11-28-2008, 03:34 AM
Here is a more complete music including tracks exclusive on the 360 & PS3 consoles. The songs are fully tagged and a couple of tracks have been edited such as the Night Battle themes which I have complied into a mix. Enjoy!


The Empire City Hub songs and a full version of the Mazuri Night Stage are not in this rip but will eventually be added when found. I will appreciate it if someone can upload the remaining tracks.

Track Listing:
*UPDATE* 1/4/08-Revamped Track List, Tags, and Edited Tracks
*-New Track

01-Endless Possibilities
02-The World Adventure ~ Title Screen
03-Menu ~ Sonic World Adventure
05-Opening ~ Sonic's Assault on Eggman's Base*
06-Opening ~ Werehog Unleashed*
07-Apotos Day
08-Apotos ~ Windmill Isle Day
09-Apotos Night
10-Apotos ~ Windmill Isle Night
11-Night Battle Suite
12-Night Mini-Boss Battle
13-Tornado ~ To Spagonia
14-Eggman Boss
15-Mazuri Day
16-Mazuri ~ Savannah Citadel Day
17-Mazuri Night
18-Mazuri ~ Savannah Citadel Night
19-Gaia Temple Music
20-Restoring the Continents
21-Spagonia Day
22-Spagonia ~ Rooftop Run Day
23-Spagonia Night
24-Spagonia ~ Rooftop Run Night
25-Dr.Pickle's Laboratory
26-Holoska Day
27-Holoska ~ Cool Edge Day
28-Holoska Night
29-Holoska ~ Cool Edge Night
30-Dark Gaia's Spawn Boss
31-Chun-Nan Day
32-Chun-Nan ~ Dragon Road Day
33-Chun-Nan Night
34-Chun-Nan ~ Dragon Road Night
35-Shamar Day
36-Shamar ~ Arid Sands Day
37-Shamar Night
38-Shamar ~ Arid Sands Night
39-Adabat Day
40-Adabat ~ Jungle Joyride Day
41-Adabat Night
42-Adabat ~ Jungle Joyride Night
43-The World Adventure ~ World Map
44-Empire City Day*
45-Empire City ~ Skyscraper Scamper Day
46-Empire City Night*
47-Empire City ~ Skyscraper Scamper Night
48-Tornado ~ Route to Eggman Land*
49-Eggman Land ~ Theme of Eggman
50-Eggman Land ~ Crimson Carnival Day
51-Eggman Land ~ Crimson Carnival Night
52-Egg Dragoon Boss
53-Dark Gaia Phase 1
54-Dark Gaia Phase 1 (Running)
55-Dark Gaia Phase 2 ~ Endless Possibilities Orchestra Version
57-Dear My Friend
58-The World Adventure ~ Full Version
59-Result E
60-Clear Fanfare 1
61-Clear Fanfare 2

Sorry about the quality of Track 5, if anyone can rip that song from the Sonic Unleashed sound test, can they send me the track so I can update the tracklist with a better quality version of the track. Enjoy!

Credit to Kojichan for the 360 Tracks.

*UPDATE* 11/29/08

Opening ~ Werehog Unleashed
Empire City Day (Hub)
Empire City Night (Hub)
Tornado ~ Route to Eggman Land

*Link Deleted* Go to the next update for 360/PS3 Tracks.

*UPDATE* 11/30/08

For those who do not want to re-download the entire rip, here are the tracks missing from the Wii/PS2 Rip


And I was wondering if anyone could rip the .asf media files from the Sonic Unleashed ISO? (I believe the 360 version has them.) If you can then could you please upload them and I will be glad to do all of the dirty work. (Editing, Tagging, you get the idea...) I will be sure to update the full rip soon.

*UPDATE* 12/21/08

Better quality of track five. (Opening ~ Sonic's Assault on Eggman's Base)


Thanks to Zero Two for the upload.

11-28-2008, 04:01 AM
The lord of Monsters gives you a box of awesomeness for this rip.

11-28-2008, 04:37 AM
Woot Woot great find !!!!!! Kudos, Accolades, and Emconium

11-28-2008, 04:40 AM
It may just be me, but why does the music do a quick skip about 2:15 seconds in Rooftop Run's daytime music?

11-28-2008, 05:11 AM
I thought i got rid of all of the blank skips in every track. >_<
I've uploaded a re-edit of Rooftop Run Day without the annoying skip if you really want it.


11-28-2008, 05:15 AM
Thanks for the reedit

11-28-2008, 05:36 AM
I wonder if the 360 rips have better quality than wii's? And are Hedgehog Act tracks included in your rip?

11-28-2008, 05:39 AM
well the songs sound pretty much the same

11-28-2008, 05:58 AM
The songs for each version is mainly the same except that the 360/PS3 versions have exclusive songs which have slightly better quality than the tracks on the Wii/Ps2 version. The hedgehog tracks are the ones that have (country ~ name of zone day)

11-28-2008, 07:12 AM
Great. The music in Windmill Act Day and Dragon Road Day fascinates me!

11-28-2008, 07:53 AM
!!!!!, thanks very much! I've been waiting for a full version!

