12-12-2008, 07:43 PM
Hello everybody,
Like The James Bond - Final Suite Track that I've created, I present you my Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Long Suite.

As with my project on James Bond, it's a so long track which contains all the most important and beautiful themes from the the Star Wars Prelogy (In fact the new trilogy xD) in 37:38 minutes!

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy - The Final Suite Track (
Megaupload link - No password (34,45mo)

It's a long long work (Take the best tracks, doing good transitions, balancing sound...). By moments, it was very complicated...

Don't hesitate to post comments...
I hope imroving it with your advices

If you like tracks which aren't present inside and you would like to see its, say me!

And if you like it, i'll try to do a Star Wars Trilogy Final Suite with tracks from the 4, 5 et 6.

The Tracklist:
00:00 Episode I - Main Title and arrival at Naboo
02:04 Episode I - He's the chosen one
03:50 Episode I - The Dro�d invasion {Expanded soundtrack}
04:41 Episode I - The Flag Parade
05:53 Episode I - Duel of the fates
08:50 Episode I - Qui-Gon's noble end
10:20 Episode II - Confrontation with count Dooku (Anakin and Padme version I)
11:42 Episode II - Yoda and the younglings
14:52 Episode II - Arrival at Kamino {Expanded soundtrack}
16:14 Episode II - Kamino storm {Expanded soundtrack}
17:15 Episode II - Padme's island retreat {Expanded soundtrack}
18:55 Episode II - Imminent execution - Send in the clones - A most peculiar dream {Expanded soundtrack}
20:18 Episode II - Confrontation with count Dooku (Anakin and Padme version II)
21:16 Episode III - Anakin's farewell {Expanded soundtrack}
22:23 Episode III - Padme's ruminations
22:59 Episode III - Temple raid {Expanded soundtrack}
25:00 Episode III - Anakin's betrayal
27:50 Episode III - Battle of the Heroes
30:57 Episode III - Birth of the Empire
32:14 Episode III - The Immolation scene
33:39-->37:37 Episode III - A new hope and end credits

I've increased the sound for: He's the chosen one, Yoda and the younglings, Arrival at kamino, Padme's island retreat, Padme's ruminations, The immolation scene to balance it.

12-13-2008, 02:57 AM
downloading now.
can't wait to hear it!!

12-13-2008, 11:09 AM
Sounds promising, might give it a go.

12-14-2008, 06:30 PM
I'm sorry, but Prelogy just sounds STUPID. I suggest calling it just what it is ( Prequel Trilogy) since that would make more sense. I'll give it a listen at a later date.

12-14-2008, 11:04 PM
sounds pretty cool!

12-15-2008, 08:33 PM
Thanks sounds intresting

12-16-2008, 03:13 AM
I'll check it out, thanks!

12-16-2008, 09:54 AM
Tracklist added

12-16-2008, 12:36 PM
downloading now, thanks.

12-16-2008, 08:15 PM

12-18-2008, 12:49 AM
Don't hesitate to post comments to know what's your feeling about it!

12-18-2008, 03:24 AM
I think you did a really good job, firefue. My only complaint is that the tracks don't segue too well into each other. There are some rough edits that make it obvious when one track ends and the next begins, and not always in the best way. Other than that, your ideas seem great, and it's abundantly clear that you've put a lot of hard work into this. I give it four stars out of five. Keep it up! :)

12-19-2008, 12:58 AM
"If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all." - Anon

12-19-2008, 03:31 AM
If that post was directed to me, dannyfrench, then it was quite uncalled for, as I noted the positives of the track as well as the things that could use a slight amount of work. If not, then ignore me, please.

Firefue, as I said earlier, you did an excellent job. It was a joy to listen to, and I put it on my MP3 Player so I can listen to it while walking to school. I wish I had been able to do something this good, but alas my skills with sound editing programs are not quite good enough yet. The only thing I think you could possibly improve on is the changing of tracks, when you segue from one cue to the next. Some are amazingly done, so subtle that you'd barely know it changed. Some are a bit obvious, but I never said it was bad.

I applaud you for all the hard work you did, and I can't wait to hear more. I'm also downloading your Bond suite as we speak; I may not be as big a Bond fan as I am a Star Wars fan, but rest assured I will enjoy this piece as much as I did the last. Thank you for doing this. I, along with many other Star Wars fans, appreciate what you've done. :)

Fake edit: Dannyfrench. I now just foolishly realized that you may have made that comment in reference to your own thoughts. If so, I am really sorry for assuming you were targeting me. I'm sure firefue would like to hear your thoughts on why you didn't enjoy it, if that be the case. I'm interested as well. No pressure to explain yourself, but I think constructive criticism can ensure that we all learn from what may not have been so good in this remix to guarantee the next one is better.

