12-16-2008, 09:54 PM
I figured I'd post some music I have composed in the past and see what kind of feedback I get.

I'll start first with an extended version of an orchestral piece I composed entitled "Funeral by Fire".

The Majority of my music is composed with a soundtrack type feel, and this piece is not an exception, So if you are into Film/game scores...this might be your bag.

Any Feedback would be greatly appreciated

12-21-2008, 12:55 PM
Dear John,
I am very impressed by this piece, it flows incredibly smoothly, it entices its listener and it evokes a sense of awe from itself.

The depth of the piece is compensated compassionately by the subtle crescendos and interjections of the piano.
I can tell that alot of feeling went into this piece, I can sense alot of emotion from it, the overall effect is one which can not very easily be explained.
As strange as this might sound, it is actually bringing a tear to my eye.

You really have done a remarkable job with this piece and for that I must congratulate you.

12-22-2008, 07:43 PM
Dear John,
I am very impressed by this piece, it flows incredibly smoothly, it entices its listener and it evokes a sense of awe from itself.

The depth of the piece is compensated compassionately by the subtle crescendos and interjections of the piano.
I can tell that alot of feeling went into this piece, I can sense alot of emotion from it, the overall effect is one which can not very easily be explained.
As strange as this might sound, it is actually bringing a tear to my eye.

You really have done a remarkable job with this piece and for that I must congratulate you.

Hmm I actually got a bite. So I'll post another, this track still features orchestral string work but has much more electronic and industrial influence throughout the piece.

Hope you get some enjoyment out of it.

In regards to Funeral of Fire. I am glad you enjoyed it, it's an extremely personal piece and ALOT definitely went into it.

12-25-2008, 01:32 AM
Hmm, I have checked my rapidshare account and people have been downloading the music..but no feedback?

Hearing the thoughts on the community here is kind of the reason I started posting the music here.

Well regardless I hope that those of you who have downloaded the music are enjoying it, some kind of feedback would be much appreciated though.

04-11-2009, 06:07 AM
Dear john,
After a while dealing with the apparent viral attack on this site I have come back and am just here to say that born is a wonderfully constructed piece of music, I find that both of these pieces speak volumes about your obviously innate talents.

Both pieces have a certain indefinable aspect about them which grabs at the heart of your immortal soul and doesn't let go.

I consider them treasured members of my ever-expanding musical library.

Thanks again.