06-30-2002, 07:51 PM
I saw a thread like this on the FF Online Forums, and thought maybe it might be a good thing to put here. Basically, if you had children, would you name them after FF characters (or any RPG, game or anime for that matter), and if so, who? Personally, I'd say, cautiously, yes, I would. For a girl, I like Garnet's name. It's quite common to see girls named after gemstones or flowers.

So Garnet Alexandria Cracknell if it's a girl. ('Cracknell' is my surname.)

For a boy, maybe Amarant. It's an unusual name, and Amarant is a strong character in FFIX. Or maybe even my login name. 'Enkidoh' is not just a boss from FFV, but is also a major figure form the 'Epic of Gilgamesh', the world's first work of literature, written about 2000BC in Mesopotamia. Or, maybe not.

Hmm, Amarant Siegfreid Cracknell if it's a boy (Siegfreid makes an appearence in FFVI, besides being one of may favourite figures from Norse mythology - Wagner's famous opera 'The Ring Cycle' revolves around him. )

So, would you give your kids FF names?

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"You spikey headed jerk!! One more time!! Let's go one more time!!" Yuffie, wanting a re-match after her defeat, FFVII.

06-30-2002, 08:11 PM
If I were to have children, and if I liked the name, then yes.

06-30-2002, 11:20 PM
i would vicent or cid would be good boy names and ruby (ffix) for a girl

Exiled Archangel
06-30-2002, 11:39 PM
Maybe,i don't really know but i believe that it would be very nice.

07-01-2002, 12:12 AM
Yes most definitly! I have a thing for odd and unique names. Which most of the names on FF are.

I don't plan on haveing kids, but (I think) the best part of having one would be to name it. Isn't that ahfull?! Thats probably why have so many animals. Because you can safely name you dog Kuja and people won't think your a wacko. Anyway,

for a boy I would name him (depending on his looks and attitude) Vincent(I love that name!) or perhaps Zidane, just because you never here a name like that.

for a girl, well I don't know let me think.

07-01-2002, 12:45 AM
Y'know, I've been thinking about this for some time too. I've been planing to name my children after a few characters...


Sephiroth (FF7)
Zero (Megaman X)


Garnet (FF9)
Aeris (FF7)

Dunno if my girlfriend will accept it, but hey, maybe she will? :D

07-01-2002, 01:09 AM
Auron would be a cool name.

07-01-2002, 02:13 AM
I haven't played FFIX yet so I have no idea who Amarant is, but I agree with you, Enkido, it would be a good name. It sounds strong.

Before I actually saw Yunalesca in FFX I thought that would be a really nice name for a girl. :uh?:

I like "Rydia," "Rinoa," "Yuna," "Auron" and I feel like there were some other names I liked but I'm drawing a blank on them right now.

07-01-2002, 05:27 AM
I'd have to say I would at least consider it. I like some of the names from FF, and other games/anime for that matter. Lots of neat names out there.

I mean think of a kindergarten teachers nightmare if you name your kid something like Yajirobe or Yunalesca.

Names I'd actually consider are, in no particular order.

Rinoa, Selphie, Quistis, Yuna, Terra, Celes, Marle, Garnet, and Aeris.

Gohan, Auron, Tidus, Jecht, and maybe Wedge lol.

07-01-2002, 05:43 PM
Heehee... okay, I'll really screw with my kids' heads. If I have a son, I'll name him Cloud. Or Squall. Yeah. That'll go over well with the lad, yes?


Um... how about if I had a daughter, I name her Dagger? Or Yuffie?


C'mon, work with me here! Okay, okay, I'll really have some fun.

Bahamut it is! :p

Oh, all right.... seriously, I think I'd like the names: Aki, Vincent, Celes, Sarah, Rinoa, Yuna, Zidane, Auron.... and I think I'll stop there because that makes it look like I have, like, eight kids. :eye:

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-01-2002, 06:39 PM
Yeah probably, nothing weird, but exciting.

Boys names:-

Girls names:-

There pretty good. :D :D :D :cool:

07-01-2002, 08:18 PM
I don't think so my parents never named me after any ff characters but hey no ff games were around but still mabye don't know yet if I like the name don't know yet which ones though

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-01-2002, 08:24 PM
So Dachande, what is your name?

