12-19-2008, 07:04 AM
(I know, the name is quiet bland.....)

Hello Everyone

Its been a while

Since my release of Golden Sun:Calm Wind, I've decided I might make a second golden sun soundtrack. However this time, I will be working on the project alone so it may take a while.

Ummm, right now I am only in 'pending mode' as to whether or not create a sequel to calm wind (which was our first ever project). This time the soundtrack may be a select collection of arranged Golden sun Pieces so that you can play them on piano (for those piano lovers).
I have tried to make the songs easy to play [but not as easy as a few keystrokes] because I realize not all golden sun fans are piano experts.
there are some previews of the songs available (note that they may or may not be the final arrangements).

Project name (if you have a better name, post it!!):
Golden Sun Piano collections

Golden Sun Main theme = Finished
Vale = Finished
The theme to Dekhan/Fujiin caves = Finished [preview = ]
Sol Sanctum = Finished [preview = ]
Holy Chamber = Finished
Trouble/Sad Villagers = Finished [Preview = ]
Forest Requiem
A mysterious cave
Isaac's Battle theme
Fusion Dragon's battle theme
GS1 Over world Theme
Venus Lighthouse
Sibling Harmony (Hama/Ivan theme)
Babi's theme
Annihilation (death theme) = Finished
A town theme (forgot where)
The tolbi bound ship
Saturos/Menardi Theme

Saturos battle theme

(Not in order, I will remove and add songs because this is only a pending list. you may add to this list and I will consider, please make the requests from Golden sun 1 - especially to those who want to play a certain song on piano......I don't intend to make every song in Golden sun 1)

however such I (and all those GS fans) are quiet disappointed with Camelot for not releasing any information of golden sun 3 for a long while, If I ever come around to actually finishing this then I will assume Camelot has given Golden Sun up and probably give up being a fan of Golden Sun.

Thanks once again for your time
(All music Respectively belongs to Nintendo/Camelot/Motoi Sakuraba)

|Did I post this in the right area??|

12-19-2008, 04:09 PM
I'm very excited about this, I truly hope you complete the project. I play the piano myself, and enjoy piano arrangements, but some are unfortunately too tame. I like 'em wild with lots of low notes and reverb =)

I'm downloading the Calm Wind remix at the moment. I haven't actually listened much to GS music after playing the games, but I remember enjoying the music. I do have a gamerip on my hard drive.

12-28-2008, 11:45 PM
Oh!! Do the one where you Fight Saturos for the first time! I can't remember the theme...but it is one of the battle themes!!

12-28-2008, 11:45 PM
I'll even make the cover for you! Please!

01-05-2009, 01:42 AM
If I wasn't a heterosexual male, I would bear your children!!! あなたが大好きだよ!

01-06-2009, 01:27 AM
reply B-mies:
I am in the process of trying to make them low octave-ish so that they will recieve a good reverb with the pedal ^^

reply to VanillaTsukiyomi:
Saturos's battle theme.....I might try to make it, but it might be quite hard for fans to play on piano (so is the Isaac battle theme =D), nonetheless I'll add it to the list and see what will come out!
If you want to make the cover art of the soundtrack, could you p.m me your ideas plz? thnx^^

reply Ocean 2292:
...ありがとう オシヨン二二九二君...though the comment was slightly strange, I take it as a compliment =D

Happy 2009 everyone (sorry if its a little late)

01-09-2009, 06:08 AM
can you please post the link to your original release of Golden Sun:Calm Wind

01-10-2009, 01:33 AM
sweet me nothing beats video game arranged piano music...appreciate your work thus far and looking forward to more files being posted in the future!

01-10-2009, 05:00 PM
I'd like to request two songs from Golden Sun 2:

Tundaria (a.k.a. Anemos Legacy)

Felix's Battle

01-12-2009, 01:39 AM
Could I request the ending theme of the 2nd game (The Golden Sun Rises) and the Fusion Dragon Theme?


07-07-2009, 11:50 AM
can you please post the link to your original release of Golden Sun:Calm Wind

Same. I looked all over and can't find it.

Mike Hawk
07-08-2009, 05:05 PM
awesome I though I would have to wait 15 years after Golden Sun was released to see some actual instrumental arranges. I would like to request the World Map theme it does not get any love for some reason.

07-08-2009, 10:42 PM
Where is the link of his arrangement? I looked on galbadia and they don't work at all.

07-13-2009, 11:41 PM
Same. I can't find the link and the links that has the OST arranged Goldenun tracks piano on Galbadia Hotel doesn't work at all to be downloaded.

07-17-2009, 09:13 AM
This guy even exist anymore? Sent him messeges, no reply. Someone have the down load links?

07-18-2009, 01:13 PM
Im so sorry, i average loging into the forums like once a month....i've been very busy with drawing manga and uni and etc...also working with the GS piano collection...driving me completely insane...

ummm....for 'calm wind' I no longer have the originals but I did backup an "updated copy" which has some changes to the tracks. Other than that calm wind is nothing really special [it was pretty badly criticised and left me down for a while].

