01-05-2009, 08:21 PM
Everyone's doing it. So what were your best and worst games or gaming moments of 2008?

For me--

Best: Fallout 3

2008 was pretty dry for my particular tastes. I spent most of it walking memory lane with gaming classics like System Shock and Deus Ex. I'm not one of those guys who's rushing to get Fable 2 or Gears of War 2 or LBP because they had great hype. I still maintain pretty narrow preferences. Luckily, Fallout 3 comes along with its dystopian view of the future. While it's hardly going to be a "best of all time" game for me, it's probably one of the better games I played this year bugs included.

Worst: Playstation Home

I was one of those Mr. Brightside people who kept saying "it'll be worth the wait". Well, it still might be in a few months, but I've fallen in with the apathetic gamers of column B. When my friends and I finally got Home installed (after a few hours of server errors) our biggest treat was watching the ridiculous riverdance Sony thinks we do to rock music.

01-05-2009, 08:34 PM
Best: Ace Attorney Series/Silent Hill 2/Resident Evil 4

Pretty defining year for me, gaming wise, and otherwise.

Worst: Dementium: The Ward

I know you want survival-horror on the DS, but don't look for it here. Just no.

I'm not sure if I actually played any games that actually came out in 2008 :p

01-05-2009, 11:49 PM
Instead of spreading out my 2008 knowledge (which I have few), I'm going to share the best/worst games I bought in 2008, whether they came out in '08 or not.

Best Game: Now this is a tough one. Since I'm only counting games I bought in 2008, and believe me, I bought a helluva lot of them, this list is tough. It comes down to

The King of Fighters XI (PS2)
Odin Sphere (PS2)
Super Metroid (SNES on VC)
Everyday Shooter (Steam)
and Burnout 3: Takedown (PS2) for the best game, and while they're all very good games, I'm going with Super Metroid.

Meanwhile, the worst game is no contest, and I bet you Xbox fanboys are going to blow me into a billion chunks when I say that Gears of War is the worst game I got in 2008. I'm sorry, I just can't get into it.

01-06-2009, 12:18 AM
Best game I'VE PLAYED that came out this year is pretty much a 3 way battle between Resistance 2 (For the online) Little Big Planet (For the fun factor) and Smackdown Vs Raw 09 (for being my fave wrestling game yet).

Of all time it's easily Black and White.

I don't consider any of the games I got this year as the worst but out of my PS3 collection Assasin's Creed is the worst just for how it failed to live up to the 18 months of hype for being the same crap over and over.

Marshall Lee
01-06-2009, 12:24 AM
Best: Bubble Ghost

Worst: Aztec Challenge, man those crazy archers...

Err, this isn't best of 1988?

01-06-2009, 04:36 AM
Game (Overall)
Best: Okami (Wii...........)
Worst: Phoenix Wright 2

Best: Installing the Homebrew Channel (and using it to its fullest)
Worst: Playing Portal for the first time and not enjoying any of its "humour" whatsoever because the internet ruined it. Or perhaps my rom of TWEWY crashing out about halfway through the game.

Best: Brawl+
Runner-up: No More Heroes
Worst: Animal Crossing Wii

Best: Rock Band 2 :3
Runner-up: Castle Crashers
Worst: patch for Castle Crashers removing boomerang glitch @_@

I didn't touch one for all of 2008. True story.

Biggest Surprise
Good: Dokapon Kingdom, holy shit this game is amazing
Bad: PC getting hit by a horrible virus in Spring

there y'all go :D

01-06-2009, 05:09 AM
Best of 08:COD:WAW Despite all the glitches and the gay under the map faggots, its the best game of 08.

Worst:Grand Theft Auto 4 Just terrible Gameplay,Cheat selection,EVERYTHING!!! Saints Row 2 is way better than GTA4 by a long shot.

01-06-2009, 05:55 AM

I didn't play all the games that I should have... so here goes nothing:

BEST PLATFORMER: Prince of Persia

I know, I must be the only one on earth who didn't experience a single glitch.

BEST RACING GAME: Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (No, I didn't play GRID.)

BEST JRPG: Lost Odyssey
I never played a single Persona game...

