01-10-2009, 02:58 PM

As the title implies, I'm looking for the DDR soundtracks. Not just the Stepmania packs littering the Internet, but the actual, complete soundtracks, preferably including the Nonstop Megamixes. I used to have a bunch of them, but I lost everything in a recent hard disk crash.

I had no idea getting the OSTs for such popular games would be so hard. They are virtually impossible to find on the Internet. I've been searching for weeks and not been able to get a single OST.

Maybe I'm just blind, but I can't find them here on the forums either. Every link I've found is dead. I know there's plenty of single songs uploaded across dozens of threads, but wading through them all would only yield a fraction of the complete OSTs (and it would be incredibly time-consuming). And yes, I know Galbadia Hotel has a whole bunch of them, but the site is down and I have no idea when it goes back up again.

So please, could some merciful Samaritan upload the DDR soundtracks? I'm also interested in getting the Nonstop Megamixes, if possible. Anything would be greatly appreciated.