12-06-2008, 08:41 PM
There are spoilers in this Thread, pertaining to Crisis Core and Final Fantasy VII (I would assume)

I have a problem, I never stay around here long, then I poke in my head, and go with it, lol.

Okay, Final Fantasy VII. I have said before that I have never played it. Well, my friend Josh gets shocked STILL when I tell him. Anyway, I bought a PSP when I heard that Agito XIII was being released for it in the coming years, and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. I was looking for reasons to make my PSP useful game-wise. Which is hard to do.

So, I bought Crisis Core. Loved it, by the way. I went on thtough it, and Josh said that it would be more shocking for me then it would be for most people. I was confused, until I saw the ending.

I had no fucking clue that Zack was going to die! It was the most depressing thing I have EVER seen... Josh laughed, and said I was most likely the ONLY person in the world who played the game that was shocked like that. Because they just assume you have played VII BEFORE the prequel. lol. Anyway, I cried.

My question now...

For everyone who has played it after they played VII, do you think it would have been more sad if you hadn't played VII? If you didn't already know that happened.

Oh, by the way, I never saw Last Order or Advent Children either, so... I was a completely Final Fantasy VII virgin.

12-06-2008, 09:20 PM
I would have thought it sadder if you had played VII, since you know all through the game that you're basically fighting for nothing - you know you're going to die.

12-06-2008, 10:17 PM
I was more so talking like...


Because really, Zack DID acheive something, I would think. At least, standing up against a huge ass load of Shinra army men would make him a hero... So, it wasn't FOR nothing, in my opinion.

12-12-2008, 10:43 PM
I was a completely Final Fantasy VII virgin.

And now join the rest of us who cower in the corner, weeping bitter, bitter tears for we know we will never believe in anything good ever again.