12-20-2008, 11:06 AM
Now in Work-O-Vision!


Vgmstream (Needed to play) is located here:
Note: It is a winamp plugin, and has a little effort to install correctly. Since it has mp3 and ogg support in it, there are three files located in the Readme that you have to download separately and put in the root Winamp folder alongside Winamp.exe.

I tried to make this thread earlier, but it bombed and got lost due to complete and utter failure on my part. Thanks to HCS64's help in making a dumper for the new BRSAR format (Cleverly titled Letsdump), I now have all of the music available here (Not including the couple low-quality previews from the music selection screen) in one neat package. The new format is RWSD and requires the newest vgmstream to work (Located above). The songs were out of order and crudely named, so I went through, matched to the previews, and properly named and numbered each track. There are a few BRSTM's included that are merely the credits and the Silent Blocks themes, along with the calming Tutorial theme. The BRSTM's endlessly loop, while the RWSD's have actual ends and do not loop.

Do enjoy, I know I will!

Let's Tap!~

12-20-2008, 05:24 PM


01-07-2009, 12:30 AM
I had trouble playing the rwsd files, even with the linked plugin, so I used the included test.exe to output all of the files and then used LAME to convert them to MP3.

Its probably lesser quality after going through all of that, but just in case any one else would want this in mp3 form here it is:

01-15-2009, 04:30 PM
Awesome stuff so far, seems to be only the music from Rhythm Tap mode though, can't wait to see tracks from other modes. I've had no luck getting Wii images open so far.

01-19-2009, 01:28 PM
I spent some time with the ISO and unfortunately didn't get far, it seems all the game files have had their headers stripped, they are essentially U8 archives within lz7 compressed files with the headers stripped. Which means extraction is difficult. I've gotten as far as an workable U8 archive, but it's a matter of guessing the lz7 data size header. (A lot of the credit goes to the guys at GBAtemp: )

SEGA are getting trickier and trickier with their builds.

01-19-2009, 02:56 PM
Well it seems all the streams are in brsar format anyway, and without a proper extractor that supports stereo streams, I'm at the real roadblock. I can upload the TapCommon TapBlocks and TapRunner brsars ( I've found so far if anyone wants them.

looping not supported
only mono supported, has 2 channels, skipping

01-20-2009, 07:47 AM
PaPaPaYa will not get out of my head!!! FUTURE TAPPING GAME!!!!

01-20-2009, 09:27 AM
Even moreso when you have the extended menu version >_> Ooops, I've said too much...