Alice Wonderbra
07-01-2002, 09:06 PM
I was thinkin of namin a girl Terra Celes (lastnamehere). I really liked those names and i think they sound great 2gether. besides that, its at the top of my game faves (ff3/6).

I also really like Zell. That could be a boy or girls name, so that is an option.

I also decided 4 a long time that i was gonna name a boy and girl set of twins if i had them Link and Zelda. I dunno about that now, but Link is a cool name, though its not FF. I rather like strange names like Lancelot and Gwendolyn (I would LOVE 2 name my child Gwen, whether its Gwendolyn, Gwen, Gwyneth, or Guinevere). So I came up with the name Eric Linkovich for my parenting baby thing n school.

I'm still trying to figure out a way to name a girl Leeloo's name without it sounding dumb. O, Leeloo's full name is:
Leeloo Minai Lekatariba Laminatchai Ekbat D Sebat. I love it.

07-01-2002, 09:55 PM
Why on earth would you want to do that? If you do so, and the kid doesn't enjoy playing these games that will be ancient by the time they mature, there will be no better way to make your children bitter individuals. Do not be cruel to your children. The whole name process is silly, as you can't find out what your child likes until they actually mature, and a name can shape a child's life.

Please, think of your children.

07-02-2002, 02:22 AM
Originally posted by MasteroftheObvious
Please, think of your children.

People name their kids after other people, real and ficticious, all the time. My sister and I were both named after characters from books my mom had read. And I don't think having an unusual name like "Cloud" is all that bad. It's worse to have a common name. My name's Amanda and, intentionally or coincidentally, half the girls in my dorm hall last year were named Amanda. You can imagine what would happen when someone stood out in the hallway and yelled "Amanda? Where are you?" :rolleyes: I'd rather have an uncommon name any day.

07-02-2002, 06:20 AM
Originally posted by MasteroftheObvious
Why on earth would you want to do that? If you do so, and the kid doesn't enjoy playing these games that will be ancient by the time they mature, there will be no better way to make your children bitter individuals. Do not be cruel to your children. The whole name process is silly, as you can't find out what your child likes until they actually mature, and a name can shape a child's life.

Please, think of your children.

As a bitter individual, with a resentment for both her given names and hereditary name, I say this:

Just let the kid change its name when it can make such a decision. If it's a vague enough name, people might not even be able to place it as a FF name. A lot of FF names are real names anyway, they're just uncommon.

07-02-2002, 07:08 PM
Good point Fujin. And incidently, my first name is both a common name, AND a character from FF!! (not a major character though). My first name is Marcus, and you'll be surprised how many people named Marcus I have met in my lifetime. (if you didn't already know, Marcus is one of the Tantalus members in FFIX. He joins your party from time to time, and even has a starring role in the play too). I'd love to have a more unusual name, yet I can't bring myself to change it by deed poll.

Still, I guess it is true what Garland said about this subject in FFIX: "So, you think a given name has meaning? Boy, you have been bewitched by the light of the blue moon."

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"Come on, it wants to come with us." Tellah, replying to Rydia's reluctance to board a new airship, FFIV.

07-03-2002, 04:01 AM
I might name a guy "Cloud." I love that name.

I just hope that no one would ever name anyone "Squall." xD

Bahamut ZERO
07-04-2002, 07:15 PM
I wouldn't name any of my children with names from Final Fantasy games, but I might name my pets after them. Having a cat by the name of Sephiroth would be pretty cool.

07-04-2002, 07:24 PM
i think anyone who would name their children after FF characters are a bit obsessed....

07-05-2002, 12:09 AM
O_o Of course I wouldn't. Even if I do like Rydia, Aerith, Cloud, etc. doesn't mean I'm gonna name my children after them. O_o Unless they come out with a really, really good name, then I might change my mind, yes :B

Neo Xzhan
07-05-2002, 06:56 PM
If I ever get a daughter I might name her Aeris.