11-28-2008, 07:30 PM
thanks so much. This should hold me over until the OST releases in January =)

11-28-2008, 08:09 PM
I love you people

11-28-2008, 09:01 PM
Did you manage to find those songs yet by the way?

Moon Doggie
11-28-2008, 09:01 PM
you're the best !!!
i was looking for this, windmill isle day stage's music is way cool.

Sin Ansem
11-28-2008, 09:55 PM
Much thanks! Finally, I can listen to Empire City from my mp3 player!

I don't have everything yet, but did you shorten the night stage music? It was kinda aggravating to see 10MB files that go on for twelve minutes.

EDIT: Maybe you can put this on Rapidshare? My connection fails and it takes eons to download... ;_;

11-28-2008, 10:57 PM
Thak you very much

11-29-2008, 12:46 AM
The night stage music was originally seperated into 4 pieces so i shortened them and created a medley so that you wouldnt have to go through 4 tracks that sound almost alike.

11-29-2008, 01:20 AM
Beautiful!!! Thanx a lot.

Sin Ansem
11-29-2008, 01:27 AM
Nevermind my original request, I managed to get it all.

And everything IS shortened to a reasonable length! WOOO!

BTW, Tomoya Ohtani's the man behind most of these songs, so I tagged him as the artist.

Caper the Fox
11-29-2008, 05:57 AM

Sound Reaper
11-29-2008, 07:05 AM
I have a question for you mein freund. Would you like to be reffered to as "!!!", or something else when I give credit to you on the next RadioSEGA update?

11-29-2008, 04:08 PM
Nice, been looking for this for quite a while. Now I can wait for the OST to be released next year, thank you.

11-30-2008, 06:58 AM

I've uploaded four new tracks:

Opening ~ Werehog Unleashed
Empire City Day (Hub)
Empire City Night (Hub)
Tornado ~ Route to Eggman Land


And I was wondering if anyone could rip the .asf media files from the Sonic Unleashed ISO? (I believe the 360 version has them.) If you can then could you please upload them and I will be glad to do all of the dirty work. (Editing, Tagging, you get the idea...) I will be sure to update the full rip soon.


11-30-2008, 07:39 AM
Thanks for the rip, I really appreciate it. I think Sonic games generally have some of the best video game compositions in the business. I've been feverishly waiting for the soundtrack since i heard the trailers. So thanks again for sharing and keeping my wait short. The soundtrack is definitely a work of art

Keep up the good work!!

P.S. The game is great!! The Sonic levels are pure bliss! anyone on this thread should recommend it to someone

12-01-2008, 01:55 AM
*UPDATE* 11/30/08

For those who do not want to re-download the entire rip, here are the tracks missing from the Wii/PS2 Rip


12-01-2008, 04:41 AM
Hmm the file is no longer available :(

12-01-2008, 04:34 PM
Thanks for the additional tracks!

12-01-2008, 07:43 PM
Kewl. Can you renumber the initial rip on top of page to show where they fit in?

12-01-2008, 10:16 PM
Great scott! This soundtrack is amazing. There are few tracks that remind me of the Ska Sonic generation that's been plaguing the poor hedgehog the last few games. The fewer the better. I know this isn't the place for reviews, but still...thanks for making this incredible soundtrack available.

12-02-2008, 01:05 AM
...eh? what's this? is this some awesome? yes it is.

been waiting for this. thanks alot for putting it up. currently playing the game so far and i'm loving the music.

12-02-2008, 03:40 AM
Thank you so much. This game has a great soundtrack.
Now I just need to finish completing Eggman Land.

12-02-2008, 03:42 AM
Thank you for reupping.

12-02-2008, 11:46 AM
Thank you very much for uploading this great rip!

12-03-2008, 05:18 AM
I have a question; I downloaded this and while I love the songs I was wondering in terms of "quality" how close is this to "cd" quality? I'm not really wowed by what I am hearing (though grateful) and am wondering if this is "as good as it's supposed to sound" or are certain compromises made in how these tracks were obtained?

If this were on a cd, is this "about" how they would anyway??

12-03-2008, 02:41 PM
Thank you for the hard work!
Empire City, is mine!!

Zero Two
12-04-2008, 01:27 AM
Opening ~ Werehog Unleashed

Any chance of the first half of this?

12-05-2008, 01:44 AM
*UPDATE* 1/4/08-Revamped Track List, Tags, and Edited Tracks
*-New Track

