01-15-2009, 10:59 PM
There isn't a thread about it.

You have to be over 18 to view the trailer:


The film is centered around blood and gore. The side story is of a girl named Ruka who works for a privatized police force in Tokyo. They deal harsh, strict punishments to criminals, even killing them. In retaliation, criminals become engineers through key-shaped tumors; their bodies can regenerate weapons infinitely until the tumor is severed. Privatizing police forces, the suicide commercials, and tumors in the form of keys all serve great doses of symbolism and astonishing realizations about pop culture.

And there's a sequel "coming soon."

Has anyone else seen it?

04-22-2009, 06:54 AM
Lol this movie is so strange, but bloody as hell. It was different, and I liked it. They have it up on http://www.watch-movies-links.net/ check it out if you ever get the chance.(Well that's if you didn't see it already.)