12-23-2008, 10:07 PM
as a fan-project I started "Museum of VideoGameMusic" on YouTube, where I collected and remastered some great tracks from the soundtracks of older games (SNES, etc.). Now you can listen to them in a "better" quality than on the original console^^. Some effects like reverb and settings in the equalizer improved the tracks, like "Aquatic Ambiance" by Donkey Kong Country :D
There are not many episodes so far, but I try making more.
Here are two examples: (DKC1) and (DKC2).
How do you like them?^^

Greez from Germany.. :D

12-23-2008, 10:17 PM
Wow this sounds cool.

12-24-2008, 07:02 AM
Aquatic ambiance sounded little better than some stock Winamp equalizer setting, but your work on the DKC2 tracks was impressive. I'm sure you'll only get better with time. Good stuff.

12-24-2008, 11:04 AM
Yeah, I worked with Creative hardware effects. For every track I have to find a seperate setting - I didn't thought, that those tracks could be so different^^
The next part will be Donkey Kong Country 3, but there are still some problems. I think in the next days it will be online.

12-24-2008, 11:35 AM
You think you can do disco train and gangplank galley?

12-24-2008, 01:35 PM
You think you can do disco train and gangplank galley?

I'm sure, but I will first create some other episodes from other games. I think after some episodes I'm going to make a "User's Choice"-Special with the best tracks from all games :D
You can also find the new episodes hier: . I would be pleased about some comments ;)
EDIT: So here the new episode with Donkey Kong Country 3:

12-27-2008, 06:00 AM
Sounding good so far. You've got a really ambitious project ahead of you, and I'd help if I knew how to play music (Alas, I'm a writer first and a budding artist second). One thing I rather anxious to hear is some older NES music thrown in, particularly Wily Stage 1 from Mega Man 2 (Otherwise known as the epic as Okkusenman.)

12-27-2008, 01:19 PM
The problem is, that not every track could be improved like the other ones. And when you have NES-Tracks, you can't exchange the instruments^^. The SNES-Tracks I remastered contained the original instruments. I recorded them with the Winamp SNESAmp. Some older games (SNES) haven't such great samples as in games like DKC etc.
The next episode will be the "Chrono Trigger"-Game. Two tracks I've remastered so far, but I try to find 3 or 4 more.
With the project I wanna show "the new generation", that the classic games could be more than just a construction of trivial beeps :D And for the "older generation" I wanna give some acustic memories back.
But first of all I wanna show the best soundtracks on SNES. For Youtube there are just 10 minutes for uploading, so I have to find the very best tracks of every game :D One game - one "video". Especially in Chrono Trigger it is hard to find them out of over 60 tracks. If anyone wanna help, they could support me with finding the best tracks ;)
For "Chrono Trigger" I already got "Corridors of time" and "Schala's Theme" (both are great after remastering^^).
Afterwards I plan to make:
- Terranigma (maybe difficult for gamers in USA -.- As I read, that awesome game never appeared there^^),
- Lufia 2 ("Rise of the Sinistrals") and
- Secret of Mana ("Seiken Densetsu 2").

12-28-2008, 11:38 PM
I can't hear sound on my PC but I look forward to your work.

04-02-2009, 08:12 PM's me again.
I updated the youtube-links in this thread...and there is a new one: Chrono Trigger. There are just three tracks inside, but I think I will do more soon.
Click here: