12-06-2008, 11:17 PM
If anyone could please, then please... yes please, rip AC:CF into mp3's. I'd be eternally great full if you did this. Thanks.

12-10-2008, 04:10 AM
I second this request.

12-12-2008, 04:44 AM
I third it.

Mario & Luigi Fan
01-16-2009, 08:27 AM
i fourth it !!!

01-16-2009, 03:48 PM
I fifth it!!!

01-16-2009, 10:42 PM
This would make my day if someone would upload it.

01-17-2009, 01:36 AM

01-17-2009, 09:09 AM
Oh lawd I can't wait for hearing this. I want to hear K.K.'s songs the most, also the roost.

;__; Upload plz.

06-16-2009, 12:46 AM
technically i nineth'd it, but i'll say eighth'd cuz the guy before me didnt say it

06-16-2009, 10:04 AM
I wonder why anyone isn't uploading this lol it's been around 2 months since it came out and I can't find it on the internet anywhere.

ninth'd this.

06-23-2009, 06:29 PM

I tenth it :0

06-24-2009, 12:59 AM
someone said they had the cd but they haven't uploaded it since they said that which was a few weeks ago...i'm getting sad now :(

08-24-2009, 07:42 PM
i 11th this

09-06-2009, 03:50 AM
I'd be happier with a rip personally. :-/

Emperor ServingSpoon
09-07-2009, 06:50 AM
I've ripped all the K.K. songs(both versions) and the hourly tunes(regular and snow versions. I likely won't bother with the rain versions.) and new year's tunes, though not much else, due to comparative abundance of sound effects... Is there any special music for any of the holidays and stuff? I haven't played the game much at all, so I don't know, really...

09-07-2009, 08:49 PM
Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas all have their own theme. Halloween's theme starts in the afternoon, around 8PM I believe. Thanksgiving at 3PM and the Christmas theme(24th of December) lasts all day. There's also Festivale in February and a short and repetitive Bunny Day theme that plays whenever you stand next to Zipper.

I'll post the dates for each the holidays for this year.

February 23rd - Festivale
April 12th - Bunny Day
October 31st - Halloween
November 26th - Harvest Festival
December 24th - Christmas Eve

Emperor ServingSpoon
09-08-2009, 02:27 AM
Yeah. I got the New Year's Eve ones. They're only during the last hour, I believe(got all the ones in the ACWW .2sf accounted for, anyway). There's also the one that plays on New Year's Day that seems to have remained the same since the original AC. I probably won't bother with the Happy New Year! one, since text bubbles and whatnot kind of ruin it, and then the numerous fireworks, too. I could probably do the one without the intro, but that still has the fireworks, and there was a release of it on the soundtrack to the ACWW movie, so I'd prefer that version myself, anyway. There was also a fireworks festival on last month or something, which I recorded the music from, though obviously the fireworks are once again a problem. If we're lucky it might get reused at some other festival or something.

I'm playing the PAL version, so I'm not sure whether all those holidays are in there or not, since I know there were some differences, but I'll be sure to investigate those... When I get around to it... :P

A couple of the tracks clipped when trying to record them, so I had to rerecord them on my brother's computer significantly softer. I might boost the volume up with Audacity, but I don't know the best way to go about that without possibly altering the quality(or making it clip again), so if anyone more familiar with Audacity could lend some advice it could be helpful... But I suppose that if none of you recorded any of it yourself, chances are you're not familiar with Audacity... :P

09-08-2009, 02:47 AM
The holidays I listed all have major furniture themes associated with them, so they're standard across all regions. I checked the City Folk wiki just to be sure:

As for the New Years theme, I don't believe that can be found anywhere else in-game. :-/

Emperor ServingSpoon
09-08-2009, 03:02 AM
Yeah... New Year's wouldn't be, but the Fireworks festival theme was different, so I thought there was a chance that it could have been, since it seems to be the only event music in the ACWW .2sf that doesn't relate directly to New Years. Actually, upon checking, there's one bit of music I haven't identified yet... And I quite like it, too... Oh, well... I'll investigate further after I get the last 10 stars in Super Luigi Galaxy. Thanks for the help! :D

09-08-2009, 03:38 AM
No problem. I wish I could do more to help as I'm very grateful for your ripping this game's soundtrack.

