11-30-2008, 02:28 AM
I saw Twilight last night and i was kinda dissapointed... it was good don't get me wrong, but it just seemed to lack what ever it needed to be the great movie that it should have been.
Ugh, all the hype for nothing, i waited weeks to see it...

11-30-2008, 02:46 AM
Note: I haven't read the series. I'm judging it on what I do know about the books, the author, and the fans. I realize this probably isn't a fair basis for judging the franchise.

But I can't say I would expect much from what is basically an author out to make as much money as possible from the equivalent of vampire fan fiction that happened to take off as well as it did for some inexplicable reason (actually, given the tastes of the average American, maybe I'm not so surprised).

This lady wrote a series of books that people liked. Cool. They aren't some people's idea of a good novel, but who cares? People bitch about every book, song, movie, etc. known to man. I was willing to accept that I probably wouldn't like it, but there was no reason other people couldn't. I just didn't want to hear about it from my sister 24 hours a day.

Then I find out this lady writes the same exact series, but from the male main character's perspective. Errrr, what? I can't really think of any reason to do that (or plan to do that, whatever) besides the urge to milk the franchise for every dime it's worth. That isn't to say I can blame Stephanie Meyer. She recognized a good opportunity when it presented itself and is probably sitting pretty right about now.

Four bestselling novels and a movie within a 3 year period, not to mention plans for "guide books" and the second series of the SAME EXACT STORY based on the male character's perspective. sheesh.

I try not to be too judgmental based on other people's tastes. I like a lot of things that probably mean I have "poor taste" to a majority of others. Different strokes for different folks. But honestly, I couldn't take a writer or an author too seriously (in terms of quality) if they were going to shoot out another trilogy and a movie (not to mention the first books) in such a short period of time.

I think I'm mostly just aggravated because one of the most obnoxious human beings I've ever met was obsessed with this series. And my sister hasn't shut up about it for months. And because I'll never understand why a brooding, metrosexual angst machine who writes love poetry and uses the word DAZZLE can be swoonworthy to any self-respecting adult.

Not to mention the whole killer vampire baby in the womb who grows up in like 2 months and some werewolf has been imprinted on her since birth. creepy

this turned into a bigger mega rant than I wanted to.

ON TOPIC, I will probably end up seeing this movie because my sister is desperate to go and since I live near the movie theatre and she is 12, I will probably take her.

also stuff liek this:


is why I probably will never read the series or take it's fanbase seriously.

11-30-2008, 02:52 AM
Lol, that is exactly what i thought too, with the entire Edward point of view novels, i admit i was interested at first because i thought that it would be more of Edwards life before Bella, but when i heard it was the same story i decided that i wouldn't even bother.
I didn't expect the movie to be extremely good, but i definetly felt that they should have put more time into it. Wait until you see it, it was more "look at how cute Edward is" than anything else. But none the less i at least hope you enjoy it a little bit because if not it'll be a garanteed waste of money for you.
I love vampires, but in this case (per usual) the books are way better than the movie.

11-30-2008, 05:20 AM
What didn't you like? Huh? I don't get ti?

11-30-2008, 07:11 AM
There's been so much hype about this movie, but is this just another one of those I'm-in-the-same-class-as-a-vampire teenage movies? God, that is the last thing the world needs.

11-30-2008, 07:31 AM
The whole vampire superman thing has become pretty boring and stale.

11-30-2008, 04:32 PM
What didn't you like? Huh? I don't get ti?

Oh no i did like the movie, it just wasn't as good as it could have been and in my opinion the "book is alwasy better than the movie" saying is definetly true.

11-30-2008, 10:25 PM
I read the first book on recommendation from a friend, but to me it just seemed like published vampire fanfiction. I mean, a normal girl is in the same class as a vampire in high school, then falls in love in what seems like about five minutes? That's classic fangirl material.

So yeah, I don't plan on seeing the movie. Or reading any of the other books. And I find the obsessive fanbase rather scary.

12-02-2008, 01:49 AM
I work at a bookstore on weekends, and I all I saw was females ages 12-30 grabbing the Twilight books...before I even knew what the hell they were. Even a few guys who wouldn't look me in the eye as they purchased the book and made off into the night. All it took was for me to see the fanbase, and the poster, to get the gist of things. Not for me. But whatever, it least it has the young ones reading, I guess.

