Rabid Monkey
07-04-2002, 04:38 PM
Ok, I've tried this at other forums and people seemed to like it so I'll try it here as well...

First off, make sure you read all the rules because I WIL take points away if you do something wrong. Second, if you don�t like the rules to the quiz I have two words for you, bite me.

Moving swiftly on, the way it works is I ask 3 questions when I update the quiz and some will have bonuses. The first person to answer the question gets the number of points I say the question is worth. USUALLY they are worth 1 point, however I will go up to 3 if I feel it is worth that much. Now, to keep it fair you can only try to answer ONE question at a time. If you try and answer more than one I will only accept the first answer given (if it is right or wrong) and for each additional question you try and answer you will loose a point. Once you guess at a question you MUST wait until someone else has guessed at that question or another before you make another guess at any of the question. In other words, if you post more than once in a row or try and answer more than one question in a single post I am going to take points off.

Now, say I make an update and there are still questions from the last set open, what happens? Nothing, anyone can still guess at them. For example, questions 1 and 3 have been answered, but I make an update and question 2 is still left unanswered, question 2 is treated as if it is part of the update. Also, I have some questions that more than one person may answer. For an example, there could be 7 possible right answer and I say give me 3. Two people may answer this question given they list 3 DIFFERENT answers. Unanswered questions will be listed at the bottom of each update along with partially answered questions with the answers that have already been used. I may have a lot of rules, but I don�t do a half assed job of this.

Bonuses work like this; I ask a question and at the end of it I will say it has a bonus. The bonus is worth anywhere from 1-3 points, like normal questions. The only difference is that the bonus can only be guessed on IF I have confirmed that the question it belongs to has been answered correctly. The person who has answered the bonus then has first shot at the bonus. However, they only get one guess before anyone has a chance to answer it and receive the points. A bonus CAN be guessed at in the same post as a guess for another question IF it is made by the person who got the original question right and it has not been opened to everyone yet. A bonus can also be opened to the public if the person who got the original question right has not attempted the bonus question BEFORE the update and AFTER I have told them they may guess at the bonus. In other words, you answer a question with a bonus correctly and you get a chance at answering the bonus question, but not until I make an update saying it is ok to guess at it. If you guess and get it wrong, or you don�t guess before the next update it becomes open to everyone. Once a bonus is open to everyone it becomes just like any other question and can no longer be guessed at with another question.

Guessing at more than one question per post: -1 per additional question
Making multiple posts to guess at more than one question: -2 per additional post
Guessing at a bonus before you answer the actually question and I confirm you are right: -1
Guessing the answer to a bonus of a question you did not answer and that has not been opened to the public: -1
Questioning my judgment: Whatever I see fit, bitch!

One final note, if you have a problem with an answer I accept or feel I didn�t accept a right answer that you said PM me and tell me why, don�t whine like a prick in the thread. If I find I did something wrong I will change it on the next update. The quiz standings will be posted with each update so you won�t have to remember what your score is.

Change in Rules: It isn't really a change, just something I left out and just noticed. If I offer a question that more than one person can answer and you give a correct answer you CAN'T give another possible answer for that question later on.

Ok, with that said:

1) Name the two brothers that star in the Double Dragon series of video games: 1 point

2) Who is the FINAL boss of FFIX? 1 point

3) Name one of the songs that plan in the background of races in Rock �n Roll Racing for the SNES: 1 points -- Bonus of 2 points: Name 2 of the playable characters.

fascist socialist
07-04-2002, 04:46 PM
Ok, I'm a bit confused on the rules... but still..

2) Necron.

Rabid Monkey
07-04-2002, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Apocalypse
Ok, I'm a bit confused on the rules... but still..

2) Necron.

If anyone has a question on the rules feel free to ask, I'm sure there will be a few, there always are...

07-04-2002, 06:18 PM
I hope i post the answer correctly based on the rules....
3...Mmm, ''Paranoid'' by Black Sabbath

Kool Ranch
07-04-2002, 08:58 PM
1)Billy and Jimmy Lee

Rabid Monkey
07-04-2002, 10:48 PM
Hehe...you're all right, and Lab, you did that right, you're supposed to wait till I tell ya you got the question right to go for the bonus, and ya did just that. So, in other words, take a shot at it...

next questions:

4) Name 3 job classes in FFV. Up to 3 people can answer this question provided each gives me 3 separate job classes: 1 point

5) What is the name of the classes NES game which features Mario throwing 3 colors of pills at enemies? 1 point -- Bonus 1 point: What are the 3 colors or the enemies?

6) In which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game do you find yourself traveling through time? A very easy 1 point question...


Apocalypce: 1
Laburnski: 1
Kool Ranch: 1

07-04-2002, 10:54 PM
*Still doesn't know if he's doing this right, god only hopes so*

5) Dr.Mario

Rabid Monkey
07-04-2002, 11:18 PM
Ok, I'll simplify what I said in the explanation of the rules because a few people are commenting on not understanding completely.

First rule, only guess at ONE question in each post you make.
Second rule, you can't double post.
Third rule, once you guess at a question you can't guess at another one until someone else takes a guess at a question.
These three rules insure that no one answers all the questions at once.

Rules for the bonuses:
First, you have to answer the bonus question right, like Lab did.
Next, you wait for me to tell you if you got the original question right, like Lab did.
If you got the question right, like Lab did, then you can take a shot at the bonus part of the question.

When a question with a bonus is answered right:
-The person who answered it waits till I tell them they got it right.

-Once I tell them they got it right they take a guess at the bonus.

-If they get the bonus wrong OR they don't take a guess at it before I update the quiz again (I try to update it fairly regularly and how often I update it depends on how often people answer) then anyone is free to try to answer the bonus.

-The bonus is still worth the original amount, but it is then treated as if it were an unanswered question--there will be more on unanswered questions in a second.

When a question with a bonus is answered wrong:
Nothing happens, the question is just an unanswered question.

Unanswered questions:
If a question isn't answered before I make my next update it is carried over to the next round of questions. Nothing big, but there was a question about what happened to them the first time I did this quiz so I try to make sure everyone knows that you CAN still guess at a question even though it isn't one of the three new ones I post, as long as it hasn't already been answered.

Multiple Answer Questions:
Most simply put, they are just like normal questions except that more than one person can answer them as long as different answers are given.

I hope that clears things up...

EDIT: I forgot to mention, under the bonuses, that if you are told that you can take a shot at a bonus question you may also answer another question in the same post that you attempt the bonus in as well. BUT, if the bonus is open to the public (meaning that anyone can answer it and it is treated just like a normal question) then the person that is trying to answer a bonus question can't try to answer another question. I know this part is confusing, but it won't be once the quiz gets going.

fascist socialist
07-04-2002, 11:42 PM
Never played FFV, but I'm gonna guess, cause I don't know the last one...

4) White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage. :uh?:

Vir, nice job of simplifying everything.

07-04-2002, 11:55 PM
4) Ninja, Caller, Dragoon~

Uh yeah, that's all I can think of right now O_o;

07-05-2002, 12:43 AM
6) Turtles 4: Turtles in Time

its something like that.

Kool Ranch
07-05-2002, 02:15 AM
4)Knight, Monk, and Theif

07-05-2002, 11:16 AM
3) Name 2 of the playable characters: Snake Sanders & Katarina Lyons

Rabid Monkey
07-05-2002, 03:14 PM
Garnets Lover, you can try for the bonus...

EDIT: I forgot to mention in the rules, me posting doesn't count as a guess, so if you were the last to ask a question before I make an update you still have to wait till someone else makes a guess at a question before you try at another one...

7) Name two of the robots in Mega Man Soccer OTHER than Mega Man. I�ll let up to 3 people answer this one: 1 point

8) What year did Dragon Warrior (Quest) I come out in the USA? 1 point

9) How many Contra games are there? 2 point question just because I have to actually check up on this one to make sure I�m right ;)


Apocalypce: 2
Laburnski: 3
Kool Ranch: 2
Garnets Lover: 1
Serena: 1
TacoG: 1

07-05-2002, 03:56 PM
7) FlashMan and BubbleMan :P

07-05-2002, 04:57 PM
9) I'm stupid with games, so for the hell of it.....I'm taking a swing at 12.


