Ogre Knight
06-26-2002, 11:40 PM
Here it is. My freind told me that uh... the guy with the tale is actuly... A ROBOT! Is he? I don't know if its true so reply ASAP please.

Ogre Knight

Incubus Tribal
06-27-2002, 05:38 AM
Not a robot. Just a clone like in Star Wars Episode II...

He is like the Bounty hunter's son. The guy who made him made several thousand others yet Zidane is this guy's private clone(his son). There is two other private clones (SPOILER...Kuja, Zidane's brother and an obscure one that still lives with the clone maker, Mikoto, which is Zidane's Sister)...

The private clones are not made private clones because the guy who made him wants sons and daughters of his blood, he wants them for sinister plots although I am sure at first Kuja probably got along with the clone maker...maybe even calling him "Dad"... but by the game, it is not so... (SPOILER)

Well you could say He IS a robot..but this makes just as much since and since Zidane consumed food in the game..

But the most accepted idea I see is that the guy that made him, just blinked him and his brethren into existance...

But the idea that they are genetic clones of the clone maker...makes more since and makes him an easier character to relate to...it kinda softens the blow a little...

06-27-2002, 06:44 PM
MAJOR SPOILER ALERT AHEAD!! Do not read any futher if you haven't finished FFIX as the whole plot is given away.

To clarify a few things, I present to you, my interpretation of FFIX's plot:

The Genomes were created by Garland as the host bodies for the original inhabitants of Terra, a world which was dying, but one whose science had progressed to the point where their spirits could be stored out of their bodies until Terra could be 'reborn'. Garland's plan to accomplish this was by having Terra 'assimilate' itself with another, living, planet. Eventually, the planet of Gaia was chosen. Gaia at that point in time was a world consiting entirely of water - there was no dry land masses or continents, nor was there any land or flying animals - all life forms being contained entirely in the sea. Gaia was perfect for Garland's needs, however, the assimilation was only partly successful. It accelerated Terra's demise, yet it intiated geological change on Gaia. The four continents rose from the ocean, plants and animals evolved at a remarkable rate (including humans), who soon formed civillisations. Unfortunetly for Garland, Gaia had also claimed Terra's disembodied souls, assimilating them into it's new eco-system, which was probably the reason for Gaia's accelerated evolution. Bitter at his failure, and desperate to complete his task anyway, Garland created the Iifa Tree, a massive 'tree of life', whose job it was to filter Gaia's spiritual broth (think of the Lifestream from FFVII, or 'Gaia' from the FF movie), and transfer the collected souls, slowly, but surely, back to Terra, where they would be stored again, until Gaia was completely drained of it's spiritual ether. Then, the former souls of Gaia, would be housed in the Genomes' bodies, and Terra would once again be assimilated with Gaia, this time permently..

As part of this proccess of soul collection and transference, the Iifa Tree produced a thick, noxious gas simply called 'The Mist' as a by-product. Consisting of stagant spiritual energy, this toxic cloud caused genetic mutations in plants and animals, turning them into monsters, and stiring agression and hatred amongst the rapidly growing human population. Most of the human civillisation was contained on the largest landmass, so Garland had the roots of the Iifa Tree sprout there, to envelop the continent under the thick veil of the Mist, therefore heighting the hostility amongst the human societies - the transference of souls to Terra was best brought about by war.

About this time, the humans on Gaia had begun to discover aracne knowledge, in the form of magic - expermenting with such magic types as Black and White Magic, until a small village on the faraway Outer Continent discovers the ultimate magic - Summon Magic. Using magic to summon spiritual beings called 'Eidolons', which took the form of figures from myth and legend, the Summoners became increasingly arrogant - using their powers for warfare and selfishness - until finally, an Eidolon is created which no one can control - Alexander, the Holy Eidolon, and judge of the Summoners. Alexander punishes the summoners for their arrogance(the exact punishment is unknown, however it's assumed to be terrifying), who soon vow never to let their magic be used for evil. However, these events have been watched with interest above on Terra by Garland, who, perciving them as a possible threat, uses his soul-powered airship, the 'Invincible', to destroy the Summoner's Village of Madain Sari, killing most of the inhabitants. However, some survived, including a woman and a young girl who fled to the city of Alexandria.

Back on Terra, Garland created a special Genome with heightend powers and a soul of his own, with the intention of sending him to Gaia and cause further hostility and violence - his own 'Angel of Death', as he puts it, however, the Genome created - whom he name's 'Kuja', is arrogant and vain in the extreme. Taught by Garland that only the strong survive, and the weak are just objects to be despised, Kuja soon proves too dificult for Garland to control, so some time later, he creates another special Genome - one meant to succeed where Kuja failed.

