01-12-2009, 10:37 PM
Someone in the "Do people think you are crazy for loving video game music?"-thread mentioned taking walks in different places while listening to fitting VGM songs. I thought it was a cool idea and wanted to assemble some ideas for places/songs. We already have a thread about wintery game tunes.

How about songs that would fit a walk in the park, by the beach etc? Any ideas?

01-13-2009, 08:05 PM
Im an expert at this 8)

For walking in parks I recommend forest or plain themes. Try the legend of dragoon songs “grasslands” or “forest” or the final fantasy X track “sprouting”. If it’s a park in a big city “Aoba Park” from persona 2 works good too. Nothing too wild though. I would save tracks like Giza plains (FF12) and Mi’ihen highway (FF10) for wild places like real forests or grasslands.

For a beach I would recommend the final fantasy X-2 song “mushroom rock road” or the Star Ocean track “around the wilderness” I also always like the shore track from kings field 4 (but good luck finding that one).

Matching places music in games with real places isn’t always the best either. For the sandy forests of Florida I like the Cleyra tree trunk song from FF9 rather than a jungle theme and cave themes work good when walking somewhere at night. Also some music only is best for a specific season like “Perpetual unsteadiness” from Radiata Stories which works best in a forest in Autumn and “Limpidly Flow” (baiten Kaitos) which works for the rainy spring season when everything is still leafless and grey.

Also try dungeon themes from Shin Megami Tensei games for modern day buildings like shopping malls, schools and office buildings. I live in a city so a lot of SMT stuff is on my MP3 player ;)

And that was my rant… :/

01-14-2009, 07:18 PM
Thank you for your input Gravijiga! I agree that music from Shin Megami Tensei and the Persona games are good for busy cities.
Now I will go and listen to the examples you mentioned :)

02-01-2009, 10:49 PM
Here are my suggestions:
Talking a jog anywhere: The first level music from either Ninja Gaiden 1 or 2 on the NES.
Walking in some sort of market place: Delfino Plaza from Super Mario Sunshine. (I know it sounds weird but it fits in my eyes.)
Walk in the Park: Onett theme from Earthbound.
Exploring the neighborhood: Underneath The Rotting Pizza from Final Fantasy VII.
Exploring a type of forest: Tristram Theme From Diablo
(Applies to me mostly)Walking in the busy hallways of school in between classes: The Moon and the Prince from Katamari Damacy.
Exploring the city at night: Dribble's Highway Jazz (All Parts) from WarioWare, Inc. - Mega Microgame$.

These suggestions may not be the best but hey, I gave it a shot.

02-03-2009, 11:55 AM
Driving through L.A. at 3 in the morning: Laugh & Beats music from Vib Ribbon and GTA music

While watching the sun set: Earthworm Jim 2 OST - Lorenzen's Soil

02-12-2009, 04:28 AM
let's see, by the beach, I would recommend the world 3 theme in SMB3, and if it's something bad, any Boss theme Lolz I know I have more, but I have a Wii calling my name