12-02-2008, 07:26 AM
I thought that too!! I liked it, specially the effects! but.. yeah.. TT-TT
It could've been better... T-T

12-02-2008, 07:57 AM
its a drama with vampires.
vampires and drama DO NOT MIX.

12-02-2008, 08:03 AM
I dunno know, man. That run of Port Charles called Tainted Love was pretty good times.

Now the guy is just a cop on One Life to Live. I mean, yeah, he's on the same soap as the greatest soap character ever (Todd Manning, represent), but still, meh compared to Vampire lurve~

This post is 100% Serious.

Marshall Lee
12-02-2008, 11:16 PM
its a drama with vampires.
vampires and drama DO NOT MIX.

Tru Blood...

12-04-2008, 09:54 PM
The books sucked, the movie sucked. I think it was exactly the same =O

The only character I liked was Jacob, oddly enough I liked him best in the books too, he's the only one with any sort of real personality. Bella is awful to all the people who are nice to her and edward is stalker, robert is really hot though.

I have a strange attraction to bad books and movies apparently. =O

haha edward is a stalker! He completely is tho, and i really really wanted her to end up with Jake, but when he imprinted on renesme i was satisfied becasue bella didn't deserve him... But the guys they chose for jake and edward in the movie is so adorable, i was partial to them both when i saw the movie.

12-15-2008, 03:52 AM
The concept on the whole seems like one bad piece of internet fanfiction. That's why I'm avoiding it at all costs.

12-15-2008, 10:59 PM
The concept on the whole seems like one bad piece of internet fanfiction. That's why I'm avoiding it at all costs.

You hit the nail on the head there. Half the book is a description of how hot the main male protagonist is - so by logic half the film must be shots showing how hot the actor is. In related news, I am now terrified of the girl I sit next to in Business Studies. First she threatened to get her fictional boyfriend (the aforementioned main male protagonist) on me, then she started a long monologue about how he had turned her into a vampire, and how she would tear my throat out if I said I hated the book again. That's how deep the fangirlism goes, and why I refuse to read any of the books or watch the movie.

Eblis O'Shaughnessy
12-16-2008, 01:05 AM
I still say if you want to see a hilariously awful vampire movie, check out that one hilarious low-budget movie that used to run over and over on TBS where the vampires were afraid of cats and owned a shape-shifting car.

12-16-2008, 04:12 AM
You hit the nail on the head there. Half the book is a description of how hot the main male protagonist is - so by logic half the film must be shots showing how hot the actor is. In related news, I am now terrified of the girl I sit next to in Business Studies. First she threatened to get her fictional boyfriend (the aforementioned main male protagonist) on me, then she started a long monologue about how he had turned her into a vampire, and how she would tear my throat out if I said I hated the book again. That's how deep the fangirlism goes, and why I refuse to read any of the books or watch the movie.
If I were you, I'd still say the books suck. Just to see if she's lying through her teeth (or fangs in her eyes, probably) or if she is really that crazy.

I'd like to see this movie for one reason only. A lady friend of mine saw it and loved it and made me promise to go see it. I still haven't gone.

12-16-2008, 08:13 PM
Oh, I told her. I know that, if it came to it, I could beat her easily in a fight. I just find it terrifying how convinced she is that the books are real.

04-16-2009, 03:32 AM
i wanna go see it w/ my friends but my mom doesnt approve of vamps or any of that otha stuff(she doesnt no about half the stuff i read) and she wont let me see it unless she comes w/ me :(

04-16-2009, 06:56 AM
Please do yourself a favor and read a respectable teen author.

John Green.

Looking for Alaska
An Abundance of Catherines
Paper Towns.


04-16-2009, 08:19 AM
My girlfriend made me watch this movie with her the other night. Apparently God doesn't love me.

04-20-2009, 08:11 AM
I just saw twilight, and i loved it! it was really cool, especially the scene in the room of mirrrors and the baseball game, seriouly if u want bad movie watch super mario bros, that was one creepy disaster, although there were some cool stuff

05-26-2009, 03:19 PM
twilight is the best"advertising novel idea" ever.The young author send chills on girls spines by creating "vampire romeo" and he is not burn under sunlight either!It was moderate not sucks not rucks but I am honestly recommend the TRUE BLOOD series it's ultimately cool:D +18 vampire series

07-05-2009, 01:49 AM
Regardless of the plot or characters, I thought the movie was really well done...! The shots were very nice and the effects were nearly always believable, considering the supernatural themes, lols. Sure, a lot of lines and scenes were a tid to really over dramatic, but the film's aim was to swoon teenage fangirls, so it certainly achieved its purpose. And, all in all, it also stayed very close to the book, so that's another thumbs up, in my opinion.

