12-15-2008, 03:44 AM
Here is Neverwinter nights 2 - Storm of the Zehir OST. Enjoy!!

Neverwinter nights 2 - Storm of the Zehir (

12-15-2008, 04:56 AM
Fabulous, thank you! :)

12-15-2008, 05:56 AM
yeah, great, thx :)

12-15-2008, 07:29 AM

12-15-2008, 11:35 AM
You re all welcome!!

12-15-2008, 01:34 PM
I just started to listen, and it's very beautiful. Really a superb orchestral soundtrack. Thank you for posting it.

A problem though: some tracks contain half silent space. So I'll have cut out the silent parts using a lossless mp3 editing tool like Mp3directcut.

As it's so good, I made some research about this score, and here's an article explaining a lot of things about it:

Zehir's Music

12-15-2008, 01:54 PM

1) this score isn't just beautiful, it is EXCEPTIONAL. Extremely gracious and inspired. I'll make more research about the composers.

2) Not some, but MANY tracks have silent space.

12-15-2008, 02:20 PM
Excellent job and thanks for sharing! =)

12-15-2008, 04:00 PM
you re right arthierr about the silent spaces. Well, if you manage to remove them, please upload the result..

12-16-2008, 11:37 PM
Wow, after arthierr's glowing review, I thought I was going to be in for something quite special... And, I'm sorry to say, this was a crushing disappointment - (I really do appreciate your post, I just don't like the music.)

It sounds ridiculously cheap - probably due to the insufficient budget, appallingly under-rehearsed orchestra, and the inevitable synthesiser "sweetening" (which achieves nothing but make the orchestral portions sound cheesy) - but that's a minor complaint in comparison to the music itself... Are we listening to the same score here, my friend? One or two themes are serviceable, but by and large we have a completely generic sounding, synthy, percussive, nonsense score where the only moments of respite are in the (otherwise pointless) fifteen minutes of silence thoughtfully (but nonsensically) interspersed throughout the album.

Sorry - as I say, I do appreciate your upload and effort, but as a musical experience, this is more underwhelming than Clone Wars.

[Edit: Fascinating article though - particularly where the makers discuss the possibility of engaging a composer of lesser-standing and diverting the saving towards the orchestral sessions... Interesting for two reasons - firstly because they imply that by chosing the crap composer they did that the score would be predominantly orchestral (which it clearly isn't - a huge portion of it is synthesised) and also because I know at least twenty composers who are ten times more talented than these morons, and who would have scored this thing for free (donating 100% of their fee to the musician's budget) just for the experience. Gentlemen, if you're listening - I can put you in touch with some composers who will write you the most magnificent score you could ask for, orchestrate it themselves, and deliver you fully written out scores ready to be sent to the orchestra - all for absolutely free.)

12-17-2008, 01:45 AM
I'm more than surprised by your opinion, my friend. (Disclaimer: No personal attacks in the following, only rational debate)

Although I'll admit that not all tracks are exceptional (some are rather bland and generic indeed), a good number of them are quite appealing and very inspired. Such a difference in the quality between tracks can be easily explained by the high (and excessive) number of composers hired.

For instance, here are some tracks I find extremely beautiful. These tracks are tastefully composed and orchestrated, and accurately evocate the images of a fascinating, mysterious, fairy-like fantasy world:

01 - Storm of Zehir Main Theme.mp3
05 - Beach (ambient).mp3
06 - Beach (combat).mp3
08 - Crypt.mp3
10 - Crystal Cave.mp3
14 - Forest (ambient).mp3
15 - Forest (combat).mp3
17 - Hills (ambient).mp3
18 - Hills (combat).mp3
20 - Jungle (ambient).mp3
21 - Jungle (combat).mp3
25 - Plains (ambient).mp3 <-- this one is EXCEPTIONAL, my favorite.
26 - Plains (combat).mp3
27 - Port Llast - happy.mp3
28 - Port Llast - lessmournful.mp3
32 - Shipwreck.mp3
34 - Swamp (ambient).mp3
35 - Swamp (combat).mp3
43 - Credits.mp3

Sincerely, if you judge the aforementioned tracks as crap, I suppose we have a difference in taste which is superior to what I thought.

