Lady Fett
07-04-2002, 06:19 PM
I know many of you probably hate Pokemon, or you secretly like it and pretend you hate it. But, is Pokemon making a comeback? In case you don't know, the fourth Pokemon movie is to hit theaters in USA this fall. The title, so far, is Pokemon 4EVER. Yes, they even have plans to release new promo cards at the movie. On top of all this a Fifth Movie was announced to hit Japanese theaters this July 13th. Seems it's not dead over there. There is no release date for this movie in the USA ... YET. A new Pokemon game is also in the works for The Gameboy Advanced. They still have the option of choosing either a male or female trainer for this new game, just like Pokemon Crystal. The graphic's are pretty spiffy too. Wizards just released a new card set called The Legendary Collection. All new foil cards are supposedly available. I'm not going to lie ... my two nephews are already begging me to get the cards for them. So, do you honestly think Pokemon is making a comeback?

~EDIT: I made a TYPO! Oh my God!! Had to edit that, even if it was small. LOL! What Can I say?~

07-04-2002, 11:16 PM
Nope, I think it's kinda dead, but there are people who still talk about it. I don't think the movie is going to make any difference.

I like Pokemon and I'm not afraid to say it. :P

07-04-2002, 11:25 PM
Whelp, I went to my local comic store to buy some Love Hina manga, and next to the cash register was a full box of Pokemon cards. I remember when those things sold out faster than you can say "Pikachu". But every afternoon I see my little cousins planted in front of the T.V. watching Pokemon. So, I think it has died down, but not completely gone, and I don't think it will make a comeback.

And yes, I'm not afraid to admit it. I do occasionally watch Pokemon with my little cousins!

07-04-2002, 11:37 PM
I don't think so. The only reason pokemon was so huge was because it was one of the few anime in North America, just like digimon, dragon ball, etc. I think ever since then we've been getting a lot more anime. Yes, there are still going to be fans, but there's no longer that monopoly. The hype is over.

07-05-2002, 08:14 AM
The cards.... killed by Yu-Gi-Oh.
The movies.... didn't do much.
The anime.... no one watches.
The game.... thats all they have left....

It happened to the Power Rangers.... now it's happening to Pokemon. =P

07-06-2002, 12:53 AM
I use to like it when it wasnt so popular (like when it only was on at like 5 in the morning on WB with sailor moon) and once it got popular i lost interest. As far as the movies go; i havnt seen one and i have a feeling that if we have a pokemon 5 6 7 and 8 it's going to be like land before time 2 - if it ever ends, the first one made me cry and the 2 one made me want to vomit all over the screen.

07-06-2002, 04:50 PM
Well, I havn't noticed any pickups...I mean c'mon, these movies are pretty poorly made. Look at the title theme, it's been the same since the damn first movie, although Star Wars does the same thing, and no one seems to have a problem with that. Anyways, like MogK' described, no one watches the anime, the cards were killed by many others, the movies don't do a whole hell of a lot, and the games are really their only chance of profit. I myself, like the 2 old Pokemons, red and blue. I'll play 'em on a trip or something, because it's not really a bad RPG. But really, aren't the goals in the game remaining the same...? "Catch pokemon. Train. Kill other trainers pokemon. End." I havn't kept up with the recent games, so I don't know. But to answer the question, nah, it's just really mild now.

Lady Fett
07-06-2002, 05:24 PM
Why does everyone keep saying No one watches the anime anymore? LOL! I know a ton of people who still watch it. I myself have the entire series up to Johto on video. I mainly watch it because of Team Rocket though ... they are funny. I didn't start liking it because it was trendy. I liked it because I personally thought it was cute. My nephews and I still gather around the TV on Satarday mornings to see the episodes I don't own yet. Hmph. A few people mock me because I like it. But, Oh well. I mean I own entire sets of a lot of different anime's, such as Tenchi Muyo (Not the Cartoon Network watered down version...), Oh! My Goddess, and Yes even Sailor Moon. So, people still watch it. It's just not like it was a few years ago. But, you have to apprieciate Pokemon. It did introduce a lot of kids to Anime. I told the kids I know, If you like Pokemon you'll love this. So now I have a lot of Anime addicts who come to me for their fix. LOL! One is begging me to go get the last few Tapes of the TRIGUN series. I personally think Pokemon might come back just a little. Not as bad as before. Which is good. I run the Local Pokemon League here, and I have more kids now than I did a year ago. I have to teach new kids (Even some adults) how to play. So I think Pokemon will live on. Only, kids just won't go crazy over it and beat each other up over cards anymore. Thank God, I hated breaking up fights.