07-06-2009, 10:12 PM
Read the whole series in about a week's time. Good, fun, and entertaining... but does it seriously deserve all the positive praise it has gotten?

Hell no.

I'm sick of the teeny boppin', Hot Topic clothed fangirls who are absolutely obsessed with a fictitious vampire. It's the Cinderella syndrome that's caught on here, and it's the fairytale princess garbage that has been shoved down girls' throats from the time they are born that is partially to blame for deluded young females. Sickening.

A teenage girl reportedly broke up with her real boyfriend because she claimed he was not Edward enough...
And a visit on some Twilight fansites will show obsessed fangirls actually wanting to be vampires...
or wanting to visit Forks in the hope that they, too, will find their Edward Cullen...

Movie was not that great either. Horrible acting, wrong actors. Some character development and GOOD ACTING would probably have helped it...

07-14-2009, 06:43 AM
Horrible, horrible book and series.

A sparkling vampire... "skin of a killer?"

Fanfiction indeed.

07-14-2009, 09:47 PM
And this won several MTV movie awards including best picture? The Apocalypse is fast approaching.

07-24-2009, 09:35 PM
Let's be clear about something: Twilight is as lousy a movie as it is a series of books. In fact, here's the review I wrote after watching the movie:

In the lead-up to this movie's release, I often wondered what the big deal was all about. Now that I've seen the movie (and looked into the source material), I'm still not clear on what makes this poorly written schlock so appealing. I mean, I know that teenage girls often go for older guys, but to even think that a 108 yr. old has never truly been in love before you came along would make you one of the most egotistical idiots on the face of the planet.

I won't bother going into how unoriginal this entire story really is, but I will say that it is a truly awful piece of literature without even having read the book. Why? Because this narrative has no conflict. Bella has friends the instant she arrives at her new school, so she's not really a social outcast even if she wants to be. She even has 3 different guys vying for her attention right off the bat in this movie. This could've been an interesting point of contention if one of these guys found out the Cullen family secret, or if their interest in Bella was genuine enough to drive them to try and compete with the "vampire" (I'll get to my take on Meyer's take on the undead in a sec'...and Mike got the shaft), or if at least one of them had a personality or something. That's not the case here at all though. Each of these guys are even conveniently paired off with one of Bella's female friends (all except for the Black kid, but I digress...) so that she doesn't run the risk of coming off like a cold, shallow bitch for rejecting them in hopes of hooking up with the pale kid with the painstakingly styled hair who always seemed to have just eaten some bad eggs. The potential perils of a "vampire" and human being together? There are none seeing as how he doesn't drink human blood...but what about his family? Surely this could cause a problem, right? Nope, they all get along fine. She's a part of the family! Albino Mike Dexter said so and they all agreed. But wait, there are other "vampires" that may want to take a sip, right? Yeah, but it's just one guy and he's the dude from Never Back Down. You can't really call him a threat, especially when he's put up against, like, 7-1 odds. He has a partner in crime that shows up in time to set up for a sequel that should be as awful as this, but 7 against 2 does nothing to help increase the chances for survival. The almost 5-10 minutes total of actual conflict of any sort in this movie is wrapped up with a mob murder as the "noble" family of "vampires" proceed to completely eviscerate ONE guy. Then they go to prom. There's a continuity issue or two in there too (did Bella's dad teleport outside and into a different shirt when she first arrives?), but not only do I not have the energy to bother going over more than one I also have other things to cover. The pacing is f**king horrible, and the writing was always to blame. However, the screenplay is equally abysmal as this movie has some of the worst dialogue I've heard since Anakin and Padme's scenes in Attack of the Clones (And I know that some of the lines are straight from the book. That's my point...). These two are seriously like "when bland meets blander", and their chemistry couldn't generate enough heat to melt a snowflake. That said, let's move on to the haltingly boring "vampires" of Twilight, shall we?