Watch me get it wrong and look really stupid =P

07-05-2002, 05:07 PM
9) Without the arcade games, it's 10, with the arcade games it's.. 12 O_o

Kool Ranch
07-05-2002, 05:56 PM
8) 1989

07-05-2002, 11:55 PM
5 B) I'm pretty sure you said either colors or enemies, so I'll go with colors...

Red, blue and yellow.

Rabid Monkey
07-07-2002, 08:43 PM
Ok, the answers given for the Contra question weren't what I was looking for...I'm going to leave that question open until the next update, if someone doesn't get it then I'll decide what to do.

And Lab, you couldn't give an answer there because you were the last to guess at a question before I updated. I know your english isn't very good, so I won't take a point off, just don't do it again ;)

10) What was the first Final Fantasy to use the Job System? 1 point

11) What game for the SNES is based around a boy chasing his frog into a cave? 1 point

12) How many pieces of the tri-force were there in the first Zelda game for the NES? 1 point

Unanswered questions:

7) Name two of the robots in Mega Man Soccer OTHER than Mega Man. I�ll let up to 3 people answer this one: 1 point Answers already given: Flashman and Bubbleman, 2 more people may answer.

9) How many Contra games are there? 2 points (though the answers given COULD be accpetable I'm looking for a differant number)


Apocalypce: 2
Laburnski: 3
Kool Ranch: 3
Garnets Lover: 2
Serena: 1
TacoG: 1

fascist socialist
07-07-2002, 09:47 PM
10) I want to say FF1, but I dunno if that counts as "job system"... eh... final answer : FF1.

Kool Ranch
07-07-2002, 10:01 PM
12) 2

07-08-2002, 05:43 PM
12) How many pieces of the tri-force were there in the first Zelda game for the NES?

I just finished beating this game a few weeks ago. There are a total of 9 levels, 8 in which you get a piece of the triforce on, and the final in which you rescue Zelda. So my answer is 8.

07-08-2002, 07:52 PM
Vir, I don't know if I'm allowed to answer yet because you havn't told me if my bonus question was right or not, so I'll answer a question and you tell me what happens.

7) Proto Man and Snake Man

07-09-2002, 12:22 AM
10: Final Fantasy 3j

07-09-2002, 12:51 AM
Sorry i didn't know that.

Ok, i'll post more carefully from now on.

7) Toadman and Cutman

07-09-2002, 11:35 PM
9) 15 Contra games.

08-02-2002, 07:25 AM
I disagree, though one can never be too sure, I believe 9) 12 games. :D

1 - Contra (Arcade)
2 - Contra (NES)
3 - Contra (MSX)
4 - Super Contra (Arcade)
5 - Super C (NES)
6 - Operation C (Gameboy)
7 - Contra Force (NES)
8 - Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES)
9 - Contra III: The Alien Wars (Gameboy)
10 - Contra: The Hard Corps (Genesis)
11 - Contra: Legacy of War (Playstation, Saturn)
12 - C: The Contra Adventure

09-11-2002, 10:27 PM
Err, FFF already said that.

I asked some Contra experts, and they said there were 15.

Hey Vir, want to tell us if we're right?

09-11-2002, 10:42 PM
11) Blaster Master

im guessing this thread is dead....the last active post ended in july...besides theon before me....crappy , i was looking forward to testing my video games knowledge

Rabid Monkey
09-14-2002, 04:28 AM
For those that don't know, my life has been rather...busy. I'm putting the quiz on hold for now because of this and when I have some free time I will be starting it up again wth the current stats, however, the Contra question isn't going to be included. I checked multiple sources and the answers ranged from 10, or in some cases 9, to 15.

Sorry guys, but I just don't have the time right now...

09-28-2002, 04:49 AM
Damn! That's the only one I had a clue on!