01-11-2009, 05:50 AM
I was playing his band's new album, Perpetual Flame, and my sister missed her period for like an entire two months. Seriously.

I tried finding a good interview to explain Yngwie's masterful performances, soaring technical riffs, and vast knowledge of music composition - like how he tunes up his guitar to sound like a piano - but it was too awesome for the internet. So try finding a magazine with Hetfield and Hammett on the cover, and open to page 68 to read all about it.

Perpetual Flame has an old school Malmsteen feel. Was that on purpose?

It wasn’t intentional. The way I write, I just pick up the guitar, bass, keyboards, drums or whatever instrument I’m on. “You Don’t Remember, I’ll Never Forget,” I wrote on keyboards. I wrote “Black Star” on the drums. It doesn’t matter. I play an instrument, something happens and I become inspired. The thing takes shape and all of a sudden there’s a piece of music there. It takes on it’s own life and I follow it. I don’t decide if I’m going to go in this direction or that direction. In the past I’ve tried to do that and I found it wasn’t a very good thing to do. I just let it flow.

Yngwie Malmsteen - Perpetual Flame (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001IRUAX6/ref=mu_dm_alb_dp)

You should really buy it. Or at least buy the track pack in Rock Band.

PS: My favorite tracks are Caprici di Diablo, Magic City, and Eleventh Hour.

Sri Krishna
05-04-2009, 11:02 PM
I got it but haven't listened to it love all his other stuff though.

05-06-2009, 12:13 AM
He has a new album called Angels Of Love, its all acoustic and a really great album. Perpetual Flame was alright, Angels of Love & his very early stuff is the greatest

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-15-2009, 07:57 PM
I just can't support someone that god damn arrogant, I don't care how technically proficient they are

05-18-2009, 02:52 PM
I just can't support someone that god damn arrogant, I don't care how technically proficient they are

He is way too arrogant I agree. when you get past all that though he does have some good albums, I personally think Marc Rizzo is a little more of value but yes Yngwie is a great shredder.

05-23-2009, 09:19 PM
I'm personally more fond of Jeff Loomis, he took inspiration from Malmsteen but in my opinion Loomis is much better. Might be personal preference though, as he writes really heavy 7-string guitar metal.

If you like Malmsteen give his solo album called "Zero Order Phase" a try. Amazing playing, I tell you.

@Ktulu, you'd be amazed how humble and friendly Jeff Loomis is. He's a great guy, and for me, that adds to his music.