BEST WRPG: Fallout 3

BEST FIGHTING GAME: Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix
Soul Calibur IV is great and all that jazz, but I prefer a more balanced, more technical kind of system when it comes to fighters.


Some people think this game is a platformer...



BEST STRATEGY GAME: Advance Wars Days of Ruin


BEST GRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY: Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of the Patriots
Sure, Gears of War 2 is gorgeous, but it's plagued with frame drops while MGS4 is just about as beautiful, yet runs flawlessly. ---- By the way Gears of War 2 was developed by the ones that created its graphic engine, The Unreal 3.0... And people say (complain) that Square-Enix and MystWalker don't know how to use it... Yeah right. ^^

BEST USE OF SOUND: Grand Theft Auto IV

BEST FAN SERVICE: Metal Gear Solid 4 - Guns of the Patriots

OVERALL BEST GAME OF 2008: Grand Theft Auto IV
The guy above my post is completely nut.


WORST GAME OF 2008: Too Human


The other worst games... I just... didn't... play them. :P

01-06-2009, 06:29 AM
The guy above my post is completely nut.

I'm nuts for being too poor to own a 360 or PS3, and didn't feel like getting GTA4 for the PC when I was busy playing games like Okami and NMH?

I'm very good at skipping posts.

01-06-2009, 06:34 AM
That made me laugh anyways. :)

Yeah, I mean the game literally above my post. Not you. You're great.

01-06-2009, 06:39 AM
BEST World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (PC)

WORST Dragoneer's Aria (PSP)

Nuff said ^^

execrable gumwrapper
01-06-2009, 07:20 AM
I've just posted to say that Doomjockey is a moron for posting Playstation Home as the worst game of 2008 when it obviously is a social networking hub.

01-06-2009, 09:31 AM
I've just posted to say that Doomjockey is a moron for posting Playstation Home as the worst game of 2008 when it obviously is a social networking hub.

qft. Also, it's not like anyone has to pay for Home.

As for my best 'n' worst...


It's a 4 way tie between LittleBigPlanet (PS3), Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3), Portal (I own for both PS3 and PC - This game was new to me in '08) and WipEout HD (PS3). I base this on the fact that I've spent more time with those games then any other games in '08.

Other games worth noting are Mega Man 3 (MM3 "THREE", I'm not talking about MM9 "NINE", Wii virtual console), Secret of Mana (Wii virtual console), MotorStorm Pacific Rift (PS3), Left 4 Dead (I don't have a 360 or a good enough PC for this game, but videos and pretty pictures I've seen are enough) and Resistance 2 (PS3 - Only for the multiplayer online awesomeness!)

Worst not as big of a list

Grand Theft Auto 4 (PS3), Resistance 2 (PS3 - Only for the singleplayer campaign boringness!) and Echochrome (PS3 - Not because the game sucks, but because I suck at the game)

Valerie Valens
01-06-2009, 12:02 PM
Worst not as big of a list

Grand Theft Auto 4 (PS3)

Gee, and here I was thinking that I am alone in this. GTA 4 is a big disappointment and the result of Rockstar games having their heads shoved up their asses.

01-06-2009, 12:55 PM
Worst: Phoenix Wright 2

Out of curiosity are you letting one case influence this? The other 3 range from okay (2-1), to good (2-2), to alltime (2-4), imo.

01-06-2009, 02:56 PM
I've just posted to say that Doomjockey is a moron for posting Playstation Home as the worst game of 2008 when it obviously is a social networking hub.

So what were your best and worst games or gaming moments of 2008?

EDIT: If you still have issues with that, here's an explanation:

Sony released Home specifically for it's well-known gaming console, the PS3. I'm not saying it's a game at all, but because it was created for gamers, I count it as related to gaming as I would a service like XBL or Valve. Game game game game. Ergo "gaming moment".

01-06-2009, 03:05 PM
That's a real hard one... I bought a PS2 for thre first time early last year. This, and a lot of DS games. >:
Weirdly enough, my best game wasn't in any of those systems.

BEST: EarthBound [Snes]
WORST: I guess... Summon Night Twin Age [DS] (Not exactly horrible: it was more of a atrocious disappointment, and that sometimes can be worse than a plain bad game)

01-06-2009, 03:17 PM
Seems like Noskillatall and Marvin got their asses served.

