12-09-2008, 05:52 AM
Does anyone have all the tracks zipped in one file?

Galbadia Hotel has the whole thing for download, but it's 58 tracks. That means having to download 58 tracks individually; clicking the link, waiting for the download page, and then clicking and waiting to download them. I don't know about you, but I don't have the time to do this. I refuse to do this. It is completely inconvenient and nonsensical. I wish entire albums were available to download instead of separate tracks. I'm sorry; I think the website is great and all, but you can't possibly expect someone to download every single track of an entire 58 song soundtrack! (At least if it were a simple matter of right-click+Save as Download, but it's not!)

12-10-2008, 03:59 AM
however,its absolutely free... I dont see you mention this anywhere..

12-10-2008, 04:26 AM
Yes, it is free...

Anyway, it took about an hour, but I downloaded all the tracks individually. If anyone needs the zip file, I can make one.

Thanks for nothing. :P