07-06-2002, 03:58 AM
Well, yeah.

Here's the news post they put up for today:

SITREP (7.5.02)
America's Army is experiencing unprecedented popularity! Just prior to its release, the AA website had an average of 75,000 hits/sec. This was merely a premonition of things to come... In the 36 hours of its release, AA:O RECON has been downloaded by several hundred thousand gamers (thanks to all the folks and the gaming community for sharing in this herculean effort!) At its peak, HomeLAN's authentication system has served over 500,000 authentications - averaging 15 every second! Demand for AA:O RECON has been so great that we've increased our game servers by twenty-five percent the past twelve hours (with more on the way)! All this -- and its only been 36 hours! We were prepared for quite a rush -- but who ever thought it would be something of this magnitude! Thanks for all the feedback and support in making this special RECON version so successful! Stay tuned and check back here regularly -- there's much more to come! [Bacchus]

Download this fabulous piece of military propaganda today! I know I will!
EDIT: A GD post should have some interesting opinion/discussion potential, so here ya go. Bottom section is new.

I don't really think it's a dangerous influence in any way, personally. I know people are kinda scared "What, what, what's the gub'mint doing? Trying to get our gamers to enlist?!"

Well, yes, yes they are. I, for one, have a future, however, and have no time to enlist. If I do, it will be for the scholarships. Either way, I think it's great that there is an actual free game. This will be one of the games on my computer that I actually have the right to have. *shrug*

What do you guys think about the Army game?

07-06-2002, 04:18 AM
What do I think about the Army game????

I think it needs to be moved to General Gaming ^_^

Hope ya find it there

*moving now*

07-06-2002, 07:06 AM
I remember when someone mentioned this in chat. I almost forgot about it. Thanks for telling me that it's done. It looks good. I gotta go download and play it now.

07-06-2002, 10:34 AM
I hear it's using the new Unreal engine... guess my PC wont be able to run it... :uh?: Though it does look like a good game for being free.

07-06-2002, 04:24 PM
Just yesterday I believe it was, my Father had told me about it. I went to almost every download area that day, and for some reason, there were always problems.

-Download couldn't connect
- Download currently unavailable
-Site has reached bandwidth level

Etc. But anyway, I think I'll try soon to download again. It looks pretty good, and I'm pretty sure it's a the FPS's. :D

07-06-2002, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Garnets Lover
Just yesterday I believe it was, my Father had told me about it. I went to almost every download area that day, and for some reason, there were always problems.

-Download couldn't connect
- Download currently unavailable
-Site has reached bandwidth level

Etc. But anyway, I think I'll try soon to download again. It looks pretty good, and I'm pretty sure it's a the FPS's. :D

It's almost like a game in itself to download the blasted thing.

In a news update, it seems that the game, Operations Recon, will not support Voodoo cards. At all. There will never be Voodoo card support. To the army, I say: Thanks for minimizing your user base as much as possible.

It also seems that Matrox cards are unsupported as well. Thank you once again, Army.

Ah well, my new computer, with a 128mb Geforce 3, will be ordered monday ;)

07-27-2002, 08:09 AM
I'm in the process of downloading this... I might have it done by sometime tomorrow...

I saw this on Extended Play and I figured it wouldn't hurt that bad to try.

Crazy Chocobo
07-27-2002, 10:21 PM
It is extremely fun. Much better than CS, for one thing. They're also sending a CD to US residents (if you signed up, which was stupid, since they now have a name to tack to my address).

07-28-2002, 07:27 PM
Well I downloaded it, I still need to tweak with the options to figure out how to make the game run a bit smoother.

The game goes like this...

First you download it (WOW!)
Next you install it... (WOW+2)
Then you need to go to the website to sign up for an account (They won't ask for personal information, just a username and an email)
You go to basic training (This is the only offilne element, however if you want your rank and medals, you have to be online while playing so they can transmit the data.)
You play online with other people and die for america! o_O

Still fun though. =P