12-11-2008, 08:40 PM
Hello, everybody

I looking for this album,
Psychic Force - Extra Song Tracks -

detail (http://www.chudahs-corner.com/soundtracks/index.php?catalog=ZTTL-0007)
it's very old and I can't find it, very hard to find it.
Does anyone have it in MP3 or any digital format file
or just only Ending song "Just Say You'll Be Ever Mine"
it's very nostalgic for me.

ps. I wonder why ending song is very rare
I alway found only opening song (On the Verge of Revival)

thank you.

Ninja Flonne
02-07-2009, 10:05 PM
Happy to Help I just Found the Album and it's Amazing~<3

http://magnet-dance.livejournal.com/102295.html Is were I found it

^Is the Link with the Album + Some Other Psychic Force Songs Like the Ending to Psychic Force 2 (Btw do you know were you can find the Full Opening to Psychic Force 2? I cant find it anywhere)

^ _ ^ Hope this Helps Enjoy