07-06-2002, 09:26 AM
Maybe I would consider some of the names, but I don't think the name will ever have something related to final fantasy
Rinoa, Ryida, Rosa and Quistis are nice names for girls, and I dunno about the boys names though o_o
Maybe cid, and vincent is a pretty normal name...
but some others stated it as well, it would seem to be kinda obsessive o_o too much actually ;)

07-06-2002, 01:39 PM
Well, it would depend on what the girl wants, after all, it would be her kid too. But if she liked FF7 as much as me, then we'd name the child Cloud if a boy and Tifa if a girl.

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
07-09-2002, 08:14 AM
MasteroftheObvious, if you think that naming your kids after FF characters is mean, I heard about these people who named their daughter Ima. Their last name was Hogg. I think that it would be way less of a torment to be named after an FF character.

Besides, look at all those people out there named Edgar, Cecil, and Vincent. And Wakka :D . And, by the time <I>I</I> get around to having kids, these games will be all but forgotten to the general populous.

But hey, I'm not gonna do it. It'd be too creepy for me to tell one of my favorite FF characters to brush their teeth or clean their room. *shudders at the thought of yelling "Auron, get in the g'damn car or I'll break your kneecaps!"*

(Not really. I'm not that strong.)

07-09-2002, 05:04 PM
I use to wanna have a boy and name him Zell, but that wasn't a lot to do with the Final Fantasy game, I just really like the name.

Well, some of the characters out of Final Fantasy just have funky names, so nothing I would want to name a kid. I mean...Wakka...you gotta be crazy @_@

For a girl, I think Tifa would be an adorably cute name. Aeris and Quistis are okay, but not much to my liking as Tifa.

For a boy, Zell like I already said. Vincent definitely is an awesome name. Cloud is alright, because it's different and no one else would have that name.

Out of all reality, I like the names, but I dunno if I'll ever use them for my children. Plus I already have names picked out ;)

Green Arrow
07-10-2002, 06:42 AM
I would say if I did, which is highly unlikely, the only name I would use out of FF would be Seifer. Seifer though isn't really a real person's name outside of a gaming/movie world. But would prolly still be cool.

07-19-2002, 05:27 AM
If I named a kid cloud, he'd get made fun of. And even though I hate Aeris, it's a pretty good name ^.^

So if I had a daughter, I'd name her Aeris, unless my wife got mad as hell or something >.<, which she hopefully wouldn't...

07-19-2002, 09:36 AM
Hh, some of the FF names are actually normal, common names, and some of them are real but not so common. And some of them are just... no.

Vincent, Edgar, Sara, Lulu, Rosa, Marcus, Cid/Sid, Rydia/Lydia, Beatrix... those are common. The kid probably wouldn't even know he/she is named after a character.

Zidane, Tifa, Yuna, Rinoa, Freya, Shiva, Locke, Aki, Gray... those are all not so common, but I know people do have those names.

Cloud, Squall, Yuffie, Dagger, Salamander... I feel sorry for the poor child already. ;)

07-19-2002, 06:53 PM
Seifer, heh...definetely

07-20-2002, 03:13 AM
My kid's name would be Cloud because Cloud kicks ass!

07-20-2002, 03:54 AM
I probably wouldn't do it unless it was one of the names that sounded more normal. I'd maybe consider it for a pet.

07-22-2002, 05:50 AM
i think i would, any name would work for me just not anything bizzare to me! Like Zidane, Squall, or even Tidus would be okay for me, i'd have to be pretty desperate for the name Tidus, though? But i'm gonna atleast put some thought in my child's name, course! But i want a name that sticks out instead of my kid being one of the four Jareds in his class or something like that...!

07-22-2002, 07:56 PM
Just, whatever you do, DO NOT name your child 'Seymour Buttz'! Anyone who names their child that are proving that they don't deserve to be parents!

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"It's a dark well. You think there might something else to it, but really it's just an ordinary well." The main character, while examining the well in Coneria, FFI.

07-22-2002, 08:18 PM
Well, I personally think that Terra and Locke are really coolio names, but I wouldn't name my children after them. That would seem odd. Maybe a dog, maybe a cat, but never a child XD

07-29-2002, 11:35 PM
I think Lulu is an ok name to call one of my kids ~when I have them~ :rolleyes:
Lulu's a good name for a gurl that is ^_^ :uh?: :rolleyes:

07-30-2002, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by Kitten
Cloud is alright, because it's different and no one else would have that name.