Emperor ServingSpoon
09-13-2009, 02:15 AM
Investigated those particular tunes... Pav� and Zipper's music can't be recorded, since the background music sticks around still... Halloween and Harvest Festival music's hard to record due to all the crickets being around, but I think I managed the Harvest Festival one. Halloween was a bit loud and may have clipped, so I'll have another look at it later... Still gotta record the Christmas music, but it shouldn't be a problem. I thought it may have changed depending on the time, but that's probably just because I was confusing it with an old version of the tune(not sure from where, exactly... I just know it was familiarish.). I'll have another look at that tonight, possibly.

09-13-2009, 03:39 AM
Thanks for the update.

For the Cricket problem, you might be able record a chirp-free version if you stand near the town gate or in the corner of town.

I personally find the chirps of the Crickets to add to the song. Maybe it's just the nostalgia talking from the years I spent playing the Gamecube version. :-/

Emperor ServingSpoon
09-14-2009, 10:52 AM
Yeah, that's how I'm trying to do it, attempting to clear the area of crickets in the minute leading up to the hour and then record the song sound effect free from there... But then one showed up just as the second loop was finishing... And while I love the sound effects when playing the game(really enjoyed running around outside playing the DS version and hearing all the different bugs at different times of the year), they kind of ruin the songs when you're trying to listen to them and only them. For me, anyway.

Haven't gotten around to playing again yet...

09-15-2009, 02:20 AM
The Harvest festival shouldn't be a problem as Crickets don't emerge until the afternoon. If you record at 3PM(when it starts, I believe) you shouldn't have a problem.

Good luck with Halloween.

Edit: Ah, stupid me. I must have skipped over the "but I think I managed the Harvest Festival one" bit. =P

09-21-2009, 01:53 AM
Bump! (sorry if I'm coming off as impatient)

Emperor ServingSpoon
10-02-2009, 06:33 AM
I've been a little busy lately... I might just upload the K.K. Songs and hourly themes I've edited as they are, soon... I'll probably buy a copy of the OST later in the year, anyway, and I'll throw up some of the tracks off it that I wasn't able to rip or something...

10-04-2009, 02:46 AM
Sounds good. I look forward to the release.

Emperor ServingSpoon
10-18-2009, 08:44 AM
Not all perfect, but it'll have to do you for now. :P (Hourly) (K.K. LIVE!) (K.K. Airchecks)

Enjoy! :D

10-18-2009, 02:50 PM
this is awesome. thank you so much, but, why is one track 27 hours long???(not a joke, if you notice, but that can be fix)

10-18-2009, 03:38 PM
that's with the hour ones though, i really don't care thought, at least someone ripped the music and no one else did.

10-18-2009, 08:37 PM
I'm not seeing any track from the hourly pack climb over four minutes...

Impressive rip. The sound quality is wonderful. Can't wait for the festival/holiday themes.

10-18-2009, 08:55 PM
its happening to me with the hours, but the K.K soundtracks are fine.

10-19-2009, 12:03 AM
Thanks a lot! You truly are an imperial serving utensil.

Emperor ServingSpoon
10-19-2009, 03:27 AM
The hourly ones are VBR, while the K.K. ones were all done at just straight 320. Trying to save them in VBR from Audacity gave me some weird display times, so when I got around to doing the hourly ones I saved them as FLAC and then got another program to convert them to mp3. I'll probably redo the K.K. ones via the same method at some point, if I find the time, but I already recorded a lot of them more than once and didn't save any of the changes to the Audacity files when I made the mp3s, so it'd be a bit much of a hassle at the moment... So presumably it's an issue with whatever player you're using, since they show the right time for me in Winamp. I suspect they'd play just fine for you, anyway, so it doesn't *really* matter. :P

I noticed that the 4am music clips in the regular version... The snow one was fine... Same with Go K.K. Rider! and Lucky K.K.... And a couple of the other location / event / city tunes I've not included probably do, too, so I'll have to record them from my bro's PC, since I can't seem to lower the input volume as much as I should be able to(I can to a certain range, but then it'll just skip to mute, basically. Most stuff here was recorded as low as I could to avoid clipping as much as possible.)... That's what I get for not caring much about your PC's specs, I guess. :P I might throw up the lower volume versions of Go K.K. Rider! and Lucky K.K. sometime soon, but other than that I don't expect I'll be getting around to doing anything else with this for a while.

For anyone wondering about the numbering, it was originally just going to be a complete K.K. collection. 3 was going to be for the various alternate versions of some of the songs(K.K. Ballad had a noticeable change in melody from the original 64 version) and CD exclusive tracks that I've seen(Like the K.K. Soul song from Nintendo Sound Selection Vol.3 - Luigi B-Side Music, and the K.K. version of the 2am music from the ACWW bonus CD, as well as the Brawl versions of that and Go K.K. Rider!)... But I never got around to doing anything with those. :P I didn't originally plan to include any of the hourly tunes, but I figured I might want to throw one or two on a CD at some point so I went and did them all, anyway...

10-19-2009, 04:23 AM
That's alright, that's lots of music to rip anyway and you must be really tired after doing all that. I hope you get the city themes and holidays soon and i hope the hours get fix, and thanks for doing this because people weren't going to rip the music anyway.

10-20-2009, 02:36 AM
Just listening through the airchecks, and I came across a song I never heard before. Stale Cupcakes. I like it a lot, I know what I'll be requesting from K.K. this Saturday. =D

Emperor ServingSpoon
10-21-2009, 06:31 AM
Yeah. Stale Cupcakes is one of the extra ones from ACWW. For whatever reason it, Spring Blossoms and Wandering will only be played by him if you request them. I quite like it.

I made a 47 track collection of live and aircheck versions of several K.K. songs for a CD for my older brother, too. I tend to fill them to the brim... :P If anyone's interested in that I could upload it, too(though it's just made from the ones that I've already uploaded, with single loop versions of the aircheck songs, aside from the special K.K. Soul version from a CD and instrumental K.K. Bossa from the ACWW movie OST). Probably not a bad listen on occasion, should you happen to be a big K.K. fan like myself, though. :P

10-21-2009, 06:05 PM
You truly are my savior, time to time i have tried to find these but with no success! Thank you againnnn!

10-22-2009, 08:43 AM
Spoon, first of all, that's brilliant stuff. All of us who push through with the difficult ones (I'm doing Endonesia now) recognize how truly awful that sort of thing is. Thanks.

Now, I'm not rushing you at all, of course, but I just hope you can clarify. Are you delaying the project for awhile ("doing anything else with this for a while") or are you just working on a different part of the soundtrack? Just curious.

Again, thanks.

Emperor ServingSpoon
10-22-2009, 12:27 PM
I probably won't be doing too much more of this at all, but anything I might do won't be for a while anyway. I can't be bothered dealing with several of the tracks with sound effects that can't be ignored or are difficult to rip for some other reason. I didn't originally intend to do anything more than just the K.K. ones, anyway. But I plan to get the CD, so I'll throw the city themes off it up and record the ones that aren't on it, probably.(There's 4 different tunes, though there may be another while it's raining or snowing... I haven't played the game enough to be sure, and the City's kinda boring, anyway. :P)

Aside from that, I'll just do the holiday tunes I've mentioned earlier in the thread and probably leave it at that.(Though I might record the music from the Roost and the Music Box music, too. That would be all, though.) There's far more important things that I should be doing rather than recording video game music, and if I don't even want to do it, there'd be basically no point to it.(I'm kinda good at wasting time, and am attempting to start spending it a little more wisely...)

