12-23-2008, 05:04 PM
I got Resistance 2 today, anyone else got this yet?

I think it's awesome, much better then the original, the inclusion of some actual bosses was great, I've only got past the first one so far. I don't like some of the control changes, I never understood why people felt that the controls needed to change between two games, they were fine as they were.

I like how it's harder, the first one was really easy and this one is waaaaay more challenging, I've died quite a few times.

I haven't touched online yet but I will, it sounds really, really good and an 8 player co-op with friends sounds like fun.

12-24-2008, 12:48 AM
I have it. Not my favorite single player campagn shooter, but still good. Multiplayer is awesome sauce.

12-24-2008, 01:41 AM
I don't think I've added you on PSN, I should do so and we could play some co-op sometime. (and lbp when I get it)

12-24-2008, 03:08 AM
ixnine. I've been playing the MGS LBP levels since I got home from work. R2 multiplayer is a must and we need to take advantage

execrable gumwrapper
12-24-2008, 04:26 AM
I enjoyed the beta, but that's as far as it went for me. I have no real desire to purchase R2.

I have purchased SR2, though. Much more entertaining, if you ask me.

12-24-2008, 06:12 PM
Awesome Marvin, do bear with me as my online is total shit and it disconnects when ever the fuck it feels like. The annoying thing is that I'm still logged in to PSN yet it disconnects in the middle of a CO-OP with a "Connection to server lost, disconnecting from server". A shame because I'm having alot of fun with it and it goes and disconnects :(