07-03-2002, 08:36 PM
Art wise. There's this comic strip mini series I've written for BetaFF but I'm limited in the fact that I can't draw. I need an artist to bring the strip to life.

The project will consist of 12-16, 3 or 4 frame short strips, and a promotional "poster design" desktop wallpaper. The artist should have some talent with character design of both human and various rodent species.

Be forewarned the strip is both crude and tasteless, but it's a worthy effort and a great addition to any fledgling artist's portfolio. We will of course give the artist full credit as well as a link to their home or portfolio website, and depending on the quality and timeliness of work, we may even pay you a small fee for your time.

Serious inquiries only please. Potential artist will need to supply some examples of past work and a couple of concept sketches for this project. BetaFF will supply a script for the first 4 frames of the series to help with this concept as well as a short synopsis of the plotline to come.

I can be contacted at [email protected]

07-03-2002, 08:49 PM
I'm sorry, but this is very much concidered advertising..
Close me do ^^;

Edit: I'm leaving the contact addy in.. BetaFF is an FFS affiliate, right? XD