A couple of semesters ago I attended a class with a guy named Cloud in it. I didn't ask him about the name because he didn't have spiked blond hair or a sword. :D

To anyone who mentioned Rydia, that actually is a real name. It's "Lydia" spelled with the Japanese version of the Roman alphabet. (IIRC Romanji doesn't have the letter L in it, because in Japanese the "R" and "L" sounds are the same. So any word with an R or L in it is spelled with an R in Romanji. I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.)

07-30-2002, 12:19 AM
I probably wouldn't. Most of the names wouldn't really sound right on a real person. Maybe something like Tifa, or Rinoa might be ok.

08-02-2002, 07:33 PM
well u would ruin a kids life with a name like amarant lol

the one
08-05-2002, 11:04 PM
*edited for content and pointlessness*

I don't think anyone needs to read that, if you want to cuss or whatever feel free to PM all the swears you want to me telling me about why I shouldn't have done this, but keep your language reasonablyclean on the open forums, thank you.


08-05-2002, 11:19 PM
Geeks? Where?
I hate geeks...especially Final Fnatasy geeks! Whats this name your childern...who said they would...what??..geeks?...bashin time:notgood:

08-05-2002, 11:53 PM
.......:eye: :notgood:
anyway...i like the names Rikku and Fujin ^_^ I think they would be very cute for a girl.

Fallen Angel
08-06-2002, 10:02 AM
Rinoa is really a lovely name....

But apart from that.... all the names sound pretty lame:

Squall? that means a strom for god sake....

08-06-2002, 05:04 PM
I know! You could name the kid "Squall Line" and they could grow up to be a meteorologist.

08-06-2002, 10:56 PM
I think i would name my child an ordinary name. Why the hell would you want to name them after a videogame character apart from the fact that your a geek and have no friends/social life??

I mean what are you gonna tell the poor kid, ''well, er, in high school, i was a complete nerd and decided that if i had a boy i would name it 'Squall' so here you are Squall Wright... its not that bad, at least you will only get beatings and wedges for another 18 years of your life. Then when you grow older you can either join a league of expert Star Trekkies or work in a comic book store next to chaps named Melvis and Arvandera.''
*at this point the kid would buy an eminem record, kick you in leave home steal money from defencless old woman and rob liquor stores for cash, after he goes and gets a name gchange.

So my point is don't name your kid after a videogame characte
unless you want him to have a life of misery highlighted at 28 when he tops himself! :p

Fallen Angel
08-07-2002, 08:40 AM
Rinoa is a noraml name. I have heard some girls be called that....

It's not that stranger, unlike Squall, stupid name......

Corran Horn
08-22-2002, 03:46 PM
I don't know, maybe Aeris, Yuna, or Rinoa. :D

Cetra Angel
08-22-2002, 04:03 PM
Yuffie is such a cute name! Vincent would be pretty cool too.

I'd hate to explain why I called my kid Aeris tho...

XXXXX SPOILERS XXXXX (I think that's enough warning lol)

*screen fades away to 15 years in the future*

"Mum, why is my name Aeris?"
"Well, Aeris is the name of a character in Final Fantasy 7. She was very pretty and was the last of the Ancients."
"And what happened to her in the end?"
"Sephiroth impaled her on his sword, the Masamune..."
"You named me after someone who DIES??? I hate you!"
*screen fades back*

Eeep-ness :uh?:

I think the safest names would be Rinoa and Seifer, they just sound nice and normal...

10-10-2004, 03:04 PM
I named one of my hamsters Garnet ^ ^

Well anyway I'd name my children

Girls : Rinoa, Quistis, Yuna, Rikku, Aerith, Tifa

And i dunno about the guys = \

Yunalesca rox!
10-10-2004, 03:04 PM
Definitely! I was thinking about naming my children after an FF character for 8 years!! Ii want to have loads so Ii can name them all! lol! I will probs have bout 3-4 kids tho...and I would definitely call:
a girl- Yunalesca I love that name plus u can name her Yuna for short
Tifa-lovely name ^_^, Aeris fab name :D maybe Rikku coz she rox! erm...Rinoa I love dta name to. Its sooo hard to choose!