12-19-2008, 10:56 AM

Indeed, my comment was intended as a tacit agreement with yours, and the most elegant way I could think of to say "This stinks!" without actually saying "This stinks!" -- I wasn't suggesting that you should button it, nor was I trying to deride you for giving a less than positive, glowing report.

The sad fact is that this isn't very good - in fact, it's comprehensively bad. I say this with utmost respect for the hard work of the creator, but ultimately, if somebody creates a turd and people are too afraid to tell him it's a turd, he will go through life believing his work to be good, and will have no desire to improve or adhere to higher, evolving standards. To decline from criticising a creator for fear of insulting him or hurting his feelings, is cowardly and ignores the bigger picture - the quality (or lack thereof) of his creation.


01-13-2009, 06:57 PM
My work on this suite is the most complicated that i've done.
I think, it's for a simple reason, i've wanted respect chronology of the songs and of the serie.
I'll release a v2 but in a moment...

However, I know very well Star Wars Episode I, II and III scores so i think choice of the songs is good, quality of the songs is quite good too

I'm preparing a Jurassic Park - Final Suite Track but I don't know when it arrives

01-14-2009, 12:02 AM
Hello everybody,
Like The James Bond - Final Suite Track that I've created, I present you my Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Long Suite.

As with my project on James Bond, it's a so long track which contains all the most important and beautiful themes from the the Star Wars Prelogy (In fact the new trilogy xD) in 37:38 minutes!

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy - The Final Suite Track (
Megaupload link - No password (34,45mo)

It's a long long work (Take the best tracks, doing good transitions, balancing sound...). By moments, it was very complicated...

Don't hesitate to post comments...
I hope imroving it with your advices

If you like tracks which aren't present inside and you would like to see its, say me!

And if you like it, i'll try to do a Star Wars Trilogy Final Suite with tracks from the 4, 5 et 6.

The Tracklist:
00:00 Episode I - Main Title and arrival at Naboo
02:04 Episode I - He's the chosen one
03:50 Episode I - The Dro�d invasion {Expanded soundtrack}
04:41 Episode I - The Flag Parade
05:53 Episode I - Duel of the fates
08:50 Episode I - Qui-Gon's noble end
10:20 Episode II - Confrontation with count Dooku (Anakin and Padme version I)
11:42 Episode II - Yoda and the younglings
14:52 Episode II - Arrival at Kamino {Expanded soundtrack}
16:14 Episode II - Kamino storm {Expanded soundtrack}
17:15 Episode II - Padme's island retreat {Expanded soundtrack}
18:55 Episode II - Imminent execution - Send in the clones - A most peculiar dream {Expanded soundtrack}
20:18 Episode II - Confrontation with count Dooku (Anakin and Padme version II)
21:16 Episode III - Anakin's farewell {Expanded soundtrack}
22:23 Episode III - Padme's ruminations
22:59 Episode III - Temple raid {Expanded soundtrack}
25:00 Episode III - Anakin's betrayal
27:50 Episode III - Battle of the Heroes
30:57 Episode III - Birth of the Empire
32:14 Episode III - The Immolation scene
33:39-->37:37 Episode III - A new hope and end credits

I've increased the sound for: He's the chosen one, Yoda and the younglings, Arrival at kamino, Padme's island retreat, Padme's ruminations, The immolation scene to balance it.

Oh don't worry you're not the only one (almost the chosen one^^). Tell you I'm working on an interesting project: recording the REAL played soundtrack of FinalFantasy Advent Children. 'cause most of tracks in the animation are not originally played completely (I'm a big fan of Nobuo Uematsu, so^^...). So the work is to cut the recorded track on my computer at the precise moment where it stops in the movie. Don't faid up, there's 2 cds^^.
Whats do you think about?

03-22-2009, 11:10 PM
Just downloaded and listened to it and here's what I think. The idea of this is fantastic and I really think this has the potential to rival even Symphony For A Saga, and I'm very much liking the choice of songs. But your actual execution of this plan needs some more work.

I would suggest more cross-fading between tracks, so that when you listen to it you almost won't realise that the track has changed.

Also it sounds like the frequencies of the different tracks are not all sampled the same and this means there will be more of a noticeable transition between them.

Perhaps try and choose places in the music where the transition would go even more unnoticed, for example going from the 'Chosen One' to 'Droid Invasion', you had a good idea starting with the brass crescendo straight from the held note of 'Chosen One' but you seem to have simply pasted it in. If you crossfaded them into each other (and by this I mean fade the first track out and at the same time fade the second track in) it would really work.

I don't mean to sound like I know better because I probably don't. I started off like just like this and have found along the way useful techniques that I hope will help you!

Good luck with it if you attempt a second version!