Concerning the comments about the partly synthetic nature of the score, I won't follow this debate because I already said that it's not so important to me as I tend to stick to the composition and orchestration of the music. A synth can play magnificient music (like this very good ORCHESTRAL piece, composed by Sean Beeson, Race to Jupiter (, posted by Billie) and the greatest orchestra can play pure crap: Frank Zappa and the London Symphony Orchestra.

Edit: the guy I suppose you called "crap composer" is Paul Romero ( First, he is a true symphonist, with a good classical and orchestral background, then he's renowned for having composed many beautiful and gracious orchestral cues for the games Heroes of Might and Magic. He's among my favorite game music composers.

12-17-2008, 07:46 AM
Well i mostly agree with arthierr. The OST is exceptional, silent spaces seem to be the only problem.. Well it gives me a christmas like feeling, dont know why.. Especially track 14 and 11

12-17-2008, 11:43 AM
Thank you !!! Do you known who has composed the music for the expansion ?

12-17-2008, 04:43 PM
check this link scorenation:

12-17-2008, 05:14 PM
Thank you

12-17-2008, 07:26 PM
[Please note - edited from earlier, s**t-faced heat-of-the-moment post for which I apologise - having a bad day and taking it out on you, which I regret sincerely.]

Concerning the comments about the partly synthetic nature of the score, I won't follow this debate because I already said that it's not so important to me as I tend to stick to the composition and orchestration of the music.

I know that this doesn't bother you as such - I bought it up for other reasons (see below) and I think that my comments on the synthesiser were quite apart from my comments on the music which I believe to be poor, regardless of whether the performer is the LSO or some guy and a keyboard. I think the tone of my comment was clearly directed at poor quality *music* as distinct from poor quality performance. I mentioned the synthy nature of it because a) it was at odds with the article you posted, which suggested that the budget was sufficient to provide a fully orchestral score.

A synth can play magnificient music (like this very good ORCHESTRAL piece, composed by Sean Beeson, Race to Jupiter, posted by Billie)

I am all too aware of this, as you will probably have guessed by now in my numerous long, rambling posts on this very topic in your orchestral thread and in other places. Don't get me wrong - if the music is good, I'll sit through the most horrific synth imagineable and I'll still enjoy the piece on a musical level. But I will nevertheless recognise that the low-budget performance hasn't done justice to said good music, and thus reflects badly upon it, just as the Mona Lisa would be harder to appreciate if it were printed on a five inch square of toilet paper.

Comparitively, if the music is BAD then no expensive orchestra will save it. Just look at a high percentage of Hollywood scores of the last ten years for evidence of this.

the greatest orchestra can play pure crap: Frank Zappa and the London Symphony Orchestra.

One man's crap is another man's gold. Many consider Zappa to have been an unsurpassed genius, and the recording you mention has legions of fans convinced it's the most magnificent thing in the universe. Personally, I can't stand it, but hopefully you'll see my point. You're writing off this album as "pure crap" whilst at the same time berating me for calling Romero crap. Personal opinion versus personal opinion. Stalemate. We're both right, we're both wrong.

Edit: the guy I suppose you called "crap composer" is Paul Romero. First, he is a true symphonist, with a good classical and orchestral background, then he's renowned for having composed many beautiful and gracious orchestral cues for the games Heroes of Might and Magic. He's among my favorite game music composers.

Should any of that have any bearing whatsoever on the fact that I don't like the man's music? Just as the greatest orchestra can play pure crap, the greatest composer with the greatest background can write uninspired bollocks.

Finally, the "crap composer" comment was, once again, in reference to the article, in which the maker suggested that they employed a lesser composer in order to spare money for the orchestral session. It was all part of the same musing viewpoint.

02-01-2009, 02:50 PM
Awesome !!

Thanx so much for this one !

Erebus Wraith
02-01-2009, 06:49 PM
Great soundtrack. Thanks for the upload

02-03-2009, 07:46 AM

07-09-2011, 02:47 AM

10-20-2012, 01:36 PM
Thank you for this :)

12-14-2016, 05:11 AM

02-16-2017, 01:36 AM