01-07-2009, 01:51 AM

I've been lucky enough to attend three Video Games Live events now, and I think I'm going to enjoy PLAY! even more when I experience it in Edmonton this Friday night. This CD/DVD combo was supposed to be shipping out on January 9th, but it's reading as in stock right now!

I'm sure it'll be several days until anybody who has ordered this recording will be receiving it, but if you have, keep this topic in the back of your mind for when you do get it.

01-10-2009, 06:26 PM
I'd really love to hear it, too. My friend went to a concert in Stockholm and was amazed by it.

01-10-2009, 07:49 PM
Second this. I really want a rip of the CD and the DVD.

01-10-2009, 08:50 PM
Does anyone know what the tracklist will be? Scoured the internet trying to find it. The concert of this I saw a year ago in Seattle was great....

01-11-2009, 07:07 AM
So the concert TANKED. The choir mics were hot, which made them sound horrible, it was clear that the orchestra had barely rehearsed at all, and the selection of music was poor. The video clips were displayed completely at random, unlike VGL's finely choreographed display, and...well, let's just say I'm not excited about seeing them again.

They were handing out programs before the show, and I asked if this music was just the repertoire that the show pulled pieces from generally. The answer came back that, no, this was the music that was going to be performed THAT NIGHT. Well, here's just SOME of the music I was promised that they DIDN'T perform:

Blue Dragon,
Chrono Chross,
Chrono Trigger,
Lost Odyssey,
Metal Gear Solid,
Shadow of the Colossus, and, can you believe it,

Yeah, so...when's VGL back in town?

01-11-2009, 10:14 AM

I mean, I've been waiting for this CD since they said they're gonna make one, since spring 2008. ;___;

No matter, I'll still get it somehow. *waiting for an upload*
I heard it's a scam, too. Lots of people haven't got it yet and there was a bug on the site, people lost money when they pre-ordered it. I really hope that it still will make it to the internets soon.

01-13-2009, 09:54 AM
Damn! What's with this thing! People wait for this since few months, and even after official release date, it's still not released! What the hell?! One thing makes me kinda happy bout this "still not existing" CD - no Final Fantasy (at least according to Play! shop info). Why I'm glad? Because FF has got a lot of it's own concerts, and after all, all of them are freakin' repetitive when it comes to track list... Only Dancing Mad could attract my attention. I'm full of One Winged Angels, Themes of Love, even Aeris' Theme. damn! Where are those Play! CD's?

01-13-2009, 04:46 PM
Final fantasy is the most overhyped peice of crap in the whole planet.

01-13-2009, 06:56 PM

01 PLAY! Opening Fanfare
02 Commodore 64 Medley
03 Castlevania
04 Sonic the Hedgehog
05 Crono Cross
06 Silent Hill 2
07 Halo
08 Kingdom Hearts
09 Battlefield Featuring Rony Barrak
10 World of Warcraft
11 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
12 Guild Wars

But still waiting for it...

01-13-2009, 11:40 PM
Final fantasy is the most overhyped peice of crap in the whole planet.

No, there is a lot of incredibly great music in FF. Problem is elsewhere. Like keys in Quake 2;). There are thousands of tracks to arrange, but they still play the same thing! I love FF, I love FF music... bur I hate the way that FF arranges are ... created? Still the same! I love all of those arranges, but I don't wanna hear them on another CD;). Still the same things! I love Aeris' but 10th time again it's not loveable... Still loving, but I feel that I need new arranges... meh;).

01-16-2009, 10:50 PM
anyone has it ?

01-17-2009, 01:35 AM
The official release date was supposed to be the night of the concert, January 9th. It wasn't available for sale at the concert, and the conductor announced that it was because they were at the airport in customs, so who knows what the deal is.

I just hope that the symphony in Prague that performed this didn't have squeaky clarinets, drumstick-dropping percussionists and trumpeters who couldn't hit the high notes, like the symphony in Edmonton.

03-28-2009, 01:39 PM
Well guys, I got it, will upload it as soon as I get home (meaning tonight). I'm not complaining about it at all, those guys did a good job on it (even though the tracklist isn't that good and they played it better in Stockholm when I was there some weeks ago). What I'm saying is that it was kinda worth the money, I'll give you the MU link when I get home and have uploaded it (: