Safer Sephiroth
06-28-2002, 10:32 AM
Ok I just bought this game for PC and it really kicks ass, does anybody else have this game, if you have this game let me know what your comments about the game are. And if any body wants to play me just pm me and let me know.

Kool Ranch
06-29-2002, 02:30 AM
I got the original for PS and it's pretty fun, but I don't think that I'd pay $50 for a sequel; the missions get boring to me after a while. I might buy it when the price drops though.

Safer Sephiroth
06-29-2002, 06:35 AM
Yeah but the missions in Allied Assault never get boring because I've almost beaten the game and I haven't got tired of it yet trust me you won't ever get tired of this game. It's too life like it seems like your in a real war.