A boy- Auron for sure! Cloud brilliant name i love it! erm...maybe Tidus but im not sure coz im particularly obsessed with him and My kid wud jus remind me of him if he was named Tidus lol! oh and I love the name Jecht as well! :D

Hehe anyway I really want to name the all but I cud jus use those names as their middle names. Thats probably what I will do ^_^

Yunalesca xx

Lunatic HighVII
10-10-2004, 03:36 PM
Ive actually thought about this many times.

Girls-Rinoa, Aeris, Yuffie, Selphie, Tifa

Boys-Squall, Cloud

Aerith Gainsborough
10-10-2004, 04:29 PM
Maybe Yuna for a girl...but for a guy....don't know, no, probably not. ;)

10-10-2004, 08:40 PM

10-11-2004, 01:39 PM

10-11-2004, 02:05 PM
Seeing as I never posted in this thread....

Sure, as long as it was a nice name, and not something horrible they'd get teased for. It really doesn't matter if the FF games are pretty obscure by the time your kid gets older, seeing as the game was just the inspiration for the name.

A girl at work named her baby "Seifer". No one knows the name is from a video game, and people compliment the name all the time.

hb smokey
10-11-2004, 02:05 PM

10-11-2004, 02:34 PM

Tiduslives would've.

You've changed.

Your heart has grown cold.

hb smokey
10-11-2004, 02:37 PM
Tiduslives would've.

You've changed.

Your heart has grown cold.

10-11-2004, 03:07 PM
If you name your child after someone from a final fantasy, if its a stupid name like "cloud", thats just cruel.
your child will have to grow up with that name for their entire life, not a good idea in my opinion.

10-11-2004, 04:32 PM
Yeah sure.

10-11-2004, 06:51 PM
If I ever have kids I'd never name them after an FF character. I don't want the kid to kick my ass as soon as he's old enough.'

As for girls, if I ever have one I'm gonna name her "Ifyourpunkasstouchesmydaughterimgettingmyshotgun"

The Sage
10-13-2004, 07:46 PM
Rinoa maybe, because it does sound a bit like a real name (I say that with a little nievity, that I don't know if it is real or not) or Garnet it could work as a real name. Though not so much with Freya, Freya being a real name of the wife of Thor I think it was (but don't quote me)

Zidane is a wierd one and probably one to avoid... as is Cloud, that kid would get soooo picked on at school and Squall for that matter... if you were black you probably could call your kid Barret, maybe it's just Barret being black that sways my opinion but still...

10-13-2004, 07:53 PM
i would probably use squall and cloud because it is quite a cool name. such a x-2 girl please send me a private message.

Rinoa maybe, because it does sound a bit like a real name (I say that with a little nievity, that I don't know if it is real or not) or Garnet it could work as a real name. Though not so much with Freya, Freya being a real name of the wife of Thor I think it was (but don't quote me)

Zidane is a wierd one and probably one to avoid... as is Cloud, that kid would get soooo picked on at school and Squall for that matter... if you were black you probably could call your kid Barret, maybe it's just Barret being black that sways my opinion but still...

whats wiv the stuff at the bottom of your reply about dildo's and bottoms.

Huntress Krystle
10-13-2004, 08:29 PM
I might, but i could change my mind lol
For the girls, I like the names Aeris/Aerith, Rinoa and Eiko. For the males, Seifer is my pick.

10-13-2004, 08:35 PM
I have to go with Vincent, Cid, and Barrett for boys (I'm black so it works!) and Tifa, Rinoa, or Rikku for girls.

10-13-2004, 09:17 PM
I think CId or Barrett would be best for guys, but out of any FF game, I would choose (Male only)

Dragonov or Vonogard. That'd be sweet. "Would Dragonov ____ please come to the office" or "Would Vonogard _____ please come to the office" yea that would sound sweet.

10-14-2004, 01:33 AM
I'm sorry I didn't close this right when it was revived, but I've been busy.

FF-Gurl, do not revive two-year-old threads!