01-02-2009, 07:25 AM
Okay, I've been searching for this track for a good month now and having no success at all so I guess now is about a good time to ask for the fellow Code Geass Soundtrack lovers out there to lend me a hand. I managed to find 4 out of 5 after downloading every last bit of their music, but can't seem to find the last one.

I'll be naming the scenes in the anime hoping someone would get a hunch even a bit (These are also from the top of my head):

1. When Li-Shinku (Xianku?) has a flashback about how Tianzi saves him from being killed because of aiding a prisoner.

2. When Lelouch and C.C. have a little talk before attacking the Geass organization. Even specifically, the music starts when they start to talk about how Shirley got killed because of the Geass.

3. And last but not least is when Lelouch is in the process of dying. The last episode. The music starts just before they show the up close face of Suzaku crying after stabbing Lelouch.

If I did put it up in the wrong section I deeply apologize, but I did try and understand all the rules that has been posted regarding where to post a new thread and what not. So I hope it wasn't as much bother to the moderators and admins on this forum.

I truly hope there is someone out there who can lend a helping hand to me and get the title to this song that I've been searching for quite some time now. Domo-Arigatossu m( _ _ )m