07-06-2002, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Lady Fett
I hated breaking up fights.

Ahaha, amen to that. Geeze, all those dumb pointless murders over a piece of paper...

About the episodes, well, I'm not specifically saying in general, I'm just saying around in my area. I may see 5-8 year olds still walking around with their GB/GBC/GBA's, with a Pokemon cartridge in it, but really, the word "Pokemon" doesn't pop up much here anymore.

I remember when I used to watch the anime was all good really up until the Johto (sp?) Journeys. I got lost up to there. DIdn't even try to get back in. Which is fine, I soon found out I was losing interest in Pokemon.

And I ain't saying it's bad to still like it =P

07-06-2002, 05:59 PM
I don't like Pokemon is making a comeback. Where I live, there are *no* kids talking about Pokemon. Only about the Gameboy Games, and that's all. O_o Hardly any one watches them anymore, well atleast the people at my street/college/whatever don't watch it anymore, and no one buys the Pokemon cards anymore. Unless they come up with something great, they don't really have a chance.

I admit, I used to like Pokemon 'cause of all the kawaii things ^_^~ I never liked it for the story :B I always found it childish, and I still do. Like I said somewhere else in this forum, who cares about a buncha kids running around trying to save the universe by catching monsters that you can store in a ball and put it around your waist or whatever.

.. Pokemon are kawaii XD~

07-06-2002, 06:17 PM
Could be. I used to be obsessed with it, I admit. I still watch it from time to time with my li'l brothers...sometimes I play the games (I think I have all of them except for Yellow and Crystal).

It doesn't really sound like they're making a comeback, but it sounds like they're not *dead*

07-06-2002, 06:47 PM
I haven't heard anybody talk about pokemon for 2 years, at least. I've only heard people say 'pokeball', and 'pikachu' when they play smash brothers melee. Nobody I know even play the gameboy games anymore. I don't play the gameboy games anymore either. I played the original games, and I thought they were okay. Nothing like final fantasy. Not even close. Nope, no comeback, and dying fast. In Canada, anyway.

Alice Wonderbra
07-08-2002, 10:41 PM
Pocket Monsters is sooo not gonna make a comeback. It has all pretty much died down. Maybe n 10 years or so it will be ressurected, and that is only if they stop trying 2 make it live "forever." Most good animes (despite what people say, it is obviously good. i was one of the first americans 2 start loving it, back when peeps were like poke'-what?) have their comeback. just look @ DBZ and Sanrio stuff. Sanrio died in the 70s and now Hello Kitty is EVERYWHERE! so pokemon isn't gonna have a comeback just yet; its just silently dying and being forgotten.

07-09-2002, 08:36 AM
I most certainly hope not, the hype as already lost long enough, but with Nintendo's plans for another pok�mon game and the GBA and probaly on the GC as well... .looks like Nintendo and Game Freak aint planning and end to the hype just a new fire to relive the hype once more for a while x_x if ofcourse that will succeed, but it is as good as dying out in amsterdam now *thanks god* oh yea... I dun believe in him *thanks the kids who grow up instead*

07-09-2002, 10:58 AM
I know many of you probably hate Pokemon, or you secretly like it and pretend you hate it

I'm not! :D I like pokemon too ^_^ and i'll say loudly " I Like PO-KE-MON!!"

. A new Pokemon game is also in the works for The Gameboy Advanced. They still have the option of choosing either a male or female trainer for this new game, just like Pokemon Crystal.

Yep, i read the same info from UN. It said that in this game you will see all pokemon from crystal, silver, gold, yellow, red, and blue version

So, do you honestly think Pokemon is making a comeback?

I think pokemon will comeback! but it won't be just like the "first", though......

Cetra Angel
07-09-2002, 07:12 PM

come on people!

I used to watch the anime... i have watched all three movies(the first was the best)... and i collect promo cards

but of course, the game is the best.

the only person i know who actually watches the anime is my cousin, and i've completely lost interest in it. but i will NEVER stop playing the games! i used to have yellow and silver but i lost my gameboy at school. thankfully, i now have a gba and i have crystal. I WILL BUY THE NEW GAME. DON'T DIS!

06-26-2007, 07:32 AM
Nope. It's 2007 and I still love'em.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-26-2007, 12:30 PM
You're also a complete waste of life and should kill yourself.

06-26-2007, 02:16 PM
Nope. It's 2007 and I still love'em.

Fuck you.

Don't revive ancient threads, you imbecilic cunt.