01-06-2009, 05:56 PM
EDIT: If you still have issues with that, here's an explanation:

Sony released Home specifically for it's well-known gaming console, the PS3. I'm not saying it's a game at all, but because it was created for gamers, I count it as related to gaming as I would a service like XBL or Valve. Game game game game. Ergo "gaming moment".

It's still silly to list it as your only "worst gamming moment" when all it is is walking around and talking to people with the occasional go on the arcade or bowling, what the hell did you expect? And you know the game is still pretty young? Home will be updated alot in the future or so I assume.

I dislike Home because it doesn't work for me and no one I know plays it so I think it's pointless but it seems harsh to call it the worst when it hasn't even reached its full potential.

01-06-2009, 06:17 PM
Yeah, sure. That's like saying you can't say Swami is a moron because he didn't reach his full mental potential yet.

01-06-2009, 06:52 PM
It's still silly to list it as your only "worst gamming moment" when all it is is walking around and talking to people with the occasional go on the arcade or bowling, what the hell did you expect? And you know the game is still pretty young? Home will be updated alot in the future or so I assume.

I dislike Home because it doesn't work for me and no one I know plays it so I think it's pointless but it seems harsh to call it the worst when it hasn't even reached its full potential.

It's fine if you think it silly. But realise I know it's a young creature birthed prematurely into what we call an open beta. I know it has room to grow. There's no disagreement there. I've said as much in this thread and other posts like this one from the thread (Thread 62524) you started:

I had a chance to check out Home over the weekend. So far, it's the definition of 'meh'. But it should get better over time, I guess.

All I'm saying is that as the gaming social scene it strives to be, Home isn't great for me currently. Currently. Currently. I'd love to give appraisal of the service at its full potential, but until I find that special DeLorean, I'll have to wait one day at a time like everyone else.

01-06-2009, 08:35 PM
Best Of 2008:
It took me far too long to pick up Resident Evil 4 and play it all the way through. But this is the year I came across it, and found a new love on the PS2. It took the top spot in my top 10 list and i still find myself playing it when i'm in the mood.(yes, I know it's not from 2008, but I felt i should include it)

Crisis Core is worth a mention. Best game I have for my PSP (including FFT : WOTL).

LittleBigPlanet has given me so many great hours in the last few weeks. It's a breath of fresh air in gaming. And soon, i think it'll be hard to imagine gaming without it. Sure, it's used one of the oldest gaming principles around. But it's done it in such a way that I vote it my favorite game of 2008. It brought a new character into the lives of many. And i don't think I can describe Sackboy without using words that make me question my masculinity.

But even after all these years, people still remember Sonic, Mario, Duke Nukem and Jesus. I think it will be the same for Sackboy!

I have not played enough of Fallout 3 to really talk about it. But i know enough to say it's a great game. And one i'm sure i'll play for hours on end.

Worst of 2008 :

I played GTA IV for an hour, and then I put it back in the box, deleted my saves, and gave it back to my brother. I'm not saying it was a bad game. But it was nothing new. It looked nicer, and the acting (visuals and voice) was great. But other than that, i've played San Andreas. I don't need anything more as far as GTA in concerned.

Resident Evil 5 being put back again and again has given me a chip on my shoulder in regards to Capcom. It's a finished game (my mate works at GAME and has got hold of a Japanese demo which was converted into English). They are just trying to decide when to let it into stores. I heard 13th of March. But I think they may wait till the summer. Either way, it's pissing me off.

Unreal Tournament III was not as good as I expected. So that gets a big thumbs down.

01-06-2009, 08:35 PM
Out of curiosity are you letting one case influence this? The other 3 range from okay (2-1), to good (2-2), to alltime (2-4), imo.

While I did quit during 2-3, that alone wasn't the reason. 2-1 wasn't very entertaining at all, and I thought 2-2 was pretty mediocre. By the time I got to 2-3 I was just sick and tired of all the investigating the game has you do, which is mind-numbingly boring to me. I was already feeling the weariness from 1-2, 1-3, and a bit in 1-4 and 1-5 (although both were pretty fantastic). I just didn't have the heart to get very far through 2-3.