However, Kuja soon dicovers Garland's plans, and, in an effort to throw a 'spanner in his works', steals the young Genome and wisks him down to Gaia and abandons him. This Genome is soon rescued by the Tantalus gang of bandits, who recruit the youngster into their gang, and give him the name Zidane.

Betrayed, and annoyed rather than upset, over Zidane's abandonment, Garland creates yet another special Genome. This one, a girl named Mikoto, and free of Kuja's interference, soon grows justs like the regular Genomes, and oversees their development in the Terra settlement of Bran Bal.

Back on Gaia, Kuja soon grows in power and stature, becoming a noble in the Alexandrian Kingdom and masquerading as a weapons dealer. He soon learns about the existence of the Eidolons, and he soon craves their power, as they could be the very thing Kuja needs to show Garland who's really powerful.

Kuja soon learns that one survivor of Madain Sari's destruction managed to make it to Alexandria. More remarkable, is the revelation that the survivor, is actually the Alexandrian heir to the throne, Princess Garnet! Appearing too good to be true, Kuja approaches Alexandria's Queen Brahne with plans for weapons of emmense power. Using the Mist and Black Magic, Kuja creates for Brahne, an army of Black Mage Soldiers, which she promptly uses to invade and overthrow all the other countries of the Mist Continent. However, Kuja also tells Brahne of Garnet's latent summoning power, with the view to draining it from her, then stealing it in turn from Brahne. Brahne completely destroys the hidden town of Cleyra with the Eidolon of Odin, and even brings the powerful mechanised city of Lindblum to it's knees with Atomos.

However, it's said that hunger for power only begets death and destruction, as Brahne, crazed with greed, launches an attack on Kuja at the Iifa Tree, even summoning the Dragon King Bahamut against him. However, Kuja had a trump card - the Invincible - which he uses to possess Bahamut and turn him against Brahne, showing the shocked monarch that she'd froged an enemy who was more than capable of taking her on. Kuja then procceds to then whipe out Brahne's fleet (and Brahne) completely.

At the same time, Zidane, believing the Iifa Tree to be Kuja's lair, descends into the bowels of the Tree, and destroys the part of the tree that produced the Mist. Immediately, the Mist clears from the Mist Continent, allowing the sun to shine clearly for the first time in thousands of years.

As Garnet is crowned the new queen of Alexandria, Kuja launches an assualt on Alexandria with the intention of luring out Alexander. Alexander is summoned, but Kuja didn't count on Garland appearing and seizing back control of the Invincible. First Garland uses the demonic machine to attempt to possess Alexander, but Alexander's strong will and Holy power prevent it from being possessed - it would rather destroy itself then turn to the dark. Ignoring Kuja, Garland blasts Alexandria from above with a giant psychic laser from the bottom of the Invincible, reducing the once elegant city to rubble in seconds, and killing a lot of innocent civillians.

After coming face to face with Zidane, Kuja takes him and his party hostage, and blackmail's his brother(who was ignorant of that fact) into recovering an item which Kuja needs to return to Terra without the Invincible - an item called the Gulug Stone which was stored in an old fortress called Oelievert. While there, Zidane learned a lot about Terra's history, but didn't understand it.

Confronting Kuja, Zidane chases the maniac across the ocean to Mount Gulug, where Kuja has taken a young Summoner by the name of Eiko hostage, with the desperate plan of using her Eidolons against Garland. However, Zidane and party arrive just in time to save Eiko, but not before the demonic villian flees back to his home world.

Discovering Kuja's true origins, Zidane and his group unlock Kuja's hidden gateway to Terra, an island known by locals as 'The path of Souls', and promptly arrive there. Garland greets Zidane, and gives him a few cryptic clues. Ecountering Mikoto, Zidane and the team arrive in Bran Bal after seeing the Invincible rise into the sky. Mikoto soon reveals Zidane's true birthplace, as well as a little of his destiny. He then leaves to confront Garland in the floating castle of Pandemonium - the place where 'Terra's souls sleep while biding their time.'

Garland omniously leads Zidane through Pandemonium, revealing his past, as well as his plans and his intentions for Zidane as well as Kuja and Mikoto. Zidane refuses Garland's offer 'to live amongst the stars for eternity', and attempts to strike the ruthless technocrat down, only to fall to the ground uncouncious as Garland raises his hand.

Garland then decides to change Zidane into a normal Genome - draining him of all his personality and concious thought. However, his party free him, only for Zidane to stomp on their feelings and turn his back on them. Eventually, they manage to convince Zidane that he is not a puppet or plaything of some higher power, but a person - a living, thinking being, and most importantly, their good friend.