This movie is so poorly written that they don't just state how to kill a "vampire", they state it LOUDLY...TWICE!! At that point, I was convinced that this movie had no respect for it's audience. Then again, it's hard to when the entire premise of this franchise hinges on the bullshit notion that a guy that's been around for 108 years has never met a girl that was as physically and physiologically attractive as Kristen Stewart. But on top of that, ANYONE WITH A PENIS is instantly drawn to this one girl and NO ONE ELSE. If this truly is the first time that Edward has been so drawn to a human girl, then why does he keep going to high school? That's not really a feasible cover since you could just as easily be home schooled, or even pretend to be a drop-out, or any other number of explanations that don't involve going through the numbers of pretending to be a high school student. Plus, the amount of paperwork they would have to go through to keep that bullsh*t ruse going would wear thin very quickly when the social security numbers don't check out. Possible litigious machinations aside, why the f**k would you waste immortality on going to high school repeatedly unless there was something in it for you? You've known the material since the first time you played this game, so who do you really think you're fooling here? The same could be asked concerning the retarded traits of "vampires" in this reality. If sunlight makes their skin light up like a stripper's ass, then how is it that NO ONE has figured out what they are? If that weren't bad enough, the glowing eyes and the constant clamminess (or density in the books) of their skin would be a dead giveaway...pun not intended.

All of the girls that are head-over-heels for this heavy-handed yet failed attempt at the perfect boyfriend have all ignored the obvious, so I'm saying it: Edward Cullen is a predator. He's clearly been runnin' this scam for decades, and he has it down to a science. Am I saying that he planned everything? No, but he's been around long enough to know how to play a 17 year old girl. Not even the most die-hard fan could deny that fact. In truth, that's the ONLY way that all of the factors at play here could make sense. Ladies, we get it...well, some of us get it. You want to feel special, like someone can look past the surface and see that you are more than another face in the crowd. Well you are, and someone that's not a walking disco ball in the daylight will be sure to tell you that without putting your life in danger or taking control of your life away from you. Take that into consideration, and do the world a favor and read a better book series for better reasons. This nonsense never deserved the cinematic treatment. It's nothing more than one woman's unimaginative fantasy fashioned into a lousy novel with "vampires" that are even more neutered than they have been in recent incarnations and a disturbingly warped concept of an ideal relationship. What really makes things so lame is in characterizing the Cullens the way she did, Meyer adds nothing to vampire lore while crafting a half-assed story that creates no true tension at any point, and yet still contradicts the hell out of itself repeatedly. Clearly too many people have forgotten that vampires aren't sullen high school kids with clean cut hair. They're monsters, and they always will be. And if you think the Cullens are any different, then ask James what he thought as he was being lynched...

*Addendum: The more I think about it (which is inescapable thanks to the undeserved hype), the more I hate this movie. If it weren't bad enough that the "vampires" in Twilight are stiflingly boring, there is still the fact that they are being used in a trite and unimaginative story. Ultimately, Twilight is nothing more than another bullsh*t story about the bad boy with a heart of gold who was just waiting for the right girl to come along. Not only is that horse-sh*t, but it reinforces one of the stupidest mentalities that people have. Too often girls have bought into that crap, and it's that thinking that eventually leads to unhealthy and abusive relationships. The thought that this is spreading just pisses me off because the idea of the asshole that loves you and no one else is an ego-centric lie. F**k this franchise for perpetuating that nonsense...especially seeing as how it spreads such an idea to impressionable youngsters. And judging by the ratings I'm seeing from others here, no one else is really thinking this through. Take a minute to reflect. You might see what some of us were talking about in our reviews...

I posted this review on Flixter via Facebook after I saw this abomination months ago. Honestly, my opinion hasn't changed. If anything, I hate this franchise even more now...

08-11-2009, 08:21 PM
thats some review :P i saw the film before i read the book and although i was crying laughing because it looked like when edward first saw bella he was about to explode in his pants. Its a watchable movie when your in the mood to just watch a movie without switching your mind on to see whats wrong with it. I hated all the talk about gorgeous this and big strong arms that but it really isnt that bad after all that :)

08-18-2009, 03:19 PM
Wheres Blade when you need him? He'd sort this pansy Cullen out.

poptart fantastico
09-15-2009, 12:46 AM
Stephen Moyer who plays Bill on the show True Blood, said that "Edward Cullen is a pussy. He's the Diet Coke of vampires." Awesome.

09-22-2009, 12:21 AM
Stephen Moyer who plays Bill on the show True Blood, said that "Edward Cullen is a pussy. He's the Diet Coke of vampires." Awesome.

