 07:09 PM
What's this Kenshin you're talking about? I've never heard of it.XD

Yeah, I like Kenshin. I'm a big fan, and I actually like everything about this series. No complaints here, I think it's a great anime. I think the reason Enishi wasn't in the anime was because then there'd be no point to buy the manga. The whole point of the anime was for promotion, and had it contained the Enishi part, it would have failed that. They just wanted to give you a reason to watch the anime, AND read the manga. Quite smart.

07-06-2002, 07:47 PM
*lol* Well, take me for example. I have no reason to watch the aniem at all. I am not into filler-episodes...
And I don�t think the anime was only there for promoting the manga. It had 95 episodes... The Angel Sanctuary anime was certainly just made to make people buy the manga... but I don�t think that was the case here.
They just messed up the last part of the series, that�s all...

07-06-2002, 09:56 PM
Nah, I think it was for promotion. I wouldn't have wanted to read the mangas had they included Enishi in the anime. It ended up being 95 episodes because the anime turned out to be really popular and people wanted to see more. Still, they weren't about to put the best part of the manga in the anime. There's no way they messed up. Just smart business.

07-06-2002, 10:49 PM
No way they messed up? Did you watch the Seisouhen OVA? Or read about it? ... They... did... get Enishi in some anime. But they messed it up. My poor little Enishi.

Note: No, no, Misao. You don�t like Enishi. He is insane. He is scary. He has this grin that is scary. He wears sunglasses though they aren�t invented yet. You don�t like Enishi. You like Aoshi. >_<

Ahhh... the manga came before the anime. People were reading the manga no matter what the anime did. You know, this story was developed for a Japanese market after all. Of course they followed the manga as it was released in the Shonen Jump anthology!

So, basically... really, the anime does not interest me at all... I am very happy with my manga... *sighs* I can hardly imagine that it will be over for me, in six volumes. ;_; About, well, eight months.

07-06-2002, 11:10 PM
Ah yes, the wonders of Rurouni Kenshin :D

Rurouni Kenshin has to be up there somewhere at the top of my list of favorite manga (through the wonders of fanscanning XD). I like the whole "redemption" theme. There are many Feudal Japan/Meiji Era anime/manga out there, like Ninja Scroll, I think Vagabond is too, but I haven't read/seen it yet, but Kenshin just stands out. My favorite characters have to include (in no particular order XD): Hiko, Misao, Kamatari (who isn't drawn to a transvestite character? XD OMG I can't believe I typed that! Where's Backspace...) and of course, Kenshin. Overall, it's an impossibility for me to dislike this wonderful series.

Green Arrow
07-07-2002, 09:14 AM
I bought the first 2 DVD's not that far back now and I have to say that they were good...not great. For one in my anime I like blood and action, lot's of action, which is one of the main reasons for buying/watching anime for me. After watching the Samurai X OVA's then watching the series I was dissapointed.
Dissapointments were that they turned it in to somewhat of a comedy, with those big eyes and all the other bits that they use. They should have made a series out of the OVA's not just 4 episodes if you will.
However the series so far seems to have depth and good characters, so I would reccomend it to people who haven't seen it but want to see it.

07-07-2002, 08:40 PM
Nah, no series out of the OVA... it�s good that there are four excellent episodes, not more. It is a little brilliant story. And if you want to know how it continues, you need to read the manga.
Right now, judging from the volumes of the manga that I know, the story is gloomy enough.
I generally prefer a light, positive atmosphere. I need a happy end... :D

You�re drawn to transvestite characters...? Hehe. Every thought about reading Angel Sanctuary? :P

Lady of the Firedrakes
07-08-2002, 01:51 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Misao
I was schoked to hear what they did to my beloved RK-story after the Kyoto Saga... in the anime. How could they leave out Enishi and his excellent revenge? How could they leave out the most interesting... the gloomiest, saddest, most terrible, yet most amazing part of the series? (The manga series)
And giving Enishi a short appearance in a awful OVA did not help, did it?