Reunited once more, Zidane and his party confront and attack Garland, only for Kuja to show up and kill Garland by kicking him over a ledge. Freed from the physical relm however, Garland taunts Kuja, before Kuja learns the true secret of the legendary 'Trance' - raw spiritual power, in Kuja's case - drawn from the power core of the Invincible hovering overhead, and he unleashes Ultima onto Terra in a blazing orgy of destruction.

Narrowlly escaping to the Invincible by the skin of their teeth, Zidane manages to evacuate the Genomes (as well as his sister Mikoto), back to Gaia just as Kuja destroys the last remaining piece of Terra's native civillisation.

However, upon their return, Zidane discovers that the Mist has reappeared - this time totally covering the entire planet. Obviously Kuja has come back to Gaia and it's all set for a final showdown. After dropping Mikoto and the Genomes off at the Black Mage Village Zidane flys the Invincible into a hovering ball of evil over the Iifa Tree. Saved from a swarm of Nova Dragons by the Lindblum Air Force, Zidane discovers a place hidden in this relm of insanity called Memoria - a world created from their deepest memories and darkest thoughts. Reappearing once again in Zidane's thoughts, Garland reveals the truth behind Gaia's birth, and the meaning of life - in particular, that by tracing back through the generations, all life forms can be traced back to a single creation point - The Crystal of Life.

A huge gem of emmense magical power, Zidane discovers that Kuja intends to destroy the Crystal - in one, last, desperate moment of insanity, Kuja has come to the conclusion that if he is to die, then the rest of the Universe has no right to exist without him. Battling once again, Kuja knocks out Zidane and his party with him with Ultima, drawing them into a kind of purgatory, where Necron - a being older than the Crystal - has been summoned by Kuja's threats against the Crystal with the intention of returning the Universe to 'nothingness'. However, Zidane manages to destroy Necron, but remarkably, Kuja survived, and uses his magic to teleport Zidane and party back to Gaia. After sending the rest of his party away, Zidane seeks Kuja out, but finds him dying. On his deathbed, Kuja repents his actions, like Zidane earlier, believing himself to be useless. With his last breath, Kuja discovers that he 'finally knows what it means to live'.

Now, with Bran Bal destroyed, Garland and Kuja dead, Terra becomes a dead, red moon in Gaia's sky, and the Genomes soon discover, like Zidane and Kuja, the true meaning of life, and what it really means to be 'alive'.

Phew! My fingers hurt from all that typing! If I've made any mistakes with the plot, please, feel free to clarify.

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"Man, that went straight to my heart." Cid, with tongue partly in cheek, replying to Barret's offer of the leadership of AVALANCHE, FFVII.

Incubus Tribal
06-27-2002, 08:52 PM
Damn! So you can see it goes off the deepend kinda quickly. Imagine if people were doing that to our planet.

I mean, someone trying to reincarnate thier planet with an army of clones and sending his own private clone to go attack thier world.

and also it would suck to know that we would owe our human condition on a race of dying monkey tailed people hundereds of years more advanced than us and also it would suck to have your human condition deprived for punishment.

Actually their was a british movie about creating our world that was made in 1968. It was called "5 millions years till Earth". It is about Martians being responsible for making human civilization by trying to change Earth into a Martian colony. That was also the deal in "Mission To Mars" that was made in 2000.

So basically a silly game can turn into the X-files quite fast.

06-27-2002, 11:30 PM
Wow, I applaud you Enkidoh ! That was almost as good to read as it was to play.....almost. And exsactly how I precieved the story. Jeez, do you have a script hindin away somewhere or what?!? Good Job!

Incubus Tribal
06-28-2002, 01:54 AM
Yeah, but that story really makes you ponder...FFIX has probably the most "powerful" happenings. I mean, there is a man that has lived for 6000 years and has gave the human condition to an entire planet and has given birth to thousands of children, but only three that he has given souls too... I mean thats more powerful than JENOVA and Sephiroth. It makes him seem like a Demi-God. It makes Kuja and Zidane look like the son of a god..like hercules...I mean Kuja is more than a man and lesser than a god, and bt the end, so is Zidane.

06-29-2002, 05:25 AM
May I kiss you, Enkidoh? :D I finally understand the game now and everything is so much more clearer. I always wondered about Necron and how he tied into the whole plot. *goes and plays the game over*;)

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
07-07-2002, 08:18 AM
Nicely done, Enkindoh, but where'd you get the stuff about the Summoners being a warlike people? I don't think that they used their power to cause wars. If they had, why would Garland have killed them off? They were killing people, just like he wanted. I mean, he could probably take them on if they got in his face.