Edit: Yukidaru reminded me, and I have no idea how I forgot, Mother 3 was easily tied with Okami for GotY for me.

01-06-2009, 09:31 PM
Kinda a shame, Wattson, seeing as 2-4 is the beginning of a large upward trajectory. Trials and Tribulations is insanely good, but again, that's my opinion and I enjoy investigation.

2-3 is bad, but it isn't the end of the world. I'd give it a 6/10.

01-06-2009, 09:40 PM
After reviewing over the thread's main post and seeing "...and gaming moments" I figured Home would make a legitimate answer for either best or worst.

Marshall Lee
01-06-2009, 10:25 PM
That's a real hard one... I bought a PS2 for thre first time early last year. This, and a lot of DS games. >:
Weirdly enough, my best game wasn't in any of those systems.

BEST: EarthBound [Snes]
WORST: I guess... Summon Night Twin Age [DS] (Not exactly horrible: it was more of a atrocious disappointment, and that sometimes can be worse than a plain bad game)

YukidaruPunch has a good avatar, better than anyone else's imo.

01-06-2009, 10:35 PM
For my best I thought It was gonna be Super Smash Bros: Brawl, but then at Christmas, it kinda changed.

I got Eternal Sonata for the PS3 and, being a gamer and a pianist, was very, very happy with the game. It's battle system was superb, the story was well thought out and also quite moving, and each and every character was unique in their own way. A truly enjoyable game. Would have liked it to be a bit longer though. (I haven't finished it yet, but I'm on the second last chapter and some of the game has gone quite fast.)

I'm not sure about a worst because I really didn't buy that many games to be honest. I just got them all at Christmas.

01-07-2009, 12:10 AM
the only game i got that was released in 2008 is lego indiana jones, came with my 360. traded kung fu panda for call of duty 2 mere seconds of getting the bundle.

however, on the entire year i bought a lot of games for multiple systems.

and the most i enjoyed is none other than: CONTRA for the nes.
however in sunday i bought eternal sonata, which has an amazing soundtrack.
though i think i should not play it that much because i learned the ps3 version is superior.

01-07-2009, 12:20 AM
Yeah, sure. That's like saying you can't say Swami is a moron because he didn't reach his full mental potential yet.

No, it isn't, that's a completely different scenario.

I think it's harsh to judge Home when it's only just gotten started, that's all.

01-07-2009, 12:22 AM
love at first sight, thats a very true statement, applyable to EVERYTHING

execrable gumwrapper
01-07-2009, 03:16 AM
EDIT: If you still have issues with that, here's an explanation:

Sony released Home specifically for it's well-known gaming console, the PS3. I'm not saying it's a game at all, but because it was created for gamers, I count it as related to gaming as I would a service like XBL or Valve. Game game game game. Ergo "gaming moment".

...That's like being able to count the PSN/XBL movie store as a gaming moment. Why not? Those stores were created for their respective online services that were created for their respective gaming consoles for... gamers.

Seems like Noskillatall and Marvin got their asses served.

Yeah, sure. That's like saying you can't say Swami is a moron because he didn't reach his full mental potential yet.

:rolleyes: Oh Hynad, you always brag about your superiority and you've yet to show it. You silly internet goblin! ^_^

01-07-2009, 03:31 AM
Doomjockey is right though. I included RE 5 being put back, part of my "Worst of 2008".

I assumed that the thread was not directly about games. I thought it was about the gaming year in general. Which makes for a much better thread than if it was just about games.

01-07-2009, 03:42 AM
...That's like being able to count the PSN/XBL movie store as a gaming moment. Why not? Those stores were created for their respective online services that were created for their respective gaming consoles for... gamers.

It's not that hard to understand, noskill. If it's coming through my gaming console, it's going to be related to gaming in some way. If I dropped my 360 and it shattered into fifty pieces, I'd call that a bad gaming moment, not a bad moment in physics. A gaming moment could be attending a game convention, game awards show, turning your DS into a router somehow... It's not that strict for a fun list. I dunno how I can break it down anymore for you

01-07-2009, 04:59 AM
It's not that hard to understand, noskill. If it's coming through my gaming console, it's going to be related to gaming in some way. If I dropped my 360 and it shattered into fifty pieces, I'd call that a bad gaming moment, not a bad moment in physics. A gaming moment could be attending a game convention, game awards show, turning your DS into a router somehow... It's not that strict for a fun list. I dunno how I can break it down anymore for you

It's "fiddy" pieces. Get it right.

