12-20-2008, 09:44 AM
Public Auditions are being held on Ventrilo on January 1st, 3rd, and 5th for FF7Voice, a Project in Development by the Qhimm Community. We will be implementing a Mod for the PC Version of Final Fantasy VII which will patch the Game with Voice-Overs. This Patch will require a legitimately purchased copy of Final Fantasy VII. It won't work for pirated versions of the Game.

As we aren't affiliated with Square-Enix, we must inform the Community that your involvement in this Project is voluntary. Nobody will be receiving profit for their commitment to this Project.


If you or someone you know would be interested in Auditioning, please review and understand the information detailed in this thread, as you will be asked to accept these regulations upon Auditioning.

Instructions for Connecting to Ventrilo:

Download and Install Ventrilo from
Open up Ventrilo, then click on the -> Button for User Name.
Click on New, then type in your Name. Click Okay, then Okay again. The Phonetic or Work Dir isn't important.
Click on the -> Button for Server.
Click on New, then type in FF7Voice Audition. Click Okay.
In Hostname or IP, type
In Port Number, type 5124.
Leave the Password Field blank and just click Okay.
Confirm that the Username and Server Tabs are accurately showing your Username and the Server "FF7Voice Audition", then click Connect.

This Project has turned into a catastrophic mess. Therefore, I'm posting a whole new Audition Call for FF7 Voice-Overs. We have Voice-Overs who are no longer interested, Voice-Overs who are unable to get their Recording Equipment working properly, Voice-Overs who don't get their Recordings in on-time... We have a lot of people who are committed to making this Project a success, and to see such a handful of Voice-Overs being unreliable, undependable, and unmotivated... It's sickening. Therefore, I've listed off the Characters who are open for Auditions. If you were previously a Voice-Over for any of the Characters listed below, you have been removed as a Voice-Over from the Project and the Character has become available for Auditions.

However, because the Project has been active for a large amount time, the amount of Characters left for Auditions is limited. We have a large roster of Voice-Actors already, but complications have risen, thereby opening a small handful of Characters.

Due to the complications that have risen, there will be additional regulations to Auditioning. This is a very serious Project, and those involved are putting countless hours aside to make it a success. We allow more than adequate time to complete each assignment, based on circumstances surrounding Work and School. Even if you have a Full-Time Job and attend School on a regular basis, the amount of Recordings and Time Allocated per Assignment is more than adequate. If it's just something which you might lose interest in after a couple of weeks, don't Audition.

Here's the current list of Characters open for Auditions. If you have previously held the Character(s) listed below, your progress has been reviewed, and we've determined your Character would be better suited to another person. If you are currently involved in the Voice-Over Project and your Character isn't listed below, you are still in control of your Character. However, I hope this will help you understand that a lot of people are working very hard to make this Project a success. We won't tolerate this behavior anymore. Please understand we are re-opening these Roles based on what's best for the Project. You're welcome to Audition for your Character again, but we will be reviewing your previous commitment to the Character you previously held.

Vincent Valentine (Deep Voice, British or American)
Elena (Female, British or American)
Tifa Lockheart (Female, British Preferred, American Acceptable)
Barret Wallace (As much as it pains me to re-open this Character... American, Strong Voice (Loud), Deep)
Don Corneo (American, Creepy or Perverted Voice)
Rufus (British Preferred, American Accepted. Cocky Voice)
Jessie (As much as it pains me to re-open this Character... Female, Emotional)
Scarlet (Female, Cocky, British Preferred, American Accepted)
Palmer (Lost Contact with previous Voice Actor... American, Goofy Voice)

Several "Minor" Characters are open for Auditions too. If you'd rather voice a Character with Minimal Dialogue, inform Mesden upon connecting to Ventrilo. Remember, your participation in this Project is strictly voluntary. Nobody will receive profit for their commitment to this Project. If you would like to participate in the Audition, we welcome you to join us on Ventrilo. (Official Thread) (Discussion)

Hope to see you at the Audition!

12-20-2008, 11:22 AM
so voice overs for the PC version of FF7?

12-20-2008, 01:21 PM
I would like to do the voice for Cloud's talking penis

12-20-2008, 07:32 PM
Yes. The PC Version. Upon completion, installing this Mod will require that you must have a legitimate copy of the actual Game (Not the Hacked Version) for this to work.

Marshall Lee
12-20-2008, 07:43 PM
In all seriousness I would opt for a minor role (maybe Biggs or Wedge). I'm bored anyway and it does sound sorta fun, and I missed out on the voice auditions for the Shrine City one :(

12-23-2008, 12:12 AM I the only one who's scratching his head at all the British preferred voices?

Marshall Lee
12-23-2008, 02:23 AM

12-23-2008, 02:44 AM
ROFL at the idea of Sephiroth with a Cockney Accent
Thats it - give the Turks, or at least Reno, Cockney accents

12-24-2008, 08:47 AM
If Barret has an Australian accent, I'm on board:

"Aw, fuckin' CRIKEY, Cloud! Apples, she'll be, if ya use Fire 2!"

12-24-2008, 02:36 PM
I can't see some of the cast of Final Fantasy VII with British accents, other than Scarlet and maybe a few others. I could see old Horse-Laugh with a German accent though.

12-27-2008, 11:26 PM
A Brit accent would be great with Seph and Aeris. An Aussie accent for Rufus and the rest American, Save for Red XIII and Vinny.

non-canon sousaphone
12-30-2008, 09:58 AM
Cait Sith/Revve needs the same voice actor, but when the game is focused on Cait Sith, they gotta sound cheerful and shit like how a typical gay person would sound (not the tone, mind you).

Zack of Trades
03-21-2009, 07:48 PM
I know I'm reviving an old thread but is this still open for people to audition? and if so what voices are currently on offer. I'm British BTW :D. I think that Rufus or Vincent might be good for me (I think) never actually done a voice-over job before either soooo (eh heh...). Also, I only just noticed the post today and I read the dates but i'm just wondering ^_^.

03-26-2009, 06:17 AM
I'm in the same boat as Zack of Trades. I'm brand new here and just found this thread.

I'm an aspiring voice actor myself, not to mention a Final Fantasy enthusiast. If you haven't already selected all the actors, I would love a chance to audition for this.

Any chance of that happening?