01-18-2009, 04:36 AM
Does anyone have the MFT3 and/or MFT4 AKA le Grand Grimoire 3eme/4eme?

It's a collection of music arrangement from the FFT series (Tactics, TA, TA2)which came out in 2007/2008 and sold at the Music Media-Mix Market (M3) at Japan.

MFT1 and MFT2 can be downloaded from the homepage ( (Japanese) of the soundtracks.

- MFT3: le Grand Grimoire 3eme
1: METAL FANTASY TACTICS ~イヴァリースの中心でアイを叫んだ青年(ケモノ)
-The Dark Mages
2: プレイヤーメイク ~ロックしちゃってるVer.~
3: 斬 捨 御 免
4: 牛乳
5: 昼下がりの訪問者
-如月 柊一
6: Opprecision
7: Security is the greatest enemy.
8: Under The Stars
9: Sign of the beginning
10: Under the Stars -The Trooper-
12: Altema and wing of scarlet ~まだ本気出してないもん
13: DURAI-継がれる心
14: 希望への戦いの後
:Bonus Track:
15: AnTiDoTE -Feat. DJ KUMA-
16: はじめての戦場、そして─

- MFT4: le Grand Grimoire 4eme
1: 橋上の戦い -Join Up!!-
2: 幻想の中で-サリカ熱帯雨林-
3: Embarrassing Battle
4: Amber Valley
5: crystal
6: Lukhavi
7: Overwhelming Stars-Under the Stars
8: 小悪党空を征く
:Bonus Track:
9: 敵兵襲撃~Trisection
10: tenebrae
11: IVALISSIDIA -Agrius vs Frimelda-

Sorry for not providing an English translation of the song titles, but I gave up on its attempt on the first 5 songs. ><