How dare is insult Diet Coke by comparing it to sparkle-puss!

09-22-2009, 02:42 AM
I'm Glad I'm not the only one who thinks Twilight Sucks, the fangirls are idiotic and going to kill themselves eventually for all the right reasons, vampires don't sparkle (Fairies/Angels do), and that MTV sucks for thinking this movie is worthy of any honor (MTV sucks as it is... No music, No focus or purpose, nothing but shitty reality TV no on needs to buy into).

To be honest, these are the only words I have for this fail. I went to see the moview with my friends back in NJ- I can't believed they loved it. I'm regretting every moment of ever seeing it now moire than ever just thinking back to that day. I HOPE I'M NOT ALONE...

I mean, fuck. I love vampires- I draw them- a lot. HELL, vampires, besides robots/ mecha designs, are the reason I got into graphic arts in the first place (Holy Fuck, my avatar on this website is a fucking vampire!!), at least by pen/pencil or MSPaint, which I proudly use to draw.

Now, however, I just feel bad that stupid people who've seen that shitfest out there think vampires are like fairies/angelic beings... There are many different species of vampire, granted, but "SPARKLING"?!!

If they were were badass like any other species... OK. BUT HERE WTITH TWILIGHT, FUCK NO...

poptart fantastico
09-22-2009, 03:00 AM
How dare is insult Diet Coke by comparing it to sparkle-puss!

LOL Hey, atleast HE sees fuckin' Edward for what he truly is.

02-09-2010, 05:10 PM
Twilight is one of my favorite movie but not as better as New Moon although in Twilight there are some scenes wherein their is some glitches I think its because of the director ..But all in all I like the chemistry of Bella and Edward

jewess crabcake
02-09-2010, 05:11 PM

02-17-2010, 07:08 PM
Well I guess if your a guy watching this movie you will surely not appreciate it since it is more of a lovestory movie

02-18-2010, 02:00 AM
Off-topic: but wasn't the actress who played Bella also in another unrelated vampire movie?

Darth Revan
02-18-2010, 02:34 AM
All these new vampire movies, make vampires out to be tragic victims, ignoring the fact that they are monsters. Bram Stoker's Dracula is a great Vampire novel and the movie was great (Gary Oldman played Dracula quite well, though not as good as Christopher Lee), as are the Vampire movies with Christopher Lee or Bela Lugosi in the lead role of the Vampire. They do not romanticize Vampires, rather portray them as what they are: Monsters.

All this tragic romance stuff now in Vampire movies seriously is weak. What other monster is going to get the 'New Hollywood' Treatment? Swamp Thing? The Fly? Frankenstein? The Blob?

jewess crabcake
02-18-2010, 02:39 AM
I just can't wait til they make the Crusades a teen tragedy.

Darth Revan
02-18-2010, 03:28 AM
I just can't wait til they make the Crusades a teen tragedy.

Heh, yeah... and the Spanish Inquisition a comedy.

02-18-2010, 03:41 AM
Let's not forget the Salem Witch trials, It's got Desperate Housewives potential. The whole re-imagining could cast Playmates for the titular witches, and porn stars Ron Jeremy and Peter North will be carrying out the witches' "trial" and "punishment".

02-18-2010, 04:11 AM
Well I guess if your a guy watching this movie you will surely not appreciate it since it is more of a lovestory movie

Anyone who has a sense as to what is good and what is not would agree that the Twilight movies SUCK. I watched the first one (because I wanted to watch a movie that I haven't seen before and my sister rented Twilight) and I laughed so hard when Edward says something about him being a monster, opens up his shirt as the sun shines on him, and he fucking sparkles. Seriously, what the fuck is up with that? Anyone who is someone knows that vampires don't fucking sparkle when the sun hits them. They burn and die!

Anyone who likes this series needs an Awakening.

Darth Revan
02-18-2010, 04:16 AM
Wait... the Monty Python crew DID a comedy version of the Spanish Inquisition. Soo...

Have Jack the Ripper, Vlad Dracul, Dong Zhuo and Nobunaga Oda as a Children's entertainment group, ala The Wiggles.

Back to the topic:

Having Vampires 'glitter' in sunlight, when normally exposed to sunlight they burst into flame... I'm sorry, the whole 'glittery' Vampire is BS.

03-23-2010, 02:12 AM
New Moon was SO MUCH BETTER (soundtrack, score, plot and director-wise)