01-Endless Possibilities
02-The World Adventure ~ Title Screen
03-Menu ~ Sonic World Adventure
05-Opening ~ Sonic's Assault on Eggman's Base*
06-Opening ~ Werehog Unleashed*
07-Apotos Day
08-Apotos ~ Windmill Isle Day
09-Apotos Night
10-Apotos ~ Windmill Isle Night
11-Night Battle Suite
12-Night Mini-Boss Battle
13-Tornado ~ To Spagonia
14-Eggman Boss
15-Mazuri Day
16-Mazuri ~ Savannah Citadel Day
17-Mazuri Night
18-Mazuri ~ Savannah Citadel Night
19-Gaia Temple Music
20-Restoring the Continents
21-Spagonia Day
22-Spagonia ~ Rooftop Run Day
23-Spagonia Night
24-Spagonia ~ Rooftop Run Night
25-Dr.Pickle's Laboratory
26-Holoska Day
27-Holoska ~ Cool Edge Day
28-Holoska Night
29-Holoska ~ Cool Edge Night
30-Dark Gaia's Spawn Boss
31-Chun-Nan Day
32-Chun-Nan ~ Dragon Road Day
33-Chun-Nan Night
34-Chun-Nan ~ Dragon Road Night
35-Shamar Day
36-Shamar ~ Arid Sands Day
37-Shamar Night
38-Shamar ~ Arid Sands Night
39-Adabat Day
40-Adabat ~ Jungle Joyride Day
41-Adabat Night
42-Adabat ~ Jungle Joyride Night
43-The World Adventure ~ World Map
44-Empire City Day*
45-Empire City ~ Skyscraper Scamper Day
46-Empire City Night*
47-Empire City ~ Skyscraper Scamper Night
48-Tornado ~ Route to Eggman Land*
49-Eggman Land ~ Theme of Eggman
50-Eggman Land ~ Crimson Carnival Day
51-Eggman Land ~ Crimson Carnival Night
52-Egg Dragoon Boss
53-Dark Gaia Phase 1
54-Dark Gaia Phase 1 (Running)
55-Dark Gaia Phase 2 ~ Endless Possibilities Orchestra Version
57-Dear My Friend
58-The World Adventure ~ Full Version
59-Result E
60-Clear Fanfare 1
61-Clear Fanfare 2


Sorry about the quality of Track 5, if anyone can rip that song from the Sonic Unleashed sound test, can they send me the track so I can update the tracklist with a better quality version of the track. Enjoy!

Credit to Kojichan for the 360 Tracks.

12-05-2008, 02:16 AM
Fantastic again.

12-05-2008, 07:12 AM
Thanks for this.

12-05-2008, 09:33 PM
The game is good from what I managed to play of it. Although I'm not impressed with the werehog nonsense. Thanks for uploading!

12-06-2008, 02:50 AM
Just finished d/ling this mofo. And honestly, I'm not wowed, but there are some good tracks that frankly got my attention.

While I'm being honest, I'm not a fan of the music from the Sonic series, but there has been quite a considerable amount of hype for this game that I just had to d/l this. Might be getting the game sometime this month for teh shiz an' gigglz.

Thanks for the share, Exclamation Man.

12-14-2008, 08:59 PM
Thanks a lot. Like someone else said, this'll hold me over until the official soundtrack comes out. I'm glad I heard about this game a couple weeks before it came out instead of back in the springtime. I'd go insane.

Thanks again.

12-16-2008, 12:40 AM
Thanks so much.

12-16-2008, 04:13 AM
EEEE!!! I've been waiting since April!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

Crysta, who will be jammin' to Spagonia Day!!

12-21-2008, 05:29 PM
Opening ~ Sonic's Assault on Eggman's Base

Is there a better version of this?

Zero Two
12-21-2008, 11:33 PM
thanks for uploading the first half if you want a better quality version


12-22-2008, 12:32 AM
thanks for uploading the first half if you want a better quality version


Thank you Zero Two! I'll be sure to upload this with the full rip. From my knowledge, there is only one track that remains:The training stage in Apotos. I will greatly appreciate it if someone could upload this last track.

12-22-2008, 12:54 AM
Thanks, but the Filefactory link went down. Re-up please? :)

12-22-2008, 01:59 AM
Re-Uploaded with replaced fifth track.


12-22-2008, 04:05 AM
I love the game as well, however my PS3 version crashes sometimes on the werehog levels :(

12-23-2008, 03:10 AM
Thanks a lot for this rip!!! XD

I'm not sure if I'll ever get the chance to play this game, but the music is truly great. It's nice to have a change in the style of the music in the Sonic games, for once =) .

12-24-2008, 04:34 AM
Thanks =D I love Sonic Unleashed!!!

12-24-2008, 08:21 AM
I love the game as well, however my PS3 version crashes sometimes on the werehog levels :(

oh, really, but wii and xbox360 versions are not any better, they are losing frames on werehog levels all the time.

12-30-2008, 09:14 PM
thanx alot man this soundtrack is awesome

01-10-2009, 01:22 PM
Just what i'm looking for thank you very much

mr. newbie
01-13-2009, 04:17 AM

01-23-2009, 02:52 AM
Thank you so much. Very appreciated

01-23-2009, 08:28 PM
Hmm, I have to ask, what compression profile/settings are you using?

01-24-2009, 01:29 AM
128kbps, 48000hz, CD Quality Audio
If I used a higher setting, it would have took ages for me to upload especially if i converted to .flac.

02-10-2009, 05:16 AM
Pretty good. :)

Well, I�ve created three covers for it, If you want, guys...

Download them from here (http://www.divshare.com/download/6519632-033)

Also... http://www.campsonic.com/sonic-unleashed-wallpapers

Preview from the Covers

1st Cover

2nd Cover

3rd and Last Cover

03-05-2013, 05:23 PM
Any chance for a re-up of this gem?