06-26-2002, 11:41 PM
1) About getting Anima: I have gotten the treasures from every temple but Bevelle. From what I've read on this board, either it's impossible for me to get the treasure now and therefore I cannot get Anima, it's impossible to get the treasure but the Bevelle statue will light up anyway, or the treasure is automatically received the first time you're in Bevelle. So, what's true? And let me double check something here about getting all the treasures. I have gotten treasures from:


Is there a temple besides Bevelle that I'm missing?

2) What's a "dark aeon"?

06-27-2002, 04:32 AM
1) Nope, only six temple...... in order to get Anima you have to collected all of the
Destruction Spheres (not the treasure ) in the previous Temples.Soo...just ignore the treasure.

2)The dark Aeons are ultra hard versions of your normal Aeons which become available to fight during the last part of the game (only in FFX int).....that's all

06-27-2002, 01:06 PM
Okay, then I'm very confused. I've gotten the destruction sphere from all the temples. :confused: Why is one statue in Baaj not lighting up?

EDIT: Found a walkthrough that says which statues correspond to which temples. Apparently I missed Macalania. Weird, I remember getting the treasure from it. Well anyhow, I'll have to try going back there.

06-28-2002, 12:02 AM
About having to obtian the destruction sphere's instead of the hidden treasure.....I have the Offical Stratagy guide sitting in my lap right now and it says that you have to have the hidden item(or treasure) from those temples. Not the destruction spheres. The destruction spheres are the only way to get the hidden treasure.

P.S. I diden't think you had to get anything from Bevelle.

06-28-2002, 10:53 AM
First the treasure from bevele temple is on the path out and you automaticaly pic it up so if you missed it you are beyond help. The chest that breaks off to the side isn't the destruction sphere treasure so don't worry.

What you should do is check every temple just to be sure you got the treasure just save macalania and besaid for last and save before you go there because there's a dark aeon at each of these so if the treasure you missed are at either of these be ready to train very hard

(don't worry if you did this I'm currently having the same problem I hate dark valefor so much GGGRRRRRRRR)

06-28-2002, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by RedRaven
About having to obtian the destruction sphere's instead of the hidden treasure.....I have the Offical Stratagy guide sitting in my lap right now and it says that you have to have the hidden item(or treasure) from those temples. Not the destruction spheres. The destruction spheres are the only way to get the hidden treasure.

P.S. I diden't think you had to get anything from Bevelle.
Hmm...strange.I never take any treasure from each temple, but i still can get that Anima O_o :uh?:

fascist socialist
06-28-2002, 12:51 PM
I think you have to get the treasure in each temple to get Anima. My first time through.. I'm pretty sure I found most of the Destruction spheres, but had no clue on what to do with them. Eventually I did, but I was missing 4/6 temples... so I think you need the treasure.

In Bevelle, it's impossible to miss the treasure, since you can't get back in. I believe you have to just see the treasure chest.. :uh?:

06-29-2002, 05:28 AM
Hmm......maybe you just have to have the destruction spheres in the version with the dark Aeons, and the treasure in the version without them, because I have the other one(the one released in USA) without the dark Aeons. Who knows....

06-29-2002, 05:16 PM

In FFX US version, you have to get the treasures from each place in order to light the statues.

So you got the Magistral Rod from Zanarkand using the white block puzzle?

Well, there is a treasure in Bevelle that you must get via the Destruction Sphere, but if you have already sent Maester Mika, then I don't think you can reenter. When you go back there, the two brothers of that other summoner should come out and block the path, so I guess you are out of luck.

Oh yes, and about the Dark Aeons. Dark Aeons are a stronger version of the regular Aeons that you can fight once you go into the temple where you got them. The Dark Aeons are especially powerful, with I believe only one or two under 1,000,000 HP and very high stats that make your Aeons inferior.

Once you defeat all of the Dark Aeons, then you will have a new location on your List in the Airship called Pennance. This fight takes place on the platform where you fought Evrae Altana and Sin. Pennance is extremely hard, with max stats and 12,000,000 HP, which is 2,000,000 HP more than Nemesis.

You do benefit from the battle with Pennance if you manage to win because you will get 3 Master Spheres for a regular kill and possibly Weapons and Armor with the best modifiers on them including Ribbon.

Very tough, he is......

07-06-2002, 12:47 AM
Yeah I can't anima either, I have gotten all the items and fought that stupid fish thing...now what?

07-06-2002, 01:26 AM
Walk up to each statue. Do they all light up? If not, which ones don't light up?

07-06-2002, 02:02 AM
All six statues in the place just before the door to Anima are supposed to light up. I think that Zanarkand is the one on the far left or right. It's the yellow one anways.....

You have to go and pray to all of them, using the square button like with the Qactaur statues in Thunder Plains.

07-06-2002, 03:13 AM
OHHH! I have to pray too....I didn't know that! Thanks!

07-06-2002, 04:06 AM
You do? o_O I thought you just had to walk past them. I don't remember praying.

07-12-2002, 05:20 PM
I have all crests(Saturn,Moon,...)exept one.It's the yellow stone(the statue first on the left side when you enter).
Wich crest is that ?

Do you have to use a destruction sphere in Zanarkand ?

07-12-2002, 07:13 PM
Yes, the final yellow stone is in Zanarkand.

In order to get this and reveal the Magistral Rod, you must fly back to Zanarkand and enter the dome. Once you do, a new puzzle is displayed on the screen. Step on three white squares in the first room and the four in the larger chamber. This opens a panel in the first room revealing a Destruction Sphere. Place the destruction Sphere into the slot to the right of the monitor in the large chamber, and the screen will explode. Collect the Magistral Rod, and return to Baaj Temple.

There you go, just as easy as that.

07-12-2002, 10:08 PM
Hey thanks,thank you very much !