Totally~ I was so looking forward to seeing Enishi get his well deserved revenge!! ::sob:: It isn't fair. The series has been going way downhill after the Kyoto saga. there were a few funny episodes though, but it's getting annoying real fast.

07-08-2002, 05:19 AM
I saw the Kenshin movie (based on the TV show) and hated it..I saw the OVA and liked the first ova tape the best...the rest did not interest me as much.

07-09-2002, 04:17 AM
I'm more interested in the OVA's. As someone stated before, I like anime with good action and a mature theme, like Cowboy Bebop =]. So if I ever thought about buying anyting Kenshin, it would be the OVA's.

Lady of the Firedrakes
07-09-2002, 07:22 PM
A waited a long time to see the OAV', and they turned out pretty good. Especially after waiting half the Anime series only haveing a vauge idea where Kenshin got that lovely scar from. I was very happy when I found out. <((^_^))>

07-09-2002, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Misao

You�re drawn to transvestite characters...? Hehe. Every thought about reading Angel Sanctuary? :P

Oh don't worry, I've already discovered that wonderful series... XD XD XD that I'm not spamming... XD XD XD

Yeah, the OAV was very intriguing. I really got into it towards the end. I found myself yelling at the TV at some parts. BTW, I usually don't do that...XD XD. I recommend it.

07-10-2002, 01:04 PM
What do you recommend, the OVA or yelling at the TV? XD

You were happy when you found out how Ken-san received his scar? Eh? I remember I was really sad. But I guess I know what you mean. Now that I know how he got it, I know a bit more than other fans, especially those I currently chat with online. It�s really important background information...

07-11-2002, 03:49 AM
i already know how he got his scar without seeing any of it, DAMN MUSIC VIDEOS!!!! :mad:

Winged Emerald Lion
07-13-2002, 02:46 PM
All of the local places around here to buy anime are too expensive! they want 25 bucks for the soundtrack to the Samurai X movie! I HATE comic book world!!! *kills it*:eye: Uhm well I bought this cool manga book called Kazan about a week ago. I know it has nothing to do with this thread but oh well. Anyone else heard of it? It's about a boy named Kazan. :p

07-14-2002, 09:12 PM
I�ve read a tiny little article about Kazan, that�s all.

Good you meantion it. Music videos are one of the reasons I�d basically liek to have the Revenge Arch animated. There are awsome scenes, scenes I�d just love to put into an AMV... with some cool overwhelming song, har, yeah.

07-15-2002, 05:48 AM
<font face="Bradley Hand ITC">kenshin is one of my favorite series . . . i actually really enjoy the more light-hearted side of it, though, and sometimes when it's just battle after battle it can get really tedious. i was soooo glad when *chibi spoiler* kenshin finally defeated shishio. what a poopy-butt that mummy man was!!!! >_<

i'm watching the tapes as they come out in the u.s. . . .

i haven't read the manga, but my sister and i bought the entire series when we were in japan ^_^

too bad i can't read japanese . . . yet

anyway, my sister did get some translated manga online at some point, but i'll admit i haven't read it. i think she put it on cd and hid it some place X.x

anyway, don't ever diss my ken-chan, or you'll answer to me!

*swoons over kenshin*</font>

07-15-2002, 12:46 PM
Go use a script translation of the manga.
Like this one:

And by the way, my Aoshi could kick your Kenshin�s ass... (I wish he could.) Nah, only kidding.

Lady of the Firedrakes
07-17-2002, 03:55 AM
...well, Aoshi ALMOST kicked Kenshin's ass in the early Anime...........o o '...

08-01-2002, 04:29 PM
I just bought the first DVD on Monday, and now it is one of my favorite anime series.
To me the series is kinda like the Ranma 1/2, both serious and funny at times.
I want to see more of the series before I start to get into the OVAs.