Bad Buffalo
12-19-2008, 02:28 AM
I'm kinda curious to see if there is anyone here with synesthesia and how it affected listening to video game music. It's basically where one sense triggers a different one, like hearing->sight (you hear colors from music).

When my friend sent me tunes from the Pokey Bot battle and against Pokey, I liked them both. Pokey's battle theme sounded very blue and kinda lightish blue while the Pokey Bot one was blue, red, and some green. After watching the battles on YouTube, I was surprised how close the background for Pokey was to what I heard while I wanted to fire whomever did the one for the bots because it was nowhere close.

In Pok�mon Diamond and Pearl, Dialga and Palkia's theme was bright, BRIGHT white and golden yellow. It was very blindingly bright. X_X In Star Fox 2, both versions of Eladard were black with several shades of blue.

12-20-2008, 12:38 AM
i'd say, try and play Rez and Space Giraffe, their both very good examples of synthesia

12-24-2008, 07:15 PM
That is so cool that you have synthesia! I learned about it this semester in my Aesthetics class. I would say Rez is amzaing as well though it might overload your senses! :)

Bad Buffalo
01-16-2009, 08:01 PM
Sorry for raising a dead thread, I couldn't access the site at the library due to its filter. :(

I just looked up both games and I have heard of Rez before (but didn't remember the name). It's one of the few games that makes me wish I wasn't such a Nintendo fanboy... o_o