Other than that calm wind isn't anything to celebrate but if you still want it, i'll post a link for it in a weeks time [need to find backup]

once again apologies for delay, my priority list is murdering me

as with "does this guy even exist anymore"....thats up to you to decide =D...i am afterall a 'nobody '

07-19-2009, 09:35 AM
Thanks for replying back. It kinda bothered me someone directed me to search function and looking at galbadia hoten when it wasn't it. Any tracks that are finished is fine. The main one I am looking for is

Sol Sanctum

Any sound track that's finished with it is fine as well.

07-19-2009, 06:04 PM
So now that GS3 has FINALLY been announced, are you going to keep your project going if they release an instrumental for the first two games?

07-29-2009, 10:17 AM
I had my five minutes of extreme-fanboyism when I found out about golden sun NDS....Motoi Sakuraba [or whomever the composer is] better remake some of the old songs otherwise I'm not going to be impressed...
I really like Yoko Shimomura's work for Kingdom Hearts because the songs in the KH series really do echoe throughout the series as well as Nobuo Uematsu's Work in the Final Fantasy Sector.

With that said here are the promised Link/s
=>Golden Sun Calm Wind:

Its pretty old and I think its nothing'll realize when you listen...that is unless you really insist and is a lover of golden sun music in any form.
=> Bonus Songs [random songs from various games that I sequenced]

This is my stress ball in musical form
Songs in here are sequenced versions of:
01.Surfing theme - Pokemon R/S/E
02.Dark world fields - Legend Of Zelda
03.Olympus Col. - Kingdom Hearts Series
04.The Other Promise - Kingdom hearts II Final Mix
05.Xion - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
06.Shards of Friendship [Xion Battle] - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
07.Dark Shrouding Cloud (358/2 Days ver) - Kingdom Hearts Series
08.The 13th Reflection - Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
09.A song of Storms and Fire - Tsubasa Chronicles

As for the Piano Collections...I have been [and still am] extremely busy, therefore the progress will be temporarily halted until I can find time for it, my most sincere apologies.

07-29-2009, 07:12 PM
Wasn't there a Sol Sanctum completed by piano composed or was it mistaken? I saw at the original post at the top and noticed that was completed. Mind if you could please send it to me by pm or provide a link for it?

07-29-2009, 11:58 PM
The links for it above are not the full works, they are only the preview =], I have the full version

07-30-2009, 05:08 AM
"can I has it?" O,o

07-30-2009, 11:17 AM
=D, it'll be out soon [I hope......] so can I please give it to you then?

08-06-2009, 05:49 PM
Wow Foulu, first you bash the poor guy and then you demand things from him when he turns up. Cut him some slack. He'll provide things when the time is ripe. Be patient. That said I'm eagerly awaiting your work catmaster. You do great work, don't put yourself down. :)

Another Mad Dancer
08-07-2009, 04:12 AM
so... any chance you tackle Mars Lighthouse?It'd be an awesome march.

08-07-2009, 11:10 AM
I'd love to hear your piano arranged version. I don't think anyone has ever attempted something like that from Golden Sun before, which is a shame since it's probably Sakuraba's best work to date.

08-07-2009, 07:04 PM
I'd love to hear your piano arranged version. I don't think anyone has ever attempted something like that from Golden Sun before, which is a shame since it's probably Sakuraba's best work to date.

Golden Sun or Valkyrie Profile...I can't decide which I like more. They are both so sweet... :)

08-09-2009, 12:18 AM
Wow Foulu, first you bash the poor guy and then you demand things from him when he turns up. Cut him some slack. He'll provide things when the time is ripe. Be patient. That said I'm eagerly awaiting your work catmaster. You do great work, don't put yourself down. :)

I'm not bashing him. I think you're mistakin. I was misguided and that both the search and information provided wasn't there. I was under the impression it was done on his list above.

I'll wait I guess.

08-09-2009, 11:59 AM
umm...its okai, im sorry if I gave the impression that it was finished for distribution but soon =]

so... any chance you tackle Mars Lighthouse?It'd be an awesome march.

i'll see what i can do =D, It was on my to consider list due to popularity [and partly because I use to train at mars lighthouse]

For the soundtrack I think It would be better releasing them in parts such volume 1, then volume then 3 then....etc coz If im gonna release one huge piano project it will take a really long while....what does everyone here think??
I understand that Yoko Shimomura released "Kingdom Hearts Piano collections" this year and it only had around 10 tracks [i think], and also with the piano soundtracks for the final fantasy did not have over 15 songs on the cd....

and lastly anyone here good with anime-art and photoshop? coz im needing someone to help with the cover art as well as a logo for it soon...thnks

Black Paladin
01-17-2011, 11:55 PM
Hey sorry for reviving this old, old thread. But I was searching for something else when I came across this and I'm very curious to see if anything came of this project?

01-18-2011, 06:12 AM
It's been 2 years... wow.

12-12-2017, 09:26 PM
Seven years after...