Valerie Valens
01-07-2009, 12:11 PM
Hynad just got this > < close to winning the dubious honour of being immortalized in my signature. Talk about turning a simple disagreement into a pathetic pissing contest.

01-07-2009, 06:55 PM
It's what usually happens when Noskillbassist and Hynad clash. And i'm not pointing fingers.

01-07-2009, 10:42 PM
It's what usually happens when Noskillbassist and Hynad clash. And i'm not pointing fingers.

No, when they clash we get micro black holes

Valerie Valens
01-07-2009, 10:55 PM
The thing I like about Swami is that even if he is an ass, he knows what he is talking about. Which makes it a lot more hilarious when a pretentious butthurt dick-talking fuckmuppet like Hynad steps up to passively-aggressively cry about Swami being an asshole.

Marshall Lee
01-07-2009, 11:11 PM
^^^ New material for your sig Swami?

01-08-2009, 01:03 AM
Best: Mother 3, Fallout 3
Worst: Um... I don't play a lot of bad games. Just for the record though PW2 really did suck and one final good case does not make the game playable. Having to dig through three cases of crap first does not a good game make.

01-08-2009, 01:09 AM
Metal Gear Solid IV

Probably NFS: Undercover (Huge disappointment. I miss the old NFS...)

01-08-2009, 02:18 PM
The thing I like about Swami is that even if he is an ass, he knows what he is talking about. Which makes it a lot more hilarious when a pretentious butthurt dick-talking fuckmuppet like Hynad steps up to passively-aggressively cry about Swami being an asshole.

It's quite the compliment when it comes from you. ;)

Swami: I never claim to be superior. Do you have an inferiority complex?.

execrable gumwrapper
01-08-2009, 04:51 PM
You've never outright said it, but you hint at it often.

01-08-2009, 05:39 PM
X-play gave Fable 2 game of the year I think

All Seeing Eye
01-10-2009, 04:10 AM
Best Game of 2008:

Dead Space. This game takes all the pluses of Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill, System Shock, Doom 3 and combined them to make almost the perfect game. There isn't one thing you can find wrong about Dead Space, not one. Also the plot twist at the end, is better than the one in Bioshock.

Worst of 2008: Legendary. This was suppose to be a kick ass game with the concept of Pandora's box as a theme. Instead you got a crappy FPS that makes Haze look like Call of Duty 4.

01-10-2009, 06:02 AM
Call of Duty: World at War is a great game also, but not game of the year material.

Darth Revan
01-26-2009, 06:15 AM
These are just my own personal opinions...

Lost Odyssey - Very good game, challenging in some places with a good story.
Saint's Row 2 - The amount of extras to do in this game, give it IMO, a lot of replay value. Good Multiplayer too.

Grand Theft Auto IV - It became old very quickly, the characters aren't that memorable and left me thinking I should've saved the money for something else...

01-27-2009, 05:40 AM
Chewey, I have a headache and my eye is twitchy. Max Galactica strikes again.

01-29-2009, 05:28 AM
Best of 2008
I'm going to pick different genres on this.

Rpg- Fallout 3 Game took everything about Oblivion and made it better. This game is amazing.

Shooter- Left 4 Dead This game really surprised me. Not a great story by any means, but the gameplay is great. Playing this game with 3 other players is a lot of fun.

Sport - Nba 2k9. Love this game. Great bball sim

I just want to throw dead space into the mix also. Dead space is great. After playin the RE5 demo, it just shows how great dead space is. The controls are much better than Re5. Can't wait to see where this franchise goes.

Worst game for me has to be resistance 2. I think the franchise is extremely over rated.

Most disappointing has to be Gears 2 multiplayer. I loved the 1st one. Parts 2 single player was fine, but the changes to multiplayer changed the dynamics of the game. But in my opinion, these changes were for the worse. Hope part 3 gets back on track.