Not only that, I don't think that Alexander could punish them for their arrogance. I think that an eidolon is bent to the will of the summoner. Odin didn't attack Queen Brahne, and she was an amateur when it came to summoning. I think that a whole village of summoners could control Alexander if Garnet and Eiko could.

I think you made all that stuff up!

And I don't think that Kuja was a noble at the castle. He was just the arms dealer, who persuaded Queen Brahne that she needed to conquer the rest of he continent. He supplied her with what she wanted, so he got preferential treatment (hence his appearance at the auction), but probably not an actual title. But that's just me. I could be wrong.

07-11-2002, 07:01 PM
A couple of points here, Vorn:

Alexander is the Judge of the Eidolons, however, like all Eidolons, it has to be summoned first by a summoner. Unlike the other eidolons however, Alexander appears to possess his own free will, rather than just being a magical puppet(hence his 'calling' to Eiko and Garnet during Kuja's attack on Alexandria), and once summoned, is able to dismmiss any eidolon with ease. Why else do you think his attack is called 'Holy Judgement'?

As for the Summoners being punished by Alexander, I seem to recall some lines mentioned in the game about the early history of the Summoners, about them becoming brash and selfish. I also seem to recall Eiko mentioning at the Iifa Tree that a long time ago, an Eidolon was summoned that was too powerful to be controlled, and they were 'punished' for it. The first part, I now think was referring to Leviathan's failed summoning, but it's the reference to the summoners being 'punished' that got me thinking. If Alexander's the 'judge' of the Eidolons and the Summoners, then he would have been the only force capable of punishing them for their arrogance. (maybe a couple of them were sacrificed to 'contain' Leviathan with Carbuncle, or something).

And as for Garland destroying Madain Sari, think about it. Why else was Kuja so obssessed with trying to find the Eidolons? He knew it was the only force that Garland was truley frightend of, and he wanted to show Garland that he was the more powerful of the two. For instance Kuja said "I first learned of powers, that would daunt even 'him; over ten years ago."

Obviously, the 'powers' are the Eidolons, and 'him', is Garland. As for the reason why Garland destroyed Madain Sari, and later, Alexandria, Mikoto mentioned in the lab in Bran Bal:

"Once Garland tried a more forceful method, but failed. As a result of his failure, Garland was forced to wait a long time until Gaia's civillisations had developed the power. The power to summon Eidolons."

Zidane realised that Summon Magic was the only force strong enough to stop Terra's Master Plan. To quote: "So, that's why you destroyed the Summoner's Village and attacked Alexandria."

As the Eidolons are powerful spirits, sucking them up into the Invincible's power core during Madain Sari's and Alexandria's destruction only accelerates the soul-transferance between Gaia and Terra. Either way, he gained by doing it.

And finally, Kuja WAS a noble. How else would he have been able to manipulate Brahne into starting the war, if he wasn't of Nobility? If he'd come to her off the street looking like a grotty peasant promising her all these powerful weapons that no one else knew about she probably would have thrown him into the dungeon! Besides, not only was Kuja seen at the Treno Auction House speaking with the Auctioneer, but also Freya mentions that Kuja was rumoured to be the enigmatic 'King' who owned, amongst other things, the Auction House and Kings Mansion (the one Zidane broke into years before and framed Amarant for the crime!)., as well as being the most influential aristocrat in Treno. Therefore, it's a safe bet to assume that Kuja is a noble.

And besides, only an eccentric aristocrat would dress like THAT!

If anyone knows anything else, then please, feel free to add your own comments!

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"What a bimbo!" Eiko, annoyed at Mikoto's cold and aloof personality, FFIX.

07-29-2002, 05:34 AM
if Kuja is 24-ish and he learn powers such as the summons over ten years before hand, wouldn't that make him aweful young?:eek:

08-01-2002, 02:20 PM
It would make him 14... 8 years older than what Eiko is now. If Eiko could do it at 6, then Kuja should be able to do it at 14.

08-08-2002, 07:38 PM
Garnet and Eiko couldn't control Alexander; they merely summoned him. Going along with the whole "Judge of the Eidolons" thing, Alexander attacked Bahamut because he was doing evil, not because Garnet and Eiko asked him to.

If you remember, at one point Brahne had all four jewels necessary to summon Alexander (Garnet had one of them, she had been recaptured, Cid had another, another was in Burmecia, and the final one was on the harp in Cleyra). We can only assume the reason she didn't summon Alexander is because she couldn't -- he didn't want to be summoned.