If anyone else feels like doing the other tracks(or even just some of them), I have no problem with them doing it(you really don't need much to be able to do it). Though I think there may be a Winamp plugin in the making that's aiming to be able to play these sorts of sequenced music files, so there's a chance that something good will come out of that, too, for anyone interested in a complete rip... Would be great for a bunch of other Wii and GC games, too, if they manage it!

10-25-2009, 05:41 PM
Yeah. Stale Cupcakes is one of the extra ones from ACWW. For whatever reason it, Spring Blossoms and Wandering will only be played by him if you request them. I quite like it.

Stale Cupcakes is from Wild World?! That's news to me. I had assumed it was a brand new track introduced in City Folk.

10-26-2009, 01:46 AM
EmporerServingSpoon, you are a god! Thank you so much!

10-27-2009, 07:35 PM
EmperorServingSpoon, would you mind if I uploaded your rip to Youtube in video form? Credit will be given, of course.

11-01-2009, 10:22 PM
Is there anyway you can put this on some place other than Megaupload? We all know places like that are a pain in the neck.

11-12-2009, 04:04 PM
EmperorServingSpoon, you're totally amazing! I really love the songs! :DD

Emperor ServingSpoon
11-17-2009, 05:27 AM
Stale Cupcakes is from Wild World?! That's news to me. I had assumed it was a brand new track introduced in City Folk.
Yep. It's one of the three that would play if you requested a song that didn't exist. It even made it onto the soundtrack from the ACWW Movie as one of the bonus tracks! (Which made it the first song of that type to have its name revealed before its inclusion in the follow up game)

EmporerServingSpoon, you are a god! Thank you so much!
Actually, I'm not... Gods have better things to do with their time than ripping music from games. :P

EmperorServingSpoon, would you mind if I uploaded your rip to Youtube in video form? Credit will be given, of course.
You're most welcome to. It would make letting people listen to my recordings much easier than sending them a music file. :D There's a space between Emperor and ServingSpoon, though, so be sure to get that right. :P

Is there anyway you can put this on some place other than Megaupload? We all know places like that are a pain in the neck.
Megaupload's been much easier for me to use than these other places that only let you download one thing at a time and then wait after each download, too... But if someone else here is willing to upload it elsewhere I don't mind. But I won't be doing it myself.

11-23-2009, 08:33 PM
You're most welcome to. It would make letting people listen to my recordings much easier than sending them a music file. :D There's a space between Emperor and ServingSpoon, though, so be sure to get that right. :P

Will do, just have to get around to uploading the rest of the Population Growing soundtrack first. :D

Also, will you be uploading the few Holiday tracks that you have left?

11-24-2009, 04:24 AM
Not all perfect, but it'll have to do you for now. :P (Hourly) (K.K. LIVE!) (K.K. Airchecks)

Enjoy! :D

Thanks a lot! I've been looking for the hourly music a lot lately since they're at least the same as the DS version I have a DS rip but some files are corrupted and i can't listen to them :( but thank youuu

12-21-2009, 07:00 AM
Wii rips are of much better quality than nds rips, and there are new tracks too. Thanks Emperor ServingSpoon so much!

12-25-2009, 02:36 AM
Can anyone add the Title Theme and the other Tracks (Eastern, Birthday, Halloween etc.) Please?

01-03-2010, 06:29 AM
koo blah blah blah ding dong fdgnorhgisnfoirbhioesrngonseioghnisrtdnghingikenbg iunregnh
i might rip it myself >:P

01-04-2010, 12:52 AM
if no one's gonna do it then i will get it by myself!

01-08-2010, 08:47 PM
i need the special themes
that would be great when we get them

01-09-2010, 08:53 AM
I'd like a complete rip of this, too...

01-11-2010, 01:38 AM

02-03-2010, 10:27 PM
Thanks Emperor ServingSpoon !!

Now to wait until someone completes it.

07-10-2010, 01:22 PM
Thanks Emperor ServingSpoon !!

Now to wait until someone completes it.

Someone did (