05-10-2009, 03:55 PM
Best: Anarchy Online, Echochrome.
Worst: NeoSteam, because of my expectations. *sigh*

07-24-2009, 07:09 PM
Best: It's a throw down between GTA IV and Fallout 3

Worst: Hellboy: the Science of Evil

Biggest disappointment: Sonic Unleashed or Just Cause (I know it's not a 2008 game but I just bought it recently)

07-29-2009, 04:47 PM
Late to this thread I see... haha, oh well. Here I go.

Best: Left 4 Dead
A co-op FPS zombie game by the creators of Half-Life 2 and Portal? Bring it on baby! This game was the most creative, surprising, and downright exciting game for me, of 2008. Combining everything I love about zombies, FPS, and all your favorite zombies movies (reminded me of Shaun of the Dead a few times), plus the special infected, all fit together for one GREAT game. Is it possible for Valve to create a bad game? I don't think so!

Worst: GTA IV
This was my first Grand Theft Auto game, and I started playing with my dad. Yeah, you can bet that would be awkward. But it had nothing to do with why hated the game. Takes forever to get going, and I don't WANT to take a girl out for a date in a game. I want to be speeding through the streets of the city, shooting the bad guys (whoever that may be) behind me in a high octane chase scene. This game just didn't live up to the hype for me.

Neo Xzhan
07-29-2009, 10:06 PM
Best game of 2008 for me was (I doubt alot of people will actually have heard of this game): X3 Terran Conflict. A HUGE space sim game. Where you eventually can own up from stations to impressive capital ships and armadas. Game has a VERY high learning curve and it's extemely slow in the start, but so well worth it once you get going.

Worst game is probably dunnno, haven't played that many sucky games from 2008, but I'm going to have to go with FFXII there. Seriously, it sucked. The fake offline MMORPG feeling with the added bonus of grinding for items to build a weapon. Oh and most importantly, the game is FUCKING BORING.

1. Set up gambits
2. Push stick in any direction
3. ?????????

07-31-2009, 07:43 PM
Best Gaming Moment: L4D, spawning as a tank three times in a row.
Worst Gaming Moment: L4D, seemingly endless tank swarm. The director was pissed, I guess.

Best Nintendo Moment: Learning that, in Brawl, I'm still fearsome as the Ice Climbers
Worst Nintendo Moment: E3. Geh.
Best Nintendo Game: No More Heroes
Worst Nintendo Game: Y'know, I think I avoided the bad ones last year.

Best Microsoft Moment: Running through Castle Crashers with three friends acting like we're actually playing River City Ransom instead
Worst Microsoft Moment: RED RING! DAMNIT!
Best Microsoft Game: Rock Band 2
Worst Microsoft Game: GTA4.

Best Sony Moment: my friend coming over most of 2008 because his PS3 didn't have any games.
Worst Sony Moment: He got games for his PS3, I was lonely.
Best Sony Game: Persona 3
Worst Sony Game: FFXII or Xenosaga. If I wanted to watch a movie I would've bought a movie instead.

Best Arcade Moment: A guy with a gembala card in Maximum Tune 2 was going on and on about how awesome he was and how unbeatable he was. I beat him in a guest car.
Worst Arcade Moment: Seeing everyone play DDR without ever letting go of the bar.
No best/worst game.

Best game of 2008: I'm a music lover, as well as a vocalist and drummer, and a fan of Bemani and music games in general, so RB2 takes the top of the list for me, with Guitar Hero World Tour a close second. So fun to make my own songs.
Worst of 2008: GTA4. Seriously, WTF Rockstar?

07-31-2009, 07:51 PM
Interactive movies are awesome. Xenosaga is like the opposite of Fallout 3, which makes it SOLID GOLD :D

So linear and comforting. It's like a bowl of digital chicken soup


08-01-2009, 11:08 AM
hmm...i suppose that's true, and i can see the enjoyment in that, however i could've just bought the xenosaga anime instead. though i hear it's got a somewhat different plot...
not that xenosaga or ffxii were terribly bad games in their own way, i just feel i'd rather have had a simple movie. actually, game-wise, i didn't have a bad